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Retired Engineer --I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone North Alabama

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I wonder what percentage of women who have them frozen make an attempt to use them?

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This is from a Twitter post I saw last week that certainly shows it will be weeks.

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Doesn't bode well for fire season.

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FDA finds evidence of bird flu virus in grocery store milk but expresses confidence in safety of dairy supply

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And equating anti-Israeli genocide with anti-Semitism is a propaganda fraud.

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It has always been dangerous to disagree with the government's party line in the US. Sometimes they even send out the National Guard to shoot students. On the campus that they were attending.

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And I suspect you are right. When there are protests at colleges in Alabama I have to believe they are widespread.

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You are right. Having watched the anti-Vietnam war protests, and the reaction, the equal rights protests, and the reaction, it's like f***ing deja vu all over again. (The only thing you learn from studying history is that no one ever learns anything from studying history.)

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Looking at the contributions of Jewish Americans to equality, tolerance, jurisprudence in US that does not surprise me. They have always striven for decency. The biggest gaslighting fakery of this discussion is that to disagree w/Israeli govt policy of ethnic cleansing & genocide is anti-semitic.

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Probably not. Though legally adults (of voting age) most older alleged adults don't consider their opinions worthy of consideration. At 73, I've seen this whole thing play out exactly like this before. Except the National Guard hasn't murdered any students. Yet.

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Good catch. It wouldn't seem likely they'd shut down the college over a "few" protesters, would it?

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Because the terrorists are all in Gaza and the West Bank murdering Palestinians.

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These students are legally young adults. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to consider seriously what they have to say. And not treat them as juvenile criminals for disagreeing with the party line.

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Proving once again (in my lifetime) how much more knowledgeable kids are about practical manipulative psychology than college administrators. And how slow college administrators are to learn.

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Only because the university protests have the potential to threaten their AIPAC I mean contributions.

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Not half as tired as I already am of every anti-Trump poster on Twitter going: "look, see how stupid he is" and reposting every one of his identically repetitive rants. I just mutter: "yeah he's not the only one" as I zip by w/out slowing down.

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πŸ‘That was my first thought, too!

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Is our civilization actually coming to an end?

New Hampshire could become the 1st state to end polio & measles vaccine requirements for childcare via a bill passed by state House Republicans.

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#Drought in Ecuador and Colombia affecting hydro dependent electricity supplies .

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The FEC is as corrupt as the Supreme Court.

"...three FEC members appointed during Trump's administration have passed a rule that allows the committee to pay his legal bills."

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πŸ‘I agree with you!

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I think you are right. But after the 60s, and the deaths at Kent State, I had hoped they might have changed. It appears little has.

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πŸ‘I concur.

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Did they screw up? Or are they demonstrating their support for the Conservative Republican philosophy of government by dictator?

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Given their lack of support for the rights of all students guaranteed under the US Constitution, and their vicious censorship an deprivation of legal rights, what do you expect the quality of instruction is like? Science denial? Racist? Pro-MAGA? No student should get loans to go to Columbia.

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Due to their vicious abandonment of the principle of freedom of speech enshrined in the US Constitution Columbia University should be considered an anti-American school. They should receive not one penny in support from any American governmental organization.

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Columbia seems more like Liberty University than a reputable school these days. Their abandonment of the principles of freedom of speech has been swift and extensive. Never have I seen a university fall so far so fast.

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A practice still popular in the US though in recent decades directed more often at students than workers.

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Nice photo!

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Tesla sales are plummeting, massive layoffs in progress, and the board of directors want to spend $56 billion on Elmo rather than the development of new products. Seems reasonable. πŸ™„

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If you think it's falling now wait until the big guys start to unload their large holdings.

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Nope you have company.

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Very well argued and easily read analysis. And very, very scary. πŸ‘

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Why would one expect media corporations to care what the effect of their profits on the US are any more than big oil, food monopolies, and other rapacious corporations?

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πŸ‘"Mad" being the operative term here.

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I think politicians should always get credit on the rare occasions when they tell the truth.

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Groan. πŸ˜‚

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Georgia and Alabama produce, between them, 44 million broilers per week(#1 & #2 in nation ). Alabama has 1.7 million egg laying birds. Think what happens if avian flu shows up in facilities down here.

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I wonder if this is a result of poor educational standards or just conforming to the vax resistance culture?

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Didn't Israel already doing that by bombing the Irani embassy in Syria? Were they trying to provoke an out and out war?

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Could. But right now there seems to be more of a push to just further empower them.

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Obviously a lot of Americans don't. We'll see how they feel after about 30 years without it.

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When the colleges and universities of the US join Elon Musk and Donald Trump in defining free speech as only speech they approve of, it makes clear how widespread among Americans is the loss of support for the US Constitution. Even if Donald Trump doesn't win, democracy in the US is endangered.

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Nope you don't have to. And you are not alone in that.

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"W.M. Griffice, a 74-year-old grandfather, died this week following an explosion at his Alabama home on March 8.

The extent of corruption in Alabama government is mind boggling. But residents keep electing the same old hacks over and over.

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NEW: Texas surgeon accused of secretly manipulating government database to make patients unable to receive new livers. Some patients were found to have impossible criteria in their file, requiring donors to be toddlers weighing 300 pounds.

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A "nitroplast" converts nitrogen from the air to a chemically useful form.

Very interesting article on biology. Especially for non-biologists.

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That's how I feel when I'm sick but my wife will have none of it.

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