thicc white duchess's avatar

thicc white duchess

155 followers 176 following 2542 posts

AuDHD, 🇺🇲/🇧🇪, music, machining, lapidary, cats. Pronouns: first and second person ones, darling.

thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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remember that the first ai summer lasted 18 years, the second one less than half that first ai winter was about 7-8 years, second one was 25 years the third summer has been going for about 12 years now and I guess people are itching for the winter again

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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language (in all senses of the term) and psychopharmacology well, kinda pharmacology in general too but especially psychopharmacology

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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yeah as long as you stick to the dosing interval on the package you're safe

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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"gabe. hey check this out gabe" "huh?" *angel rubs eyes* "yo what the hell is that thing?" "I call it a platypus. anyway check this out--" "but what's it *for*, jah?" "that doesn't matter gabe, check this shit out" *reaches for blacklight switch*

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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also I'm loving the number of aquatic or semiaquatic animals in this thread

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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bioluminescence is so freakin cool

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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it actually hits your system super quick fwiw; one way people accidentally poison themselves is by taking tylenol, throwing up, and taking another one bc they thought they were still absorbing the first one

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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platypuses, no question about it

did you know they glow under uv light‽

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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short royalty stand up

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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fr you're in town? come over and hang out we're about to head home

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I am proud to report that I used the phrase "LLMs have no ground truth" in anger this evening

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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🎼🎶fashy parasites 🎵 want yo money and yo life 🎵 there's a bathroom on the right 🎶

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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"bad moon rising" came on in the bar and it occurs to me that there has never been a better time in history for the mondegreen "there's a bathroom on the right"

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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yeah ike was why my folks decided to get a full house generator our neighbors across the street boarded up their windows and painted "GO AWAY IKE, TINA'S NOT HERE" on the boards

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I do! we probably still have photos somewhere I also remember getting flurries in 1993 and they let us out of class for a few minutes to see them come down

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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were you around for alicia back in the 80s? I was in grade school but I remember the power being out for like a solid week

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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hearing the same thing from people up in fuckin kingwood fwiw absurd excuse for a utility company

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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oh also I should mention -- I discovered this workshop through, which offers all different kinds of experiences with professional artisans in brussels, antwerp, and liège

do check them out! I plan to do more in the future

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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got photos from youngest sister next door neighbors had a tree come down through their fence; neighbors across the street and one over had one come down on their roof and bust part of it clean off parents had one come down from behind the back fence onto the garage roof, but it seems to be ok

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I think "tony" means "posh," or what americans would call a white-shoe firm

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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the instructor handled polishing on the wheel due to how her workshop is set up, and she also took care of bending the prongs because I was honestly running out of steam, so I can't truly say I made it all by myself, but I'm proud of what I did and considering taking a full class

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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* filing little notches to seat the prongs in with a rattail file * soldering the prongs and bail with a teeny-tiny torch (the instructor stepped in for some of this) * polishing using a pendant motor (think "better dremel")

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I got to work with *all* the tools: * alloying pure silver with copper in a crucible with a torch * pouring an ingot * making square wire with a rolling mill * annealing (omg so much annealing) * rolling the square wire half-round * bending the wire into the setting with half-round pliers

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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went to a jewelry making workshop here in the neighborhood and got to turn this ammonite fossil that I've had for almost 20 years into a pendant I need to do a little bit of gluing on the back because it moves slightly in the setting, but I'm very happy with how it turned out

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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according to my youngest sister, power is out on the far northeast side of houston good luck everyone, and stay safe fam has a full-house generator properly wired and everything, and the house is on an elevated lot, so inshallah and the crick don't rise they'll be aight

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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how the hell does the department of defense have regulations about training/working in the heat while osha sticks its fingers in its ears and sings "la la la we can't hear you nobody regulates this"?

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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when she was tiny, she used to curl up on my neck now that she's not so tiny, she still does

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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yeah, I used to play on a lot of MUSHes and you often couldn't tell from a person's roleplay that they weren't a native english speaker

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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ooh good point! now I wonder if anyone has studied this already

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I think so. folks currently in their thirties and over tend to still have problems with sounds like word-initial th, younger than that and they often acquire it just fine

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I think these days a lot of it comes from growing up with access to american tv the perfect-accent people I meet tend to be around half my age this is at music festivals and the like, I don't go around deliberately seeking them out or anything

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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it's wild how many dutch people have perfect american accents! I keep running into them over here I didn't have a tv then, but was living in pacific heights. even up there, people were out celebrating, and as I walked down divisadero toward the haight and the castro, the party got more exuberant

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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san francisco was one big street party after the 2008 election, fwiw

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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ooh there might be a solution for this! check out, I used it a week or two ago to get a harris county library card and check out some e-books

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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the street I live on was renamed in the late 19th century when the city restructured the roads on this side of town, but everyone kept using the original name and eventually the city gave up and changed it back

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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houseguest has ventured off to pittastraat to get everyone some late-night gyros! 🥳 the street isn't really named pittastraat but since the only shops on it at street level are gyro restaurants, that's what people call it

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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I parsed it as deluding herself that there was anything appropriate about the relationship, though I agree there are other readings that are less charitable to her (even if I reject them)

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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typo on page 6 line 35, btw, when you get a chance -- looks like evan stark's book is titled "coercive control: how men entrap women"

thank you once more for this important work, and please take all the self-care time you need

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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the "out of love/concern" part makes it a form of self-aggrandizement, though that might be broader than you're looking for (gaslighting also occurred to me fwiw) the abuser is trying to make themselves look good while getting away with abuse

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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ok now *that* genuinely impresses me for a game I've seen described as basically a pokemon-with-guns cash grab

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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they look like they're smiling!

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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hard same! I phrased it as "as long as you don't touch the trigger, it will not go off, so just leave the whole trigger well alone" for the guests who were afraid of guns

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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mother of god, that's terrifying glad you survived!

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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same; I brought up "assume it's loaded" when teaching "here's how you make sure it's unloaded, and you have to do it again every time you look away from it" I figured I could leave out, e.g., "never pull the trigger unless you know what's behind your target" for people who wouldn't touch a trigger

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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honestly I was more concerned about the stove (if you turned the knob the wrong direction, it looked off but was slowly leaking gas) the gun always stayed out of sight and was only fired at the range, but if for some reason I were incapacitated, I wanted people to know how to safe it for themselves

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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it's surprising how people's attitudes changed when they learned "always keep the barrel pointed away from anything you don't want destroyed," "here's how you drop the magazine," and "here's how you check the chamber/barrel are empty" it's different when the scary thing becomes just another machine

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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when I lived in san francisco I had a house rule for everyone who stayed over: you had to have a quick block of instruction on how to ensure the two dangerous objects in the house were in a safe condition the gas stove with the dodgy knobs and the handgun

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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the only downside I can think of is that it gives off the impression that the people are working on something together but, realistically, they are -- we're all contributing to the literature

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thicc white duchess's avatar thicc white duchess
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how about the prefix "co-"?

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