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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I do see your point, really, it's good practice, but the thing is stories have short lives, it's probably already had all its coverage. So nobody's tracking the victims down. Gaiman isn't saying anything & can't be forced to except by a legal process that probably isn't coming. So what then?

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Couldn't bring myself to vote for Labour, so went for Plaid. Came 2nd, knocking the incumbent Tory MP into 3rd by a margin of under 100 votes. I'll take it.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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That's why Elmo has to stand over here.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I think he's one of the guys who changed his name to a youtubers.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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We need electoral reform desperately.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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😬This is going to be the lesson they take isn't it. Bumpy road ahead.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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There's some people on my feed questioning if Gaiman even made a response, which makes sense if all you've heard is "podcast" & "Boris Johnson's sister", but no- that's a site run by people who know precisely how much you can get away with.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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That would be incredibly stupid. I'm not saying it's impossible, but as a British outlet, reporting on allegations is one thing, making up whole cloth a response is the point where that company is dead, it is gone, you will be sued til it's a smoking crater in the ground.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I'm so glad you put alt text on this, because I would've felt too rude to ask "is that an andalite?" in case it was not.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I was a young teenager when a million people marched through London and the government said "lol" and got re-elected a couple of years later. It certainly left a mark on my thinking.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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He's definitely considered if he can get away with a smaller moustache. Coward should just do it.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Yes, literally yes. The centre left position is that he's only saying these things to get into power and then once he is ;) he'll go left. They don't really like it when I point out that means we both think he's a massive liar.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Yeah. The source has a grudge against him, but like my partner said, that could just mean they're motivated to find dirt, not that the dirt is false.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Yeah it'd be fine if they'd stay where they're supposed to be. Occasionally I'm reminded that the Beano still exists. That's nice, Dennis still out there, entertaining the kids. That's it, that's my sole opinion. No one would ever expect me to have more than that. Bliss.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I vaguely remember that, but only really as an aesthetic. People were more into unicycles as a mode of transportation. Much easier to store.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Well not that bad compared to some of the others lol. Afaik she was ok as a person. But there's a lot of exceptionally egregious fatphobia even for a children's author, and some weird race stuff in the 2nd Howl book, and possibly elsewhere but I was too young and white to notice.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I *think* she's saying that trans femininity is a straight man kink that's got out of hand, but honestly she could be saying practically anything at this point.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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The leftism leaving American's bodies when you talk about the military

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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And you're a fucking imperialist, so there we are.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Could any of you just like, click? On the link? I promise that the Military Times is not "my blog" as I've been accused of. The claim was that they target *poor* kids. They do not. This is a very successful myth designed to ameliorate anti military sentiment. An 18 year old is also... an adult.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I am not interested in debating the semantics of people being killed. No matter how many terrible propaganda films you make about how sad their murderers feel, it makes no difference to how dead the dead remain.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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It's like when people talk about how they can't do a boycott because blah blah, like okay, just do that then, I'm not your mum.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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May you be reincarnated in a third world county and find out how blameless American troops are. "Bad faith trolling". So far down the imperial rabbit hole you can't understand how anyone could possibly disagree.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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They do kill exclusively foreign people. They are vastly more palatable to the American left than cops (can you imagine this thread going this way if it was about the police?). These two things are directly related.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Then what fucking insult?? What are you talking about, and did you fucking see what your mates said before I blocked them? Those are insults. How could you possibly read anything I said as an insult to you if you're not in the military?

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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There's no insult, let alone a disgusting one. Murderer is a fair term for someone who kills people.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I just keep wondering if there's a line. As long as there's a slightly worse bogeyman out there, is there anything the ""left"" team can do that is too far? I have yet to get a yes answer from this genre of person either side of the Atlantic, and that's terrifying.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Woaw, and how did that go? A tool is as evil as the hand that wields it, this is why it's important not to be a tool.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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That's because it's not true

"recent recruits tend to have higher than average socioeconomic background"

And even if it was true, signing up to be a murderer for economic reasons is still disgusting. You prefer them to cops because they kill foreign people.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Ah fuck, my tea! Hey, one of these bots actually kind of works, that's neat.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I know this is just spreading distrust, but it's such a double negative anyway. If someone bad follows you, maybe (very hard maybe) that says something, but if they're secretly a massive hypocrite then that balances back out to the poster being fine.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I used to take some pleasure in "I told you so" but now I'm old enough to just be tired. They will never ever listen to us, and they will never ever learn. It won't affect them, and if it does they will immediately swing right and blame us or minorities or anyone but them.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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It's probably someone who works for her. Hopefully someone at the level of publisher or legal, and she hasn't started harassing her staff.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Thank you for sharing Matt. May everyone be chill about it.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I did start feeling bad for it halfway through. They're trying their best πŸ˜₯

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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It's the 80s, we're on the go, we don't have time for two P's.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Love how they're just so tentative like maybe... maybe women have other concerns?? Perhaps. Unknowable really. No offense to Dr Kay who didn't ask to be treated like a fascinating new species of bug.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Who have you got in 4 years? Why has nobody been spending the past 4 years making sure your choices aren't between two genocide supporters with cognitive decline? Why has nobody even spent the past year? Why are you angry with the electorate about this, not the people who have failed you all?

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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This I guess, I happened to see it now I'm in the search trying to figure out context cos I'm nosy lol.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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But absolutely do vote. Even if the party cannot win in your seat, as long as they get one MP somewhere your vote helps them get public funding called "Short money".
Or if there's a really good indy then help them get their deposit back.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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The only good thing (good here being a relative term) is that I've got immunity to tactical voting. It's going to be a landslide for the red Tories, so I can vote for who I actually want to support in the hopes of it encouraging something better next time.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Even when the inevitable critical reassessment came I still think she would've been fine. Enid Blyton & Roald Dhal, Diana Wynne-Jones and probably so many more I'm forgetting. Horrible shit is the norm and the gentle fog of nostalgia softens. But then she went on twitter.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Saw this twice because it came up in discover, like a loading screen tip.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Well there's that, but in the interim it'd be nice for you folks if the powers that be pick someone who isn't on the grim reaper's naughty list next time. For a treat.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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I've been a vegetarian since I was a kid and haven't had a period in years. What does the supermarket suggest to me every single time? Chicken and pads. Their "vast volumes of data" are fucking useless on an individual level.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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This is like a post you'd see in a horror film.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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Genuine answer- not very. My mum doesn't have a telly, doesn't listen to the radio, isn't on social media, and deliberately avoids news. I still catch her regularly repeating the same right wing talking points that are like catnip to her generation because she's half heard a story somewhere.

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Reposted by Rhi

Hamburglar Humblebrag's avatar Hamburglar Humblebrag @plantpotonassis.bsky.social
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It is the inalienable right of every British child to wear Hula Hoop rings and eat them off their fingers; by reducing this sacred tradition to a 'poor diet', The Guardian's picture desk has declared war on constancy, culture, humanity, God, (the Oxford comma,) & every baby born on these shores.

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Rhi's avatar Rhi @digitalisnarcissus.bsky.social
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More people said "dunno", and yet it feels like 50%+ of general election content has some TERF talking point shoehorned in. It's all just so manufactured by like 12 obsessive weirdos, and then everyone else takes it seriously because they're posts georg and volume is all that matters.

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