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Fight for the Future

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Digital rights are human rights. There's hardly anything as important as ensuring that our shared future has freedom of expression and creativity at its core.

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Maximum resistance is needed in order to counter the millions of PR and lobbying and lawyer dollars that publishing conglomerates and big tech are pouring into silencing dissent. Do your part today.

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✅ Post about why you love the @InternetArchive and give them a tag. Please share with your community why this institution is important to you. Use the hashtag #DigitalRightsForLibraries!

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✅ Have you been impacted by loss of access to 500,000 books on the archive?

Tell them how:

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✅ In the US?

Join 25+ major civil and human rights organizations like Color of Change, GLAAD, and Plan C in calling for a congressional investigation into surveillance and erasure in digital books—efforts that the Internet Archive is actively fighting against—at

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✅ Demand publishers work with to restore equitable and just access & preservation for half a million purged books at

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✅ Head to and sign the petition. Then SHARE IT. How many friends and colleagues can you get to join?

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Today fights giant publishing conglomerates in court to restore 500,000 books purged from their collection, and for the right of us all to spyware-free, censorship-resistant digital books.

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STATEMENT ahead of oral arguments in their appeal for the right to own digital books: "The right to read without fear of being punished for what you read has never been more under threat."

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If you want to stand in solidarity with the Internet Archive, go to for multiple petitions you can sign. If you’re in the US, you can also contact your legislators. We have over 30,000+ petition signatures already. How many more can you help us get this week?

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What’s happening is very real. Tomorrow, the Internet Archive will go into a New York court and fight their hearts out for the right to own digital books. A right we all should have.

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Amid unprecedented book bans and censorship, and a rollback of basic human rights that means many people have to worry about being punished for what they read, that’s just wrong.

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In Manhattan, we’re flooding the streets with the message that we need global, privacy-preserving digital reading options more than ever. But since big publishers have forbidden us all from owning digital books, nobody can build those options today.

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(While we hope publishing workers have a lovely conference, we wish all the execs from publishing and Big Tech that feeling like everyone is judging you.)

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In San Diego, at the American Library Association conference #ALAAC24, we’re calling out big publishing for their anti-library and anti-human rights suit that seeks to lock digital books into the hands of Big Tech forever.

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Today, to thank the Internet Archive for standing up for the rights of all libraries and all readers to own censorship- and spyware- free digital books, ❤️Fight and the authors of Flaming Hydra are taking to the streets on both coasts.

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Tomorrow, is appealing in court for the right to own and preserve digital books, including half a million books that this suit forced them to remove from their library.
But it’s not book banners they’re up against, it’s Big Publishing.

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Publishing execs who think data on readers is their new product? Get ready, because it’s about to get awkward.

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Good morning Manhattan. #LetLibrariesOwnBooks #DigitalRightsForLibraries ✊🏻

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35+ #mutualaid organizations have now signed onto a letter demanding a congressional investigation into the financial surveillance and wildly inappropriate indictments of #StopCopCity's bail fund organizers.

Financial privacy is privacy, a human right.

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PS: have you experienced facial recognition at airports in the US? Our friends at Algorithmic Justice League want to hear your story on their TSA scorecard at

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Tell Congress to ban facial recognition from airports now and just scan people's tickets like we all want! Propping up facial recognition's use can only hurt our digital and human rights.

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It's far past time for Congress to take action and ban facial recognition completely, but the FAA bill presents an opportunity to go after one of the ways in which this creepy surveillance tech is being nonconsensually forced into our lives.

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Worse, facial recognition disproportionately misidentifies Black and brown people, doubling down on the racial profiling and discrimination US airports are known for around the world. Why are we giving our tax dollars to facial recognition companies w/racist tech?!

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Fight for the Future's avatar Fight for the Future
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Facial recognition is snake oil from big tech companies that makes us less safe, not more safe. It isn't any faster than scanning your ticket, and the data collected could be hacked and stolen, sold to third party face AI scammers.

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Fight for the Future's avatar Fight for the Future
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If Congress is going to give the FAA $105 billion, they need to bake in a ban on dangerous and discriminatory #FacialRecognition tech that the TSA is saying they're bringing to 400+ airports nationwide.

Sign the petition:

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PS: If you’d like more background on this issue, we highly recommend this new article out this week that includes stories from two of our staff here at ❤️Fight:

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Calls actually do make a difference here. Please, it only takes five minutes, we provide a script, and you can call after 5 pm ET to leave voicemails. Call 215-515-8771 or visit

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But congress also has a way weaker option in a bill called #APRA. Those provisions pretend to be the DELETE Act, but actually fine data brokers less $$ than it would cost to do opt-outs, and it would require that we opt out of 500+ individual websites.

Total nothingburger.

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Being able to meaningfully end data brokers’ dangerous abuse of our intimate personal information would be awesome. A gamechanger for activists, abuse survivors, librarians, poll workers.  All the students organizing for Palestine and facing doxxing and threats? This is for them.

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Fight for the Future's avatar Fight for the Future
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The House is considering whether to move forward the awesome DELETE Act, which would establish a national “Do Not Call” list for data brokers to let everyone opt out from data broker websites with one click, forever.

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URGENT ACTION: call now to demand a national “do not call” registry for data brokers. We’ve made it easy with a script if you call 215-515-8771 or visit

Privacy is safety, and if we get the #DELETEAct we’ll live in a world with more of both.

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The good news is we are the closest we've ever been to passing the #DELETEAct or getting it added to (currently toothless on data broker opt-outs) #APRA. Want a one-click opt-out from data brokers? Get involved by signing the petition at

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Devastating coverage of the harms #DataBrokers cause to #abortion workers, patients, and activists—including stories from two of our staff at Fight.

We need the #DELETEAct yesterday so we can opt out of this abuse-to-profit machine.

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If you love the Internet Archive like we do, show your support by heading to and by telling big publishers to leave libraries’ rights alone and start paying authors + publishing staffs appropriately!

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It seems unfair that as publishing profits remain steady or grow, publishers are paying authors (and publishing workers) less than ever. While suing to shut down the digital libraries we need the most in this era of book bans and censorship.  Who’s the real “Napster”?

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This massive dip on the chart of #author incomes (thank you #AuthorsGuild for the data!) looks an awful lot like the plunge that record labels took when, their words not ours, someone was “stealing” from them.

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Fight for the Future's avatar Fight for the Future
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While the tens of billions publishing is making has been at historic highs over the past several years, median author incomes, which frankly were always pathetic, have gone down over 50% since 2007.

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What publishing wins from the Archive, if they win (and they shouldn’t), is $$$ straight into the pockets of lawyers and lobbyists, not authors. Ask us how we know? We made a third chart.

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Fight for the Future's avatar Fight for the Future
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Publishing profits are better than they were 10 years ago, all the time that Internet Archive has been doing its thing—loaning the books it owns.  And yet Big Publishing is pouring money into suing the Archive, saying that they’ve been economically devastated? We don’t see it.

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No. There is no chart to show the same economic harm to publishing from what @InternetArchive or any other library does, not even from piracy. So, we charted it ourselves using ten years of data from Association of American Publishers.

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Either way, the numbers don’t lie in the RIAA’s chart. The recording industry had a huge revenue problem in the ‘00s. So if Internet Archive and other libraries are devastating publishing by lending books, there’s a chart to show that too, right?

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(Whether that was the fault of piracy or just the fact that dinosaur record execs were plugging their ears and saying “lalala the internet doesn’t exist” is for another thread. As is the fact that recording industry profits are higher than ever yet musicians are struggling worse than ever.)

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The #RIAA even included this chart in their amicus brief, which shows how #recordingindustry revenues plunged down by half over the years that the internet really started to happen.

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But tomorrow, Internet Archive is replying to legal arguments that libraries scanning and loaning the books they own amounts to the impact of #Napster on the music industry in the ‘00s, but for publishing revenue.

…does it now?

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And loan such books out in a 1-to-1 ratio, just like they would the paper book sitting in their warehouse, without paying totally atrocious licensing fees over and over.

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What the Archive’s book #library does is scan paper books to make their own digital copies so that they can loan them without letting tech companies and publishing conglomerates spy on readers.

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Tomorrow, #InternetArchive will file their reply brief in the suit from major #publishers to end the right of IA and all #libraries to own and preserve spyware-free digital #books.

Reading what they’re replying to, we’ve gotta ask:

Who is the real “Napster” here?

A thread.

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Today the #DELETEAct received a ringing endorsement from 20 human rights and consumer protection orgs.

We need a one click, permanent opt out from data brokers, with teeth. Everyone can demand it at so do that if you haven't yet!

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Particularly gutting is when this excellent piece talks about elementary or middle school students who might recognize their sexuality for the first time, search for resources, and only see hate. 💔 These schools and their content filters are failing kids.

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⏰ Time is running out! 1 in 6 U.S. households could lose access to the Internet in just TWO WEEKS. Call or send a message to your representatives NOW to say #DontDisconnectUS

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