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Elder Mike


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Independent Left, a lone voice in this orgy of Neoliberalism and an imperialist death cult of Capitalism.

Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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We haven't had a real election for a long time! What we really have are plebiscites. It's where the rulers wants to know public opinion, without having political influence. It's known typically for dictatorships/autocracies.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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It's flipping a middle finger!🖕

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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There are very efficient, and accurate, psych tests, that would fully inform the public what they are voting for!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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As long as we are lied to, then there must be hope! Else, they wouldn't fear to tell us the truth, if we were powerless.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Neoliberalism has died! Media, and the Democratic Party hasn't heard the news! To stay politically viable, they will have to become the Conservatives they've always been, or become actual Leftists.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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No one wants to leave "their comfort zone" even if they are in a place of committing tyranny, and brutality, unless they are made too uncomfortable!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Wouldn't be nice, if we had a government, and judicial, that actually followed the US Constitution? Every bill of rights are broken, every day! The SCOTUS supports it! We're ran by criminals that don't care!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Two times, polling showed Bernie beating Trump. Likely, Bernie could beat Trump now, but they won't ask him to run. That's because Trump is a better Democrat than Bernie, according to Democrats! They're the same party. Otherwise, it's a big clown show! 🤡

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Ukraine war is not draining Russian resources. Instead, Oligarch fear is creating war spending, booming the Russian economy! Comrades, we don't need to go to war with another country to have an economic boom. We only need to get rid of Oligarchs!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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The world is in contractions to make a new one. But, the birthing process can result in death for the mother, and child, if not handled with care!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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A Leftist believes the loss of rights of anyone, is a loss of rights by all. So, a Leftist is liberal. But Liberals, like Fascist, don't believe in rights for anyone. Both likes to force their personal values over the rights of all others, hence, the cancel cultures, ending free speech and press.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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OK! I heard it on the news, so it must be true! We have the best Biden, ever! He's at the top of his game! Our news media is impeccable, so it has be nothing but facts. Anything saying different needs to be fact checked, and censored for being misinformation!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Pg 2 Though more vulnerable, people become more socially liberated to become politically, and sexually, non conformists, instead of a cult-like conformity required for political control, undermining elite power. Conservatism fails to conserve their cult society, for the power elites.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Sociologically, it has come to my mind, Capitalist alienation is backfiring. Alienation is a requirement for public exploitation, but that eliminates social conformity, a political requirement to maintain elite power. Pg 1

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Just because it's Putin's talking point does not prove it's not true!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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No matter where you stand, Corporations are not your friends!


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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Otherwise, every living president is still a criminal!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Federal taxes are not for government financing, but for social engineering, and control, to keep working people in their place! Otherwise, they print whatever they need.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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The movement for a flat tax failed, because it still required the rich to pay more than they wanted to, proving who really runs this country! Instead, we have a regressive tax system, where only workers carries the burden.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Over many years, I have learned when a US president says "The People" he's not talking about us. To the Corporatists, and the wealthy, we're not even human. We're Livestock, to be regularly fleeced, for the benefit of The People presidents really talks about!

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Reposted by Elder Mike

Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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A disturbing thought. What was the force that drove early primates to evolve into man? Intelligence wasn't developed for basic survival. It was driven to have the creative ability for killing each other! Murder's present in current chimpanzees to kill other chimps! Can we stop, or are we doomed?

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Boeing is the epitome of Capitalist success, the type of success expressed with praise by American businesses journals, that judges of our society!


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Reposted by Elder Mike

Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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This all is starting to look like the Pied Piper Strategy, in reverse!!? As if, Trump is their man!!! Let's keep Biden, so we can elect Trump! They need to go beg Bernie Sanders, if they don't want a Trump victory! Noticed - Bernie's name doesn't ever come up! They like Trump more!!!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Watching network news, or watching LOTR, which show is the fantasy?

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Nice plan! But, the Democrats are the Conservative party! Republicans are just useful idiots to give cover for their conservative policies. Imaginary representation, with imaginary freedoms is keeping us from what we really need to do. It's called revolt!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Keeping Biden Phenomena! the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial. "the sunk-cost fallacy creeps into a lot of major financial decisions"

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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To the heart of our collapse, since 1980, rational leaderships were replaced by ideological tyrants. The problem with tyrants, they don't hire the best, and brightest. Their thirst for profits drives them to hire the obedient, and cheap! This way, when it all fails, they will have their scapegoats!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Proof, we've ceased being a representative Republic. We didn't revolt over taxes. We revolted over paying taxes, without representation! We need to resurrect the Declaration of Independence. Our enemies of the Republic are within! We have ample reason to unite, and revolt!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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There was a time where some profits were made by creating goods, and services. Since the 80s, accelerated in the 90s, it stopped being that, and became profits through wealth extraction, and exploitation. It was the Soviets that kept it honest. Now, we have a system drunk on wealth, and power!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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See! Capitalism is the best religion ever created, to grow wealth off of human sacrifice, to please their Gods of profit!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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We DON'T have an immigration problem! We have a human RIGHTS problem. Equal human rights makes the issue moot!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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It's why the Pilgrims were kicked out of England. We've been saddled with that fanaticism, ever since! It was their historical violence is why our criminal framers wanted a separation of church, from state! They knew our system can be destroyed by fanatics.

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Because Capitalism is a, faith based, religious, death cult, requiring systemic human sacrifice, by using war, and negligence, for their God of holy profits! How can you not be depressed, unless you're one of their murderous priests?

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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According to the Liberal media, Leftists are the far Right. It makes all headlines suspect. Any political leader, like Macron, that wants WW3, is the enemy of the Left, making all Western media suspect! If they ARE correct, then the Left is politically silenced, but not dead!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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There is no algorithm manipulation with a thumbs down option. That's why no one has one, anymore. Mass responses to negative comments is likely to boost the comment, as it increases site activity. Maybe, we need to stop feeding the morons!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Trump's evil is profound, but Biden's Ukraine policies makes Trump the lesser evil. Trump would kill millions. Biden is trying to kill billions. That's the price for provoking war with a nuclear power. Sadly, the idea is so horrible, Liberals are allowing it to happen! I'm terrified!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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It was 150 years ago, the US people cheered the killing of Heathen Savages! Now, we export that to the rest of the world, to be Terrorists. It's only the Western Banking interests that spreads true civilization to the rest of the world, a global manifest destiny!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Biden's government would rather see the world burn, than to share it! With a right breeze, Ukraine smoke there can turn the planet into a global fire. US, and NATO, is full of wind! If Biden stays in, it means we won't have an election!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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A nuclear deal from Russia, for Bolivian lithium, when Musk wanted that lithium for free! Trusted international source - the Duran

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. What does that say about Bernie, and the Squad? It's become impossible for Democrats to have a democratic primary! What do they really stand for, if they have no trust the people?

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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And, we wonder why the Right accuses Dems of running child sex rings!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Bernie was filling up stadiums in Red states, when Hillary couldn't fill a HS gym in a Blue one. The election was fixed for her, according to Donna Brazil, where Trump couldn't have defeated Bernie! Dems preferred Trump over Bernie! Is like Dems loves Trump, bc they are doing it again, with Biden!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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If Democrats truly hated Trump, Bernie Sanders would be finishing his second term as US President! Democrats hated Bernie more!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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End your fantasies. It has already been proven, Democrats prefers Trump over Bernie. That's why so many left the Democratic Party. But, the party doesn't care, as those leaving we're not the big donors, like AIPAC, Blackrock, or Raytheon!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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We spend $1Trillion/Year on military, but we get our asses kicked by the Houthis! It's over, the game is up! The economically stable few, will be so blind to it, they will continue to contribute to the Western demise!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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The real question is who will King Obama pick to be our president, this time!

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Elder Mike's avatar Elder Mike @eldermike.bsky.social
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Similar with Fidel Castro, wash, rense, and repeat! Maduro is the latest.

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