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šŸ” Build housing , šŸš˜ End Car Dependency

Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Itā€™s really telling when conservatives joke about being sexually assaulted in prison. Itā€™s a joke that would not fly in any other context, but itā€™s prisoners so itā€™s super funny to them. Itā€™s a window into the way they classify people as ā€œcriminals who deserve to sufferā€ vs ā€œeveryone elseā€.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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How is it only 63 percent? I swear to to god 30% of the people in this country will literally support anything.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Yeah, I agree. But this time I think he wants the job because 1) itā€™ll get him out of his many legal issues and 2) he wants to use the office to get revenge on his political enemies.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I feel like he was held back a lot in term 1 by staffers who just ignored his most insane suggestions. But this time heā€™s out for revenge and heā€™s probably going to staff the White House with true believers.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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People also seem to think the president is personally responsible for everything. As if Biden is personally writing up specific battle plans for the military instead of him being like ā€œmy goal is xā€ and then generals handling the details from there.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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imo running Kamala at this point is basically giving up the election. Thatā€™s an unprecedented event that imo probably does way more damage to average uninformed voters than a poor debate performance. But itā€™s so unprecedented that itā€™s hard to really say with much confidence either way.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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If I could push a button to elect Harris instead of Biden/Trump Iā€™d happily do it. Switching to her now would be insanely risky. If we want to justify that massive risk, I would want to see evidence that the debate actually damaged peopleā€™s opinions of Biden so severely that itā€™s worth it.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I wish we had a younger candidate, and one who doesnā€™t have brief memory lapses or stumble on his words. This whole situation sucks. But ultimately what matters is getting a democrat in office who will sign good bills and veto bad ones. He has advisors to tell him which is which.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Luckily the presidentā€™s job is not to own people in debates, itā€™s to administrate the executive branch and produce policy outcomes that are good. Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised with the policy outcomes produced by Bidenā€™s White House compared to what I expected.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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This is the obvious, predictable, and intended outcome of the courtā€™s ruling. LGBT rights are under very serious threat now and will be for a long time, even if Biden wins the presidency. Until congress is willing to pass actual laws, which isnā€™t happening anytime soon, weā€™re just stuck waiting.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I honestly expected this much (and I feel like you could at least make a case for it) but for them to add ā€œbtw the coup is probably an official act heheā€ is just absurd on its face. I donā€™t see how anyone can even argue that.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Wow this was truly maddening to read.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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It just depends on what you view the purpose of voting as. If your goal is to vote in a way that produces the least harm, you obviously should vote for the candidate that will produce less harm. If you view voting as some kind of moral test, thereā€™s lots of red lines you can draw.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Furi is a gem. The way they restore lives when you complete a round is greatā€” even if youā€™re doing badly you get a few tries. Thereā€™s a push and pull feeling instead of ā€œoh good I got steamrolled againā€

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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It became inevitable the second trump got a third justice on the court. This court is absolutely going to overturn obergefell, the only questions imo are 1) how long theyā€™re going to punt before actually doing it and 2) what democrats will do to stop it or respond.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Fair enough! Itā€™s hard to predict. Itā€™s definitely more vibes based than anything policy based, which sucks. I donā€™t know if a lot of moderates in the US will be willing to vote for a (fairly unpopular) black woman for president.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Do you think Biden stepping down for Kamala to run at this point in the race would help anything? If someone canā€™t figure out if they prefer Trump or Biden, I struggle to think theyā€™re going to be hyped to vote for Kamala.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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The other thing that's so fucking dumb about this debate is the way democrats just accept the republican framing on issues. Don't hedge about abortion, just say its good and fine. Don't hedge on immigration, just say immigrants are good. I hate it.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Itā€™s so pointless. It rewards people who are good debaters and have confidence, itā€™s just vibes based. They could have a dance battle and it would be equally as useful.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I worry that most people are not informed enough to be able to tell that literally everything trump is saying is a lie or incoherent. He just says it with so much confidence. imo this is why debates are bad, it just rewards performance art more than anything else

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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It feels so typical of US politics. We canā€™t fund anything until itā€™s an emergency. Donā€™t repair the bridge, wait till it breaks and then pass an emergency funding bill. Donā€™t keep the tracks maintained, wait till a train derails and then fix it. Itā€™s so frustrating.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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The other contradiction is that every individual home owner wants property values to stay high or go up. But we collectively want low housing costs to avoid homelessness and rent burden. The current situation (homeowners effectively blocking all new housing) creates countless problems.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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This extends to most benefits in the US. We are so afraid of helping someone who is ā€œundeservingā€ that we waste an absurd amount of time/money trying to weed people out. But it just makes the benefits suck for the people who need it. Itā€™s like we need people to feed bad for accepting them.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I can easily list off the areas and bosses through DS1-DS3 from memory and can barely remember them from Elden ring outside one or two (lyndell and underground areas really stand out). But overall it just felt so samey, which was a real bummer to me.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Itā€™s impressive how little they recycle given the scale, but still. I lost all interest in exploring the mini dungeons when I realized theyā€™re all recycling the same 4 bland cave/mine/tomb templates with a filler boss at the end of each.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I feel like Iā€™m the only person who thinks this, but agree. The open world made the game so much worse. Every other soulsborne game has so much tighter design. The fights in Elden ring are badly balanced imo and thereā€™s so much copy pasting. Iā€™d take a tighter smaller version of it any day.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Feels like this applies to a lot of industries these days šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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It speaks to the abysmally low standards we have in the US that Teslas (with FSD) and the cybertruck are street legal. A plane with the safety record of these things would be grounded immediately.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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imo this is why debates are useless. Itā€™s entirely vibes based. The actual policy proposals mean nothing, you can just say whatever crazy shit you want and people who donā€™t know better will nod along with it. A dance battle would be just as useful (and more entertaining).

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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The problem is that the way trump expresses his age is just by saying batshit crazy nonsense super fast, but eveyone already expects that from him. If Biden says ā€œuhhhā€ for a second everyone will clip it and use it as proof that heā€™s in decline.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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RFK jr is just a batshit crazy conspiracy theorist when it comes to medicine, thereā€™s nothing more to it.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Haha, itā€™s definitely ok with me! Itā€™s an amazing achievement that has saved countless lives.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Iā€™m always happy to see these achievements but I get frustrated when people act like itā€™ll fix the problem. The problem weā€™re struggling with now is a political one, not a scientific one.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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20k Americans die from HIV every year, despite the fact that weā€™ve had incredibly effective treatment and prevention for a while. imo The biggest obstacle to HIV treatment in the USA is our healthcare system, not any scientific barriers, and it has been for a while.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Awareness is not the issue here imo. Literally everyone is aware of climate change. The problem is that the people in power are incentivized to not do anything about. Protests need to negatively impact those people or it doesnā€™t accomplish anything.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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How bad would you say the learning curve is for switching between photoshop and affinity? I had tried to switch to GIMP a while back but really struggled to get into the same flow. I donā€™t even use Photoshop thaaat often but the muscle memory is so strong.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I truly cannot fathom anyone who watched and enjoyed trek before the modern era and didnā€™t pick up on the obvious heavy handed ā€œwokeā€ messaging. Itā€™s literally been over the top ā€œwokeā€ since 1966.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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It makes it even more upsetting that 20k Americans die every year from this still. We literally have a preventative and a wildly effective treatment. There should be 0 deaths from HIV anymore. At this point those 20k annual deaths are deaths because of our shitty healthcare system, not the virus.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Iā€™m not claiming to be an expert in this area but ā€œverifying user identityā€ is not a difficult problem from an enginiering perspective. The hard part is the politics of making everyone adopt that system nationally or globally. Look at how much of a struggle RCS adoption has been, for example.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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We already have the Shaken/Stirred protocol that can cryptographically sign calls with verified identity. We could require cell manufacturers to drop calls with low quality (C/B) or missing signatures by default. We could pass laws about how voip providers are allowed to sign those calls.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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I understand there are legitimate use cases of ā€œspoofingā€, eg for call centers to have a shared outgoing identity/number. We could build a system that allows for those use cases if we wanted to, though. Itā€™s not like identifying who users are is an unsolved enginiering problem.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Iā€™m not sure about 2. We are totally capable of building secure systems if we want to, but itā€™s a political challenge to get those changes adopted (especially when dealing with an international context).

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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100% agree on serial moving violators. Iā€™m a lot less enthusiastic about increased scrutiny for things like eyesight/age. But totally agree we should have serious consequences instead of a slap on the wrist when people drive dangerously.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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No, I definitely think we should enforce minimum standards for driving, but Iā€™m saying ramping up enforcement on that angle can only take you so far without fixing car dependency first. imo a lot of current drivers probably shouldnā€™t be allowed to drive, but thereā€™s no practical way to do that yet

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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imo we should be approaching this problem more from the ā€œmake sure we have viable alternatives to drivingā€ angle more than the ā€œbe more selective about who can driveā€ angle. We should be WAY pickier about who can drive, but since 90% of the country is unusable without a car itā€™s not a solution atm.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Like itā€™s true that we have made tons of progress. But also we are in serious danger of backsliding on all of these issues and people need to vote like it, not just rest assured that some public servant somewhere will sort it out.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Whatā€™s the point of these arguments? The court is poised to overturn gay marriage/sodomy laws, has gutted healthcare reform, and weā€™re rapidly backsliding on trans rights. Everyone knows life is better now than 50 years ago. Not a fan of the ā€œwell, just donā€™t worry, itā€™ll be fineā€ attitude.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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Really feels like the solution here is to just pay housekeepers a fair and consistent salary, not make them do extra cleaning when customers donā€™t want/need it.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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And ofc climate isnā€™t the only benefitā€” cars kill so many people every year, and the housing crisis causes nearly every other problem in the US (poverty, health, crime, homelessness, loneliness, etc) to be worse.

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Jake's avatar Jake @excitedgiraffe.bsky.social
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This is why I get so frustrated with people slow rolling housing and transit policy. This is an emergencyā€” possibly (hopefully) the most serious issue we will ever face in our lifetimes. I canā€™t stand when people endlessly stall these projects or try to slow them down.

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