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Pronounced like gif.

Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I didn't realize these were not paywalled. So now I've read the whole thing. Thanks!

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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C'est quoi le prob? Je ne fais pas la différence avec Twitter.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Nihilism is for coward! Embrace true absurdism! Be like Sisyphus, find a rock to push, and never stop pushing.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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You can run these on a gaming computer, especially the crappy/funny ones. I tried it a while back when it was all new and shiny and weird. (Haven't touched it since, it got boring very quickly)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Tu bloques l'air du ventilo avec. Je te conseille plutôt de placer la poche de froid (emballé dans un torchon) entre ton dos et ta chaise. Effet immédiat pour le confort de travail. Ta pauvre poche de froid ne peut rien faire contre l'inertie thermique de ta pièce (une clim c'est au moins 2kw)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Some peoples need to re-learn enjoying a story just by its flow, character dynamics, or art. Most stories don't have lore to begin with. It's quite insane how the Marvel/DC Universe changed how stories are perceived in nerd culture. Thank goodness things are changing.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Tu peux juste supprimer le feed Discover. Et le remplacer par ce que tu veux. De base, Discover fait un mélange entre ce qui est populaire sur Bluesky, et ton graph social (les follows de tes follows ...).

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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The 0.5% is an upper figure. My guess for books is 1/3rd of that. 423.4MT of paper and board produced in 2021. If you manage to get how much paper is used by the publishing industry, you will be able to figure out its share of the global market (and thus its share in CO2 emissions)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Even better: it's recommended to properly tag! Feed aggregators work on keywords and hashtag. And people can subscribe to those (and I'm sure there's some for art commission, you should make sure your post are detected by those feed).

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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If anyone curious: the IEA says pulp and paper industry produce ~2% of global emission (a little less than aviation). Getting the footprint for publishing is trickier, Cepi report 25% of their production goes to "Newsprint and other Graphics paper". So we're looking at less than 0.5% of global CO2

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Their minimalist design and gameplay loop feels very refreshing today.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Receiving gifts from strangers feels weird. And asking for a gift feels weirder. I guess we're much more comfortable earning money and spending it on things we want.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I know Bluetooth below v4 can have a lot of latency. That's why most gaming gear avoided it for years. Check the version your PC is using. Also, be sure to not have too many Bluetooth devices connected at the same time (3 devices is already pushing the limit of v4).

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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You tried searching for the part number? If lucky, you find a user review with the same problem and an answer.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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lol where do you get such data?

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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It's a community series, no? There's no publishing contract with tapas

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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"XKCD", "Kill 6 Billions Demons", "ClawShot!" (Webtoon canvas), "Nerd & Jock" (Webtoon canvas), "Sarah's Scribble" (everywhere), "Twokind" ... Dropping a bit in the popularity ladder, I would say: "3rd Voice", "Johnny Wander", "Ten Earth Shattering Blow", "Tamberlane", "Oglaf" ...

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Webtoon Originals are reaching Tapas level of quality. I've not seen a single recent release worth my time (I guess the next step in this race to bottom is automatic translation?). Tho you still have some old dogs like doing cool stuff. No idea how they manage.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Trying to apply it to a random Dallas crossing. Let's say I'm by bike, from ALDI going home up north, and I'd rather use S Franklin St. I don't see how you can avoid trapping traffic in between tho.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I feel like South Korea figured that out a long time ago. But in the west the problem is monetization. The classic publishers are uninterested due to poor biz perspective. So the space is mostly inhabited by passionate. I guess crowdfunding make it more viable now.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Yhea, some tech giant claims (like Amazon) are very hard or impossible to double-check (I know because I tried), some smaller datacenters are more open (like Scaleway). It does make economic sense, though: renewable has a fixed cost for decades. Few energy sources have that.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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To achieve energy transition, the only option is political will (from gov or individual), to say "I will not use electricity from this power plant we already built". Because the market always optimize the assets that already exists. But we need to turn off these old plants NOW!

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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But the datacenter industry is a huge driving force for renewable energy. So the main footprint of that will be construction, and possibly water (which is already quite bad). Due to how the electricity market works, renewable is only ever built if there's NEW power demand. (1/2)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Oh no, I have fallen into a rabbit hole! Look at this from 1905! Someone should make a list of all of these by publication date. The style innovation between 1895 and 1920 is insane

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Note: the English wiki page "History of comics" is very short and lacking images. Look at what's on the French one for 1880! There's a part discussing tech improvement and its impact on comics, the main tech allowing cheap comics is from 1870

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Of course any art need a medium, but we could be looking at the causality the wrong way: the print tech could have been improved to address a new popular market. As for the limitation, they're localized! Europe and Japan had very different limitation, yet all converged toward a similar presentation

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I think it's more of a social evolution. People that previously were not able (or allowed) to draw suddenly could, which resulted in quick innovation and evolution. Creating a new artistic medium that was, at the time, by the working class, for the working class.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I don't think so. It took centuries after the printing press for modern comics to appear. Even when newspaper were able to print drawing and images, it took a long time for comics to adopt the form we know today (with speech bubbles, gutters, on an entire page)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I fail to see how an assassination can be **politically** good. Assassination is the ultimate defeat of politics, the renunciation of political discourse, the acknowledgement that you cannot win without violence. Depending on your morals, it could be **morally** good.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I never had issue with any USB cables (C or previous standard). But I only plug my device when necessary. I guess less time being plugged means less chance of breaking things? Also, I don't have animals playing/chewing my cables.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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The problem is that we live in a world where there's monetary incentive to fully capture your audience attention for as long as possible.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Got ASM, unsurprisingly ;) you can't see your score for the others, sadly. Random though I got during the quiz: - music "where's synthwave? house? what is hyperpop? help" - group project "lol all 4" - color "this pink is probably not *neon* pink, and there's no blue. Hello darkness my old friend"

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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÷ is on the calculator, everyone knows it! Wait, do they still use calculator at school?

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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If you want to keep reading Urasawa's work, I'd recommend Billy Bat. Or Pluto (an Astro Boy reinterpretation) if you're in a robot mood.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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We all know Facebook is one of the worst social network out there (and everything it touched get contaminated). There's plenty of research paper showing its disastrous effect on people and society. Yet it's still the most popular one. Regularly used by 2B peoples. I cannot understand them.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Most of the audience never cared for originality and/or quality to begin with. Popularity is only weakly linked to quality (it's a well documented bias). Regularity is king. And that make intuitive sense: just look at the longest running TV show, same thing, same peoples, at regular hour, each week

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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You have Graysky and that already support it.
I think it's not officially supported yet for moderation reason

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I don't understand the focus on widening screen. While increasing vertical height is quite nice for work/daily use.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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LOL the yellow paint is probably less offending to me than nonexistent texture blending of the rocks XD What a bad looking screenshot

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Whoops! IIRC Tomb Raider use red cloth or other clue for the climbing session, and not yellow paint. So I don't know what game you're talking about ^^'

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Yes, they're lamps in Doom. But in the case of Tomb Raider, it's just bad (world) design, which is a different issue ;) (I think they should've just made the climbing more automatic, since they don't do anything with it gameplaywise anyway)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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It depends. In modern Doom, the green light provides a lightweight transition to the next combat arena, while still allowing to reward player that explore with hidden passages. Not all game are about exploration, not all gamer want exploration, and that's ok. AAA can afford gameplay diversity.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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It always surprises me when I read or see something from half a century ago, and realize our storytelling have not changed that much.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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This looks unusable to me. By "web of lines between events floating in workspaces" you mean states machines ? It's an insanely powerful and popular paradigm, a lot of critical software is conceived that way, because it's easier to find lock state in your design.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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So far, my "Following" tab on Twitter show only post from people I follow. I hope it stays that way, not everyone has migrated elsewhere yet ...

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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That's around the load of an internet box, add a fiber decoder, a TV box, and you end up with 10W-15W of power doing mostly nothing. Some ISPs are intelligent and provide a single hardware that you can use as a small NAS/Home server. But most don't offer that.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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I have never seen €3.99 in Europe in my life. But I've seen 3€99 a lot, with the cents written smaller (a devious scheme to make your product feel 1€ cheaper)

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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That can quickly become stale. A good example is superhero comics: every few decades a new author pick the stuff they like about a character, and build something with it. And it becomes the new popular thing others will build on top. The only important thing: is the author good enough for that?

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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Confluence is the common choice for mid/large companies. I've heard Tracim is an alternative. Never tried. If you only care about documentation, mainly in text, for developer: git + Markdown is a good "no bullshit" choice.

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Hugi's avatar Hugi
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!jazbot whereami

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