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If the President is not deterred from illegal or legal acts by the threat of eventual prosecution, then there's no need for immunity, right?

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Stephen Douglas argued that to keep slavery out of the Territories, the Federal government really just had to do nothing. Who brings such valuable "property" into a jurisdiction without a Slave Code to protect it? The Missouri slavers' effort in Kansas tanked before Lincoln was inaugurated.

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How dare the courts prevent the government from protecting us from ... uh ... speech?

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Nader 2000! What's the worst that could happen?

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Funny how everyone, including Nixon, thought he'd wind up going to jail.

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Definitely. Even with its more dramatic elements, like the pandemic and 1/6, it is plausible to see it folding into post- Cold War, post- 9/11 historical background noise.

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Spending so much of my life ~ 8 minutes from nuclear apocalypse has given me a somewhat jaundiced view of more recent doom-saying.

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Chattering class unseriousness should be measured in "Mahers."

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One of the benefits of long experience as a lawyer, it gets in your head that, "if this is important, it is going to be complicated. I should really hire someone who knows what they are doing." When I was thinking of retirement overseas, this was going to be step #1.

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In an election year that manages somehow to be both incredibly tedious and anxiety-producing, people are grasping for some kind of unscripted drama. Biden stepping down and the convention being something other than a formality is like a life-preserver to them.

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Of the things I would have predicted for myself, I would not have picked being 57 years old and embarrassed on behalf of Andrew McCarthy.

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Tom Friedman saying that Biden should drop out because of AI has convinced me that Biden should be elected President, King, and Pope.

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Panic is Democrats' default setting. It will pass.

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Wouldn't successful internationalist nationalists eventually run out of countries to consider themselves superior to?

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Probably apocryphal, but still an awesome anecdote: when asked why the Framers did not mention God in the Constitution, James Madison replied "We forgot."

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Polk set a precedent that unfortunately has not been followed: get done what you wanted to get done, then bail out. He was also a real jerk to Nicholas Trist, who did invaluable service, but didn't get his expenses paid for decades.

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One of the things that continues to impress me about Lincoln is the depths of his thought. Totally committed to the fight to contain slavery in the 1850s, but telling allies not to be too self-righteous. Essentially, "can any of you say for sure you wouldn't be a slave-owner if you were down there?"

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I've always considered HOAs an authoritarian intrusion, and was thankful not to be subject to one, right up to the moment my neighbors dug up their back yard and replaced it with white gravel. And then I was the mugged liberal.

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Egg noodles and peanut butter were two of faves in childhood. Must do this.

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I have occasionally wonder what would have become of his plan for a national university if it had gone through.

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The only funny conservative was P.J. O'Rourke and he's been dead for years. And not funny for years before that.

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Blocked by Chris Claremont on CompuServe old.

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Canada Government Says, "You're in Lebanon ... really? WTF? Get home."

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Congratulations, Brits, your fixation on boarding schools has finally broken everything.

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Intriguing - I will have to look into this.

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Another thing of note: the Comstock Act not only restricts what can be sent through the USPS, it purports to cover all US "carriers," so there's no workaround via Fedex or UPS.

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Relative Y's phone crapped out, so I am getting an new phone to hand the old one to Relative X, so they can give theirs to Relative Y. These things will be doing the roundabout for another 5-8 years or so. I kind of wonder how many other people do versions of this. 2/2

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Android and iPhone were running low on reasons for people to upgrade, except for improvements to the cameras, which seemed to become increasingly marginal. I've got a new Pixel incoming for reasons Google would not likely approve. 1/2

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"Theories of everything" are for law review articles, not for real life. The framers of the Equal Protection Clause did not mean to desegregate public schools or legalize interracial marriage. Are Brown and Loving correctly decided? Absolutely yes. What Scalia meant by not being a nut.

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Aha - here we go. Cribbed from Melissa Clark of the NYT.

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There's a Cuban pulled pork instant pot recipe that I cannot recommend highly enough.

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Who is assuming that disabled people are faking it? Honestly, this is a new one on me.

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What I want to know is - where's the "Statute of Northampton (1328)" drinking game?

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I haven't read it yet, either. But Crawford put forward what it portrayed as some real bright lines about keeping out "testimonial" hearsay that have more or less crumbled. Pro-prosecution conservatives abandoned the "originalist" justices to weaken it.

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I think they have taken so few Second Amendment cases after Heller and McDonald because everyone (except Thomas and Scalia) knew the majority in those cases would not survive a collision with reality.

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I would have to look again at the lineups in subsequent decisions (including the one out of Arizona today) but Scalia's "originalist" Confrontation Clause decision in _Crawford_ unraveled very rapidly, and he wrote more than one angry (of course) dissent after.

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It is funny watching the SCOTUS repeatedly experiencing what is clearly buyer's remorse about so-called "originalism."

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Carrying a big batch of heroin, picked up by the authorities, not noticeably nervous or evasive. Options are (1) he did not know about the drugs or (2) he's a cold-blooded supervillain. The DEA only believes in (2).

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Now I want a version of the movie where TR turns the Cal Hockley chase scene into a running gunfight.

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An unnoticed form of qualified immunity is that those who have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution can violate it with impunity.

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Sleeping soundly until some rude person in the kitchen made food noise.

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White liberals thinking people of color are race traitors for not voting like they think they should is a bad look.

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I compare my situation with my Dad's and I think how incongruous it is that I was better prepared for the late 20th/early 21st century by playing games on an Atari 2600 in 1979 than he was by hand-wiring circuits on a spaceship in 1967.

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Seriously, when my parents need a new TV, I'm going to tell them to buy an expensive one because it's less likely to fire up to a splash screen trying to sell them Amazon Prime or Netflix.

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"It is assumed you have a smart phone and are comfortable using it" is really an annoying trend for doing everything.

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It would be extra fun if he pronounced his last name "Gee" like a 13th Century French crusader.

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People blaming the Court are diminishing the argument that outlawing something like bump stocks is Congress's job. Outsourcing this and any number of other issues to the administrative state gives them an out for their innumerable institutional failures.

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Nobody in a position to actually implement any policy about anything will ever be pure enough for the purists.

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Just give me a seersucker suit and a panama hat to fan myself with.

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