Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar

Gert-Jan Bartelds

194 followers 504 following 2211 posts

book freak. life-long learner. critical voice. ex-astrophysicist. remembers boulderdash. guitar and djembe. test all the things. Dem’ter & Türkiye

Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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During the game I will be supporting Romania and Austria

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Incredible save, yes. Objectively, Austria deserved a goal (and a chance to maybe win in extremis) but am happy we now get a NL-TR match

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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The other Mert

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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And another!!!

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Also quite happy with TR right now

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Hey! We’re back home in NL and the vibe is one of relief, I think. The first 10-15mins I thought uh-oh but after Gakpo opened the score it all changed.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Pffffffffff zeg

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Ik was bij de allerlaatste lichting, in 1995. ‘s Ochtends opgekomen, de hele dag intro en gesleep met spullen van de foerier, ‘s avonds eten in de kantine en toen kwam Voorhoeve op TV om te zeggen dat wij de laatsten waren. Vrij kut gevoel, initieel. Maar toch goeie, leuke, nuttige tijd gehad.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Het is geen Deventers gebruik, het is een TokTok Challenge

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Niet veel mensen weten dit, maar een ei in je BH is een oud-Saksische onderhandelingstactiek.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Helpful overview, thanks. It is obvious that clouds are gathering over Europe.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Wow weet je hoe GROOT zo’n ganzenei is????

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Heeft iemand een lekker capibara recept voor me?

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Hier niet

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Yeah I did that a bit too at times, a little peek-a-boo, some funny faces. It was nice.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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The parents were exasperated at times (just when I was 15 years ago)… but the kid stayed happy and the parents recovered, haha

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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I’m a spaceflight nut myself and had a chance last May to visit JSC Houston incl. Mission Control. So I can relate :)

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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On the plane, coming back from summer vacation, a 3-year old girl with her mom and dad, with so much positive and funny energy the whole 4hr flight. Reminded me very much of my own kids when they were that age.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Very cool

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Really cool!

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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What? I don’t know about this story

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Encountered a moose once, unexpectedly, in a Swedish wood. It was like a jump-scare!

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Muis opgevreten

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Reposted by Gert-Jan Bartelds

Gerry Jöris's avatar Gerry Jöris
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‘Vanaf nu spreek ik niet langer over 'omvolking', maar over 'zorgwekkende demografische ontwikkelingen'. Niet over 'natuur', maar over 'zorgwekkend groen gewoeker'. Niet over 'ontwikkelingshulp', maar over 'zorgwekkend weggegooid geld'. Niet over 'Oranje', maar over 'een zorgwekkend zootje'.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Yea, we were watching. Happy for them.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Ja sorry was erg flauw. Onze eigen katten keken me ook heel boos aan

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Krijgt de kitten een schok

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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This is doable

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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I am not a betting man, but this is tempting….

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Is there a support group? ;)

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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I can never not think of you as Turkish anymore now.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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I *need* Türkiye to get their shit together tonight after the Dutch Deception (that we saw coming, yeah?) yesterday

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Er zijn twee koelkasten aan het voetballen. Komt er een ei langs. “Hee! Doe je mee?” vragen ze aan het ei. “Nee sorry” zegt die, “ik moet naar de kapper”

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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M.a.w.: ongeacht wat die wijze man zei, woorden kunnen ook daden zijn.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Ik mag dus op mijn werk, waar collega’s met kanker te maken hebben, de hele dag “kankerzooi’” roepen, zolang ik maar doneer aan KWF of KiKa?

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Rob de Perenijs

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Ze hadden vooraf even in Wenen met de vuist op tafel moeten slaan.

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Liever hoor ik ze over “hakken”, “breken” en “boren” (allemaal gehoord tijdens mijn eigen operatie…)

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Precies: vriendinnen hadden dit niet gedaan en veel druk ervaren. Zij dacht, ik ga dit anders doen. Ik vond het ook stoer, heft in eigen hand nemen!

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Mijn dochter, tijdje geleden, ging naar rijles. Kwam terug: geslaagd! Had die stiekemerd niet gemeld dat ze examen had… 😂

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Life event(s)! 👍

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Gert-Jan Bartelds's avatar Gert-Jan Bartelds
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Sometimes I step out the door, and somehow the weather, the smell, the atmosphere instantly brings back a memory. It could be a mental “fabrication” of course, but most often I think it is not.

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