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Comon man. The media is just hyper focused on the vital issues. And Trump being a corrupt demented narcissistic psychopath who rapes children, steals from everyone, cheats on everything/everyone and is a vile traitor. That’s not what is important Joe Biden is old which you may not have heard.

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Aside from people like Tom, Jennifer Rubin and a few more, the atrocious politico-media complex is NEVER going to stop focusing on the Biden is old approach, and let Trump go scot free. He needed a grand slam to even slightly dent it and that didn’t happen.

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Congrats NYT! Your modus of crushing the slightly left of center party and it’s Reps continues unabated. Kudos! Can wait to see what you brew up for whom ever the Dems end up as their nominee. Good luck under Trump2. I don’t think it’s going to work out great for you.

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Might, just maybe, have something to do with the criminal Netanyahu and the IDF genociding the Gazans. Makes ya think ….

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Which of course you support. Poor Mr trump has been so abused in this witch hunt. Oh wait? He stole nuclear secrets? Well that just fine.

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You completely missed the point. But fine. Keep your faith in the mandarins of the NYT. They’ll be sure to be ‘fair and balanced’ this election.

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oops wait, the NYT does NONE of those things. Their atrocious hands are on the scale for Trump. You know it. Sorry for those of us who actually see it for what it is. And thanks for putting the blame on us, instead of where it squarely belongs. The politico-media complex

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Yes, there's nothing to be said of course about the evenhanded way NYTs has endless stories about Trumps threats of death penalties, the coming nightmare for the immigrants, the Court approving dictatorship, the nationwide abortion ban, Project 2025, pressing that demented narcissist to drop out...

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Spot on chap, the politico-media complex is nothing is not even handed. Right. Oh where are the stories re: the Court's deciding Trump can be a dictator? Off the page, replaced by 4000 angles on 'Joe is old'. Media, led by the execrable NYT is walking us into the nightmare. And you know it.

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Hope young Mr. Cameron enjoys his time under Trump2: Tour de Vengeance that he is so rigorously endeavoring to bring about along with his fellows in the politic-media complex.

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Hunh. A centrist political hack and soon to be failure prioritized his diminished power (and its retention) over the good of the people he represents? Shocking just shocking.

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What’s on the front page as nauseam? Every single fucking day? Is it Trumps unhinged rants of vengeance? Look how fast the S Courts “sure a dictator sounds great” decision left the politic-media pages.

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See any stories about Trumps rants of planned vengeance? What if Biden had said those same things? Do you think the political hacks would just …. Ignore it? No they’d demand he be sent to Guantanamo.

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Not journalists. Journalists are fantastic. No, it’s the politics mandarins. The David brookses. The Bret Stevens. The Kathleen Parker’s. The George Wills. The Jake Tappers. And their oligarchic owners and sycophantic management. See how fast the Trump can be a dictator stories disappeared?

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Doesn't matter, the major politic-industrial complex will have a hundred other bullshit reasons to go hard after Harris, if one doesn't stick, they'll move onto the next one. The want Trump, thats what they do...

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Not in NC, so maybe they're already doing this, but I hope the democrats are running this non-stop along with his 'women should not be allowed to vote' rant.

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The will...

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And we dont care anymore... cause Biden's old. Biden's a fucker who helped make this happen, but Trump is going to let the fringe Netanyahu-ists kill them all....

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Darkly amusing when Putin repatriates this dipshit back to the Trumpists cause some of the national state-ists still hate his guts for selling out to the Russians et al. Then when he's sent to the death chamber he finally gets it.

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Obv. the won't. Just laying the groundwork for the Gang of Six certifying the 5th appeals stating that there is no right to vote in this magnificent country.

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Every fucking day: Dear NYT, the magas want to kill you! We want to let Trans folks live in peace and not give every fucking piece of the economy to finance ghouls and Elon Musk. Good luck under Trump2. You so desperately want Orbanism, youre getting Putinism, or possible Xi's government.

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Great advice except your brethren in the politco-media complex are SO fucking in the tank for trump its a little irritating to be told for the 1,000,000 time useless versions of 'when they go low, we go high'. I'm not sure y'all have any idea what's coming for the media under Trump2.

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The won't fight, they haven't since LBJ? Its the ironclad Dick(head) Durban rule (BLUUUUUEEEE SLIPPPS FORRREVVVERRRR). With Schumer and Jeffries nodding in the background.

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Useful idiots, oligarch funded POSes wanting Orbanism (they're going to get Putinism if lucky, Xi's fun if Bannon wins)

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Nah, they've got the major media all in on Trumpism, and will use men with guns to cause massive chaos in the swing states this fall, throwing the determination to the House of Reps, more red states then blue, Trump installed, Supremes ratify, and we're off to the races on Trump2: Tour de Vengeance.

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It's amazing how they're not just being willfully blind to the nightmare that all authoritarian regimes put the press in - its beyond baffling that they act in a way that actually wants it. Have these supergeniuses even looked at Putin's Russia or Xi's China? THATES what they want???

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These atrocious vile fuckers will outlaw transitioning just like they are going outlaw abortion nationwide. I hate these hateful bigots with every fibre of my being.

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At this point the only thing I hope is that these fuckers are in line too for the firing squad along with the rest of us.

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I pick weak ass House of Lords court given the general awfullness of the court since it’s inception

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Can’t we test that theory out by crushing Yoo’s testicles?

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Like the Gang of 6 was ever going to do anything differently.

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Holy fuck this is SO true! Does Roberts actually think Bannon and Flynn will do what Roberts wants? 1000 to one against that. Do these mind numbingly arrogant morons in the Gang of Six ever read a history book?

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I’ve got to stop obsessing over this but don’t the super genius mandarins (ie morons) at the NYT get what happens to them under authoritarianism? WTF? Maybe they’re hoping for ‘merely’ Orban? Which will still suck for them. But what if the get a Putin? A Xi? And if they get a Hitler/Stalin?

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This reality has GOT to be a computer simulation - how the fuck to explain, well, everything? (Joking…)

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It will be very schadenfreude-y when Bannon and Flynn throw Roberts out the window for trying to flex even the tiniest bit on their nightmare agenda

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Or, maybe just maybe, the currently elected Dems could do SOMETHING??? Oh wait, they’re pathetic cowards, so voting harder should turn the tide, for sure. Maybe we should just go high when they go low…

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Wait wait wait, just because they’ve been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get to keep guessing. That’s so unfair. They’re ‘experts’ beloved by our favorite media hacks.

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All I heard was a bunch of useless spew wrapped around typical democratic leadership cowardliness. Maybe seeing their colleagues led to prison or worse will get these ancient fucks to try to do something beyond “vote harder”. Ha! Never happened yet. Never going to happen now. Pathetic.

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The absolutely do in spite of what Bannon and Flynn are going to go to them. Yet they still want it. Just astonishing. NYT EIC releases sone vaguely negative news about President for Life Trump. They are charged with treason. Prison for life. All others bend the knee.

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Yup. Bannon and Flynn aren’t taking orders from the Gang of Six. If they want Roberts done, Roberts is done.

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Bullshit man! You happy dipshits (collectively) in the national politico media got us into this mess in the first place. Try recognizing how fucked we are, we’re losing, and likely to lose more. Since we are might as well fight like hell on the way down. I will. Decorum +Norms ain’t doing it

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Or maybe you can say ‘fuck it we’re doomed anyway, so let’s goddamn fight as hard as possible on the way down’. Ask Liz Cheney, who’s fought trumpism harder than any damn democratic leader. That carries a lot more resonance in the current Schumer/ Biden/Durbin/Garland opposition moment.

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I usually say NYT must die in its current iteration (turn it into a non-profit). But I think Trump2:The Vengeance Tour will take care of that quite quickly. Do these arrogant narcissists EVER read a history book?

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So. A strongly worded letter from Schumer and Durbin then??? That should set things right ….

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Trump2 pardoning them all will impact the J6 rioters

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It will just be a badge of honor (medal of freedom?) under Trump2

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I continued to be baffled as to why the NYT'rs think they will be immune from the vengeance of Trump2? Free media never survives authoritarianism and they all get killed in dictatorships. Fin/TechBros think they're getting a typical repub admin in Trump2, but Bannon & Flynn have other ideas.

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Who fucking cares, Trump2 initiates nationwide censorship of all media, with Cris Rufo in charge.

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There are no illegal orders (under republican presidents).

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