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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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What a tiresome bit of revisionist history. Conservatives in the 90s bitched incessantly about the fact that people then, just like today, suffered negative social consequences for being a bigot. But in the 90s they called it "political correctness".

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Making the sick people healthy is just step 1. They then proceed to step 2, which is murdering the now-healthy people. This sounds inefficient at first, so I asked about it during my evil scientist internship and was assured that murdering the healthy produces substantially more demonic energy.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Is this notion that the Israeli forces bombed three cars without having any clue who was in them -- is it intended as a *defense* of the action? "They didn't think they were killing aid workers. They thought they were killing randomly." This is the defense?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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NBC's liability is the dollar amount they agreed to pay her, which is reportedly 300k. If that's accurate, then then firing is basically irrelevant to NBC. It's a tiny fraction of their payroll.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Subsequently pagliacci discovers that he's now signed up to receive marketing emails from this therapist's practice group, and the unsubscribe link is broken.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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The difference between Andrew's rant and the fluff inserted by someone else at the beginning and end is just hilarious.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Now that a judge has ordered Houston to stop ticketing Food Not Bombs for feeding the homeless near City Hall there may be additional resources for investigating sexual assaults.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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He knows that Twitter censors way more stuff than only illegal content. He's personally dictated entire categories of such legal information that is to be removed. This is just Elon being Elon, seeking personal gain by saying stuff that sounds good to those who are completely uninformed.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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We are all just prisoners here of our mobile device.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Dung beetle carefully tending some bullshit, creating just the right environment for the creation of more dung beetles.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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The feline urge

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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I formally request that Bebop and Rocksteady be used to refer to Elon's bumbling henchmen Jason Calacanis and David Sacks.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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It's best if the app also lies to you about the BP, so you'll have plausible deniability.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Link 1 shows that import and export volumes are similar, but that's not relevant to the question of what percentage of domestically produced oil is exported. Link 2 says that US refineries import lower-quality oil because it's cheaper, even though it's harder to refine than US light sweet crude.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Do you have a source for that? Looking at, their numbers are quite different. For example:

December 2023
Crude Oil Production (in thousands of barrels) - 412,761
Crude Oil Exports (in thousands of barrels) - 140,331

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Presumably a promise of billions in contracts and a guarantee of no federal enforcement actions against him.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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This has to just be a copy/paste of something written in 2018, right?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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But consider selection bias: You only encounter the ones who aren't good at criming.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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I've found that just being myself works well for this

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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No, Chris is just in Australia.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Has anyone checked whether that was the daylight savings time day with only 23 hours?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Personally I choose to portray them as racist, stupid, and incompetent.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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3) He's delusional and is receiving stock tips from his dog.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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CDC drops Covid isolation guidance, promotes its new line of healing crystals and energy bracelets

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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CDC issues statement pointing out that germ theory of disease is just a "theory".

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Just guessing here: maybe this move is related to various governments passing laws requiring Facebook to pay large sums of money for the news snippets on its site.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Have we considered "balls bearing"?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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"How much can you charge?" Mr. Masnick I believe you have just been challenged.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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I hope so. Perhaps I've just lost all faith in American voters.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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He has a lot of attributes that make a successful politician: power-hungry narcissist, lacks empathy, has all the privileges, good at memorizing rejoinders to common opponent talking points. It's true that he's a complete sleaze, but historically that hasn't proven to be a substantial hindrance.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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We should abhor [this one act of self-violence], no matter our view on the [thousands of acts of violence against children].

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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They should hire some consultants to search amongst the employees they haven't yet fired for one with the requisite subject matter expertise to properly organize a Zoom meeting.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Pebbles and cottage cheese is fine. I have no problem with pebbles and cottage cheese. Everybody in entertainment does pebbles and cottage cheese. These fuckers, though, are filling people's heads with miniature swastikas and assault rifles.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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He'll need to find a venue other than the United States to bring the suit, as: 1) Calling someone racist is considered opinion and is therefore not actionable. 2) Even if it were actionable, truth is an absolute defense to defamation claims.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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I believe this is known in fact-checking circles as the "Brian Williams Stratagem".

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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It was at this point in the playback that I had to pause to tell Alito to fuck himself.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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I dunno man, the 5th Circuit's bench is quite deep.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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What learning resources are available for employees to deepen their sandwich knowledge base?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Counts 8 and up are total bullshit. Counts 4 through 7 are arguable depending on the nature of the creds. Counts 2 and 3 are also arguable, but the creds for the FTP server do not look like some publicly known demo account.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Fundamental misunderstanding of Section 230 isn't just for pundits, journalists, and politicians anymore.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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Apologies for being dense, but I'm really unclear as to which specific aspects of our deranged politics are created by porn overconsumption. Is this a reference to the ascendence of misogyny in general? A trend toward social conservativism in young men? Anti-LGBTQ laws? Anti-abortion laws?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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7) After the line have etaoin shrdlu 7) After the line has been cast.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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It'll get forwarded to an EVP and Nadella will forget about it 10 seconds later. The EVP forwards it to a VP and so on until a junior PM updates some documentation and adds a work item to a backlog to review the design. Later the work item will be closed after sitting untouched for about 30 months.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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I suspect the resulting $6 payment would not have been well received.

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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And as with most repressive schemes, they chose a dishonest name for their efforts: "meritocracy".

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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You mean to say that Clare Locke had knowledge of the falsity of their definition of actual malice?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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"Trump Unites the Right"

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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"CPAC has been infested with Nazis for a long, long time" is well known, so I guess the jarring thing about this headline is that the media is finally willing to report that fact honestly?

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ErrDivBy0's avatar ErrDivBy0
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The why matters because it affects participation in the deplatforming. Deplatforming fascists is ineffective because there are so many fascist-friendly platforms that welcome them. Milo is an example of effective deplatforming... of pederasts.

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