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Four Years Ago Today

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This account was born on March 6, 2024 when Elise Stefanik asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”)

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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July 7, 2020 As the pandemic continues to rage, Trump announces the United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization. Candidate Joe Biden promises to immediately reverse this if elected. (He did, in his first hours in office.)

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Responding to the recent tearing down of several confederate statues, Trump declares he will build a “National Garden of American Heroes” - a park filled with hundreds of statues of “the greatest Americans to ever live," from Antonin Scalia to Alex Trebek. (It is never built.)

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who says Trump said he wanted his own face on the mountain monument, ingratiates herself by giving Trump a two-foot sculpture of Mount Rushmore with his head added.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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In his second attempt to kickstart his campaign after the Tulsa debacle, Trump does not mention the soaring COVID case numbers that prompted health officials to caution against big July 4 gatherings.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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In a baleful 4th of July speech to a crowd of about 3,700 people at Mount Rushmore, Trump rails against Democrats and warns that “angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.”

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Bars in Texas and Florida - states that had declared victory over the virus and reopened their businesses - are abruptly ordered closed down amid huge spikes in infections. The virus, which initially hit worst in the Northeast, is now surging across the South and West. There is still no vaccine.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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(SCOTUS would uphold the ACA 7-2 the following year.)

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Amid an increasingly deadly pandemic and an economic crisis - and while offering no alternative health plan - the Trump administration formally calls on the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act. At least 20 million Americans face losing their health insurance.

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Reposted by Four Years Ago Today

Brunhilde2525's avatar Brunhilde2525
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Go through this thread. Remember what an upside down clownworld it was. I’ve blocked out so much of those years. All respect to BTS’s ARMY.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Video and photos of Trump’s late night return to the White House, rumpled and dejected, quickly go viral.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale tries to blame Black Lives Matter protesters for the embarrassing turnout, claiming they blocked access to the metal detectors. Reporters say a small effort to block one door was quickly quashed. Parscale’s days on the campaign are now severely numbered.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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For nearly two hours, Trump rambles, at one point describing covid as “Kung Flu." He spends 14 minutes explaining why he walked gingerly down a ramp at West Point. He says he told officials to "slow the testing down" to make it seem that cases were decreasing. The White House says he was joking.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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On the flight to Tulsa, Trump fumes over TV images of vacant seats and breaking news that six members of his advance team in Tulsa have tested positive for Covid-19. Only 6,200 people show up for the rally, according to the Tulsa fire department.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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I've forgotten that until just now. They tweeted like he was still alive.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Before the rally, Trump and his campaign had crowed with increasing excitement about the vast interest in tickets - one million people, they said, had signed up to attend the 19,000 seat venue. They don't seem to realize that K-pop fans on TikTok had requested thousands of tickets as a prank.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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The indoor rally is held in deep red Tulsa, Oklahoma, where health restrictions on gatherings were lax. Former GOP candidate Herman Cain, an advocate of mask “freedom,” is among many who catches the virus at the superspreader event. He dies a month later.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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June 20, 2020 Donald Trump holds his first big rally since March, aiming to restart his lagging campaign with a supercharged crowd. It does not go as planned. A memorable debacle on several levels, it will mark the lowest point of his 2020 campaign.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Dr. Rick Bright, head of the federal agency charged with overseeing the production of a coronavirus vaccine, was removed from his post April 22 - retaliation, he says, for arguing against spending federal money on drugs that had not been vetted. 3/3

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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The Trump administration had stockpiled 63 million doses of the drug. Trump himself, who praised the drug repeatedly and urged Americans to use it to avoid getting sick, claimed to have taken a two-week course of the drug. 2/3

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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June 15, 2020 The FDA revokes its emergency authorization of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which is championed by right wingers, including the president, as a covid-19 cure. The FDA says it was found to have no effect on the virus and may cause "serious cardiac adverse events." 1/3

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Four days later, Trump brought Rampgate up unprompted in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, launching into a long bizarre disquisition about the incident. It is clear that he thinks looking nuts is preferable to looking weak.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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On a sunny Sunday, Trump gives the commencement address at West Point. On his way out, he walks slowly and gingerly down a ramp - a moment of minor interest until Trump, stung by jokes about it online, tweets and makes it into a news story that leads to days of questions about his age and health.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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A few days later he changes the day. He will brag that a hundreds of thousands of people have signed up to attend. He is unaware that on TikTok, an Iowa grandmother has started a massive prank, urging Trump opponents to sign up for lots of tickets they won't use. Many do.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump announces he will restart his campaign rallies - on hold since March - in Tulsa on June 19. The announcement is met with dismay in a nation convulsed by the George Floyd murder as Tulsa was the site of a notorious 1921 racial massacre and Juneteenth marks the end of slavery in the US.

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Reposted by Four Years Ago Today

Seth Masket's avatar Seth Masket
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Four years ago today: Buffalo Police knocked over a 75-year old man at a George Floyd demonstration, giving him a head injury that would put him in the hospital for a month. Trump went on Twitter to promote a conspiracy theory about it and say the man had it coming.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Ahead of new protests expected in DC after 9 days of nationwide demonstrations over the police murder of George Floyd, massive new fortifications of chain link and concrete go up around the White House to protect the president. His foes continue to mock him for hiding in a bunker a few days earlier.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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June 2, 2020 Though nobody believes it, Trump tweets a true thing.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump had been chafing over news that he had hidden in the White House bunker when protesters gathered outside the gates. Earlier that day he berated the nation's governors in a video-conference for not using national guard soldiers to "dominate the streets" and said "you have to do retribution."

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump was accompanied by high level ministers at his hastily assembled photo-op, including his attorney general, defense secretary and joint chiefs chairman Gen Milley in battle fatigues - an image that suggested the military was turned against the people and one Milley later bitterly regretted.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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June 1, 2020 In one of the most notorious days of the Trump presidency, police suddenly advanced on peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park across from the White House, clearing them away with batons, flash-bangs and tear gas. Trump then strode through the park and held up a bible for photographers.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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As protests over the police murder of George Floyd convulse the nation, the White House briefly goes on lockdown when demonstrators mass outside. When it is later reported that the Secret Service rushed Trump to the bunker underneath the complex, he claims he was just inspecting it. Gift link

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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May 27, 2020 A furious Trump threatens to shut down Twitter after it applies its first fact check to one of his tweets predicting the election will be stolen via forged mail-in ballots. He accuses Twitter of "interfering in the 2020 election" and vows to "strongly regulate, or close them down."

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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The New York Times marks a grim milestone with a front page bearing not a single image: just names, one after the other.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Another 2.4 million Americans lost their jobs in the last week, bringing the total unemployed to over 38 million, the worst crisis since the Depression. However the rate of layoffs is slowing as states begin to loosen health restrictions

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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(President Biden revived the tradition in 2022 to honor his former boss.)

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump refuses to host the traditional unveiling of the former president's portrait at the White House or hang the painting. All previous modern presidents have invited their predecessor (or their widow) to a bipartisan ceremony.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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The drug maker Moderna announces that a vaccine tested on a handful of people appears to be safe - and working. It is the first flicker of hope in a long time. Moderna says if more trials continue to be so positive, a vaccine could be available for widespread use as early as the end of the year.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump says he's taking hydroxychloroquine to avoid Covid-19. The malaria drug is touted by right wing "influencers" even as studies show it doesn't help and may hurt the heart. "I've heard a lot of good stories," Trump says. In 2024, it is estimated 17,000 people died from hydroxychloroquine misuse.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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By request of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Trump fires State Dept watchdog Steve Linick, who, it later turns out, has five open investigations, including Pompeo bypassing Congress to sell $8 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia and Pompeo's wife using staff to walk the dog and send holiday cards.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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Trump announces Operation Warp Speed, a massive government project to rush a COVID vaccine to the public. "We'd love to see if we can do it prior to the end of the year," Trump says. Most medical experts caution this is unrealistically soon. The first Pfizer vaccine will be approved Dec 11.

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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The Washington Post publishes a story on the high approval numbers for state governors fighting against the virus. Governors pushing to reopen early are less popular. All are more popular than the president, who is peeved by the story.

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