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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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If you think she doesn’t make sense, just wait until you hear politicians like RFK, Marjorie Taylor Green, Eric Adams, and Donald Trump talk!

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Okay gunna avoid the gross dissection of her ethnic background and point out that “unpredictable loon” suggests that she is crazy and random but you’ve just described a pretty typical politician, who are generally hypocritical and inauthentic, and enjoy currying favor. It’s kind of the whole job!

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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What is the game?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Which of these questions are propaganda? Is Joe Biden behind in polls to fellow democrats? Is Trump on track to win? Is age the biggest concern voters have with Biden? Did the debate exacerbate that concern? Are swing voters less engaged than ever?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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So is any attorney general who has ever enforced drug laws on black man also an unpredictable loon? Because if not, that’s not evidence of anything except the fact she was an attorney general

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Do you not realize that focusing on my motives rather than the *ahem* substance *ahem* of my arguments, reveals their strength?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Just so I am clear, did you just call someone an unpredictable loon with absolutely no evidence or reasons given?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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The identity you assign me inside your head is as irrelevant as the NYT oped page Is Joe Biden behind in polls to fellow democrats? Is Trump on track to win? Is age the biggest concern voters have with Biden? Did the debate exacerbate that concern? Are swing voters less engaged than ever?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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I am simply pointing out that if proving Joe Biden’s fitness to be the nominee requires close investigation of debate transcripts, he’s already lost His own fitness was a battle he was losing before the debate, the debate was orchestrated to counter that perception, but instead magnified it

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Suggesting that anyone who is not a political-news-junkie is automatically the “unwashed masses” is so incredibly arrogant 20 years ago it was impossible to avoid political news, now you have to make a concerted effort to follow this stuff. Most people don’t have the time or energy.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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are you unaware of how the American political system works? ~100K people, spread out over the 5 competitive states will decide who wins this election. Do you think these are: - highly engaged news junkies ready to parse debate transcripts or - disengaged voters who avoid all political news & media

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Your inability to see how obviously hypocritical and contradictory your own arguments are would be surprising if I hadn’t just spent time reading the arguments

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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It’s pretty telling that whenever I unfold one of these logic pretzels it ends on “okay fine but someone on the right wing might agree with you therefore you are automatically wrong” but that argument somehow doesn’t apply to the heritage foundation trying to ensure JB remains the nominee 🤔

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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I’m sorry were you under the impression that *televised political debates* are won and lost on substance instead of style??? that’s a level of delusion that disqualifies you from having any other opinion on electoral politics

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Debates are a performance. They (obviously) are not about substance. In what universe does good substance delivered horrifically win out over silver-tongued charlatans with stylish bad ideas? All of American (human?) history points to the exact opposite conclusion.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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The heritage foundation is aligning itself with a Joe-Biden-no-matter-what agenda, even vowing to fight a Kamala nomination in the courts why would you purposefully align yourself with them?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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do you think the average swing voter is pouring over the debate transcripts to try and make JB’s performance better? … or maybe that’s something done by partisans in deep denial about their candidate chances in November

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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The problem jumped from “looks old” to “is in fact not all there mentally” during the debate where he both looked old and was clearly not all there mentally telling people to not believe their lying eyes (or parse transcripts instead) is an obviously losing strategy

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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you ever seen the dilbert guy breakout a whiteboard to diagram Trump’s Charlottesville speech in order to prove what he *really* meant? That’s what this comes off as. We have fascists on track to take the govt in November and you have to parse transcripts to try and make sense of JB. That’s bad.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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I think anyone who disputes that Joe Biden looks old should avoid criticizing other’s awareness

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Which talking points? Because if “joe biden looks old” counts as a right wing smear, you’re telling on yourself

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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I just cannot emphasize enough how little I care about “outlets” and their random op-Eds The talking points I am repeating is what *I experienced* watching the debate. He couldn’t speak. He looked more ancient than ever. The immigrant murder thing happened.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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I align myself with whoever has the best chance of beating the fascists this November Until that debate, I assumed it was JB Now I think Kamala would probably do a better job She looks alive & I doubt she would willingly segue into immigrant murder from a softball Q about abortion It’s a low bar

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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*candidate refuses to engage with friendly outlets* (relative to right wing media) would actually be another indication of his declining fitness. But that’s not really the point, any “discourse” driven by CNN or NYT is fundamentally irrelevant, as their plummeting viewership and readership shows

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Hey buddy idk what to say if you think that legacy newspapers and cable news are going to have a larger effect on the election outcome than tiktok. WaPo has lost *50%* of its unique visitors since 2020. The median MSNBC viewer is *72 years old*.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Aside from the multiple blank stare, trail-offs… He answered a question about abortion by referencing (unprompted) a white girl being raped and murdered by an undocumented immigrant That’s not a small mistake, that’s an indication he could be a liability to his own reelection

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Joe Biden’s campaign decided to have a June debate. Decided on the date of the debate. Decided on the rules of the debate. Even decided which side of the stage he would stand on for the debate. They then prepped him for a week for the debate (no jet lag). And he still failed.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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“He only seemed obviously too old to run for president for the first 20mins of a presidential debate that his own campaign orchestrated and that 50million people watched!” is not the amazing argument for JB’s fitness that you think it is.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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That is only true of like cable news and legacy newspapers. So it just confirms you are pretending to live in a different decade Most people interact with media via tiktok influencers, independent podcasters, subreddits, micro-blogging platforms, discord communities, whatsapp group chats, etc

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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1) pretending “the media” is a coherent monolith with a consistent agenda indicates you have no idea what decade you are living in 2) ask those same voters who they would’ve voted for if they knew JB wouldn’t be able to complete a sentence during a debate that his own campaign orchestrated

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Know what else would perform a complete substitution of the executive branch?? Losing the election to open fascists. Which the Biden campaign is *obviously* on track to do, they are in worse shape of any candidate since McCain in ‘08.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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1.) “the media” is a meaningless boogeyman. Newspapers are in freefall. Cable News median viewer is 70 years old. No podcast has more than a 5% marketshare. Most of the population completely avoids political media. 2.) *voters* have been shouting “Biden is old” for longer than the media has

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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This actually undermines your argument. Biden has had a good administration. Voters are rejecting him despite that, and their main reason is his age, not his administration’s policies. Further evidenced by the fact he’s running behind fellow members of his own party as well as the open fascists.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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it’s less the current polling and more the “candidate cannot complete a sentence, let alone make an argument about why to elect him” everyone supporting JB before Thursday despite the polls assumed he would be able to campaign and grow his support the debate showed that’s a not a fair assumption

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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his team chose every. single. detail. for the debate, and he still failed that badly SOTUs are an obligation and a format that he had little to no control over and he always exceeded expectations there he had no excuse for that debate performance, by design

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Reposted by N8

Kat Abu's avatar Kat Abu @katmabu.bsky.social
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rip richard nixon, you would’ve loved this decision

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Reposted by N8

Kevin Rothrock's avatar Kevin Rothrock @kevinrothrock.bsky.social
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"The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law." America the beautiful.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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2016 was the election that mattered and we have been condemned to spend a generation trying to reverse its outcomes

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Pro tip: when you’re trying to insult someone’s understanding of English, don’t misspell a simple word such as “hair” If campaigning fine means losing in the polls to everyone in his own party and also the openly fascist party, I’d hate to see what campaigning badly would look like!

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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*anyone* who runs in a primary is making an inherent argument to voters that they will be able to campaign in the general you are splitting hairs on phrasing because “JB never promised he’d be able to campaign, why would you assume that?” is such a ludicrous argument

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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it’s not walking back comments it’s stating a fact about anyone running in a primary

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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I’m sorry that’s some mighty fine hair splitting. Are you seriously arguing that Biden’s ability to campaign in the general election is unrelated to his nomination by the party? That voters shouldve expected him to fail miserably in a setting curated by his own campaign?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Biden answering a softball question about abortion policy by pivoting to the rape and murder of a young white girl by an undocumented immigrants is new information 48 hours I go I wouldn’t be able to fathom any Democratic politician making such a mistake. It would’ve been incomprehensible.

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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For which part? That NPR/Fox News are irrelevant to the political conversation? That Democratic primary voters rightly expected Biden to be able to complete sentences at debates? Or the future dates in August for the DNC?

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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Both a Fox News and and an NPR reference, lmao what decade is it? JB’s argument in the primaries was predicated on him being in good enough shape to perform adequately at important campaign events like debates. He did not hold up his end of the bargain and we are still pre-convention

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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This was my argument for supporting JB in the primaries! That rocking the boat too much would yield little-to-no upside But I can change my opinion based on new information! Fumbling an abortion question by bringing up rape and murder by undocumented immigrants (unprompted) is disqualifying

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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And if the Dems are going to lose anyway, I would rather lose running a youngish female candidate who can clearly and competently prosecute the case against Trump on abortion, the insurrection, project 2025, etc Go down swinging with Kamala vs go down finger-crossing with Biden

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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10000% agree all the whitmer/shaprio/warnock/newsom stuff is fantasy magical thinking bullshit But a VP’s entire job is to be ready as the alternate. If Biden drops dead tomorrow (which is actuarially is kinda likely) she’d be the president + nominee anyway

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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It was the single most important event of the campaign so far, Biden’s team got to choose every single detail about it, prepped him for over a week, and he failed spectacularly He was *already* losing the race before he took the stage. This was supposed to be the start of his comeback. Instead…..

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N8's avatar N8 @en8.bsky.social
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….. except no one is suggesting you vote for anyone but democrats, it’s truly a nonsensical comment This is an issue *within* the Democratic Party. I hope for the Democrats to have the strongest possible candidate so they can beat the fascists. Until last night I thought that was JB

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