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@DrKaz @DrKaz@better.boston Fan of UniversalHub and other things Boston; Maker of molecules and other things science; Analyzer of politics and other things philosophical

DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Imagine being such a soft insecure self-indulgent crybaby that if you became President you'd have a "Secretary of Retribution" to arrest people just because they made you cry.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Remember when Howard Dean said "Yeaarrgh"? Good times, good times.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Yes...but always just barely out of his reach.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Jim Inhofe is dead. I hear we can only say positive things about the dead. The average intelligence in America has gone up thanks to Jim dying. Thanks, Jim.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Quis reparat ipsos reparatores?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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"They've outflanked us..." In other words, Biden and his team are still savvy as fuck. He's not as senile as you wanted to make out (or even believed yourself). So, how long until THAT's the headline we see? Probably never.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Don't these Democrats calling for President Biden to leave the election know that Chief Justice Roberts gave him the green flag to execute all of them?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Yes, it's disconcerting how quickly they've left their integrity behind without a public revolt from the staff.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Everyone's rightfully furious that they ignored the fact that he signed a bill on Parkinson's treatment. I'm also pissed they called this "Breaking News" when the story is about something that happened over the past 8 months, not 8 minutes ago.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Knowing his words would never be mistaken for anything requiring scrutiny, Chris Cameron farted into Siri and this came out:

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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I just cancelled my annual subscription. You have until Jan 5 to find a better way forward than this. Good luck.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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With apologies to Brewer & Shipley: One step over the line for Jesus One step over the line Preaching about shooting up a railway station One step over the line

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Nah, fuck that guy and the paper he wrote in on.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Dear BloombergTV, Can we have the Boston fireworks before the Fifth of July please?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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First they came for the transsexuals And I did not speak out Because I was not happy with Joe Biden's debate performance Pastor Martin Niemöller, 2024

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Individuals A,B,&C: "I bet if we sue them, they'll see how great at lawing we are that they'll change their mind and hire us."

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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No, ask Roberts. We absolutely had to throw out King George. His reign was willed by "God". What we need is a king willed by the people in an election where each state gets equal say no matter how many people live there. Once there's a king, Roberts is sure he'll let us keep having elections.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Someone should make business cards to hand Republicans they meet that say: "Thanks to the Supreme Court, if Biden had asked me to execute you in exchange for a pardon, you'd be dead right now and he'd be immune."

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Gorsuch: "Under the city’s laws, it makes no difference whether the charged defendant is homeless, a backpacker..." Roberts: "If he's the President, fuck all that noise."

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Biden turns. "Kill that person." He motions towards the loud-mouthed reporter while looking at a nearby Secret Service agent. The reporter gasps. "Just kidding." Biden says as he turns his back to them and shuffles off, unsure if the agent understood which statement was the joke.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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The President doesn't have to "officially" execute anyone. He just has to have an official private meeting with the head of another country, where we get no documentation, and tell them to execute his rivals because he will officially take no action against them.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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With everyone talking about Biden executing Trump, Putin has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever to Trump right now.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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If you don't think Trump would immediately send Hunter Biden to a CIA black site to be tortured until he revealed how Joe was "using him to funnel aid to our enemies in Ukraine" or something like that, then you haven't been paying attention the past 25 years.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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According to Justice Roberts based on Trump v US, Abu Ghraib was cool and legal as long as Bush was okay with it at the time (and he was). This clearly overturns Hamdan v Rumsfeld from 2006, which means SCOTUS at that time was led by some sort of moron...*checks papers* ....um...Justice Roberts?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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"Next up on Meet The Printing Press, our roundtable discussion with David Herold, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and Mary Surratt on the life and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln"

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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❌ One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish ✅ There are five fish, one is red and one is blue.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Do you all remember 2008, when we actually voted FOR someone instead of only against the other person? I miss that feeling...even if it didn't fully pan out the way we had hoped.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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A legal scholar is going to have to help me...to negate this stupid Chevron reversal from SCOTUS, can Congress just add language to any bill that says "...and we intend the agency to handle any gaps/interpretation" and in so doing, they take away the question of intent and maintain status quo?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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"It makes no difference whether the charged defendant is currently a person experiencing homelessness, a backpacker on vacation, or a student...in protest on the lawn of a municipal building." ...or a filthy rich billionaire who forgot which home they were going to use on Tuesdays.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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"Black jobs"...you know, like not The Apprentice.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Melania was the driver.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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When is Biden gonna Hawk Tuah this guy?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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There should be a word for someone who confidently lies over and over again. Like confident liar...confident lie man...con lie man... I don't know...something like that.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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The other teams in the NBA had over 50 chances to do the funniest thing ever and use Bronny as trade bait to get something from the Lakers...and didn't. Pansies. All of you.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Kurt Loder is rolling over in his grave. *checks papers* Sorry, it appears Kurt Loder is still alive...wait, Kurt Loder is still alive!?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Interesting question...I think if you were to be fair to the AI, you'd have to factor in how much energy it took to generate the burrito and tequila. I would bet the AI is a net energetic bargain.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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I'm sorry Dunkin' but in the war for coffee birthday promotion supremacy, 3x Points on all purchases does not beat a free drink or food item from Starbucks. Do better.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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The back-of-house special.

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Selma Hayek's Kayak Shack? Down off Lydecker in Nyack?

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Ooooo is he gonna hear about it when he gets home and finds their assault rifle flag upside down on the flag pole!!

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Seems curious given the fire yesterday at Readville...

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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@universalhub.com fire behind Avery elementary School in Dedham

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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This was covered extremely well by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver this past weekend. I will link the YouTube of it here once it's up (likely tomorrow).

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DrKaz's avatar DrKaz @drkaz.bsky.social
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Why do Venetian blinds have two strings? When has anyone ever said, "You know what? Today I want one side up and one side down...but only as far as the tangent of the width of the window".

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