Brenda Lee's avatar

Brenda Lee

776 followers 1480 following 298 posts

Agent of change, champion of animals, maker of beautiful art. Proud disabled sarcastic woman of a certain age figuring out what's next. Along the way, I get to be grown up to an awesome kid and spend every day in love with my favorite human. Love wins.

Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“But I Don’t like Unicorns” I chose to work in an uncomfortable color scheme today to prove to my kid That things don’t have to be perfect for a day be good. Help me spread the message. ♿️ 🧑‍🎨

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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This week has been a roller coaster ride. Creation has slowed a bit, but I’ll never stop. Something beautiful to welcome you into the weekend and hopefully get you thinking just a little. In the middle of chaos.
“Souls Aflame ♿️ #Art #ThisIsNotAI #DisabledAndProud #FindYourJoy

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Wildflower Wash” today is a day filled with cold and sadness. Almost more than my heart can bear, but I painted something colorful. I needed to remember Joy. Maybe you do too. Share it. ♿️ #DisabledArtist #WomanArtist #ThisIsNotAI #ArtMentalHealth #SpringForward

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Autumn canopy“ I was feeling a bit melancholy tonight and nothing else would do. Can you hear the raindrops when you look at this?

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Hopes for spring” bright, vivid primary colors with accents of purple and green. Broad strokes and round circles are suggestive of kids in the park with balloons. What do you see? 🧑‍🎨 ♿️ #ArtForMentalHealth #DisabledAndProud #WomenArtists#ThisIsNotAI

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“It’s my favorite“ I bet you can guess what my favorite color is! Good morning all my blue sky butterflies. May your day be your favorite color. ♿️#DisabledArtist#WomenArtists #ArtForMentalHealth #DisabledAndProud #SayTheWord

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Radiant impact“ all of the light and all of the goodness that we put into the world build on itself as it radiates outward from its source. Even in times of struggle we have to keep shining the light. ♿️ #DisabledArtist #WomenArtists #ThisIsNotAI

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Hush the Monsters”. a tribute to my in dialogue most days. Also, a statement about what I think we should try and do for others. The world is full of ugly things. Always try to add joy where you can.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Neural Confusion” a visual representation of thoughts colliding in my anxious brain. Sometimes Justine unruly mess. Sometimes just beautiful fragile creative things that might disappear if the light changes. #Disability #DisabledArtist #ThisIsNotAIArtForMentalHealth

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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What a sweet baby! Thank you for rescuing!! Please give that sweetheart some scratches from me. Have a wonderful weekend

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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“Burdens of thought “sometimes it’s hard for hopes and dreams to exist juxtaposed with the harsh realities we confront on an everyday basis. If this color brings you joy, share it.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I think those who replace their drivers licenses/IDs before the due date, or anytime before they need their ID for something urgent or fundamentally different from those of us who know the panic of a looming flight and an expired ID. I am the latter. Four I always will be.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I am so glad you like it! I might offer prints one day. Keep an eye out and have a fabulous colorful day

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning to all of those of you who fly the blue skies! Today, the beautiful thing I give you is a shot of nostalgia. “chaos in toyland“. It is all silly string and light bright pegs and love.
#WomenArtists #DisabledArtists #Disability #ArtIsAccessible #ThisIsNotAI

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
[ View ] will there ever be full integration with iOS voice control so that I don’t look like an idiot every time I make a post? Five

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning, all my blue sky butterflies! my most fervent hope this year is that we all create positive change! Share this message widely! For“Push Into to the Primaries“ #Disability #RevUp #ThisIsNotAI #CripTheVote#Art #PoliticalArt

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Signal boost needed. Disabled recovering from Covid. Administrative glitch means the household is missing a payday. Any and all support appreciated. PayPal is please share widely. Four

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Does Covid brain frog make other people angry and agitated or is it just me? I have no attention span and I just very negative right now, which is out of character for me. Someone please tell me it will pass! Five

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I wish you peace. Our household is dealing with a similar passing. I’m sure your sweetheart was loved every day and loved every day entrepreneurs.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Covid is here for Christmas. Symptomatic this time. Not me but my sole caregiver who lives here. Sure would appreciate a signal boost or support to have what we need to get through the next few days. PayPal is #Disability #Covid #MutualAid#PleaseShare#PayForward

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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There are so many individuals who really need these kinds of supplies. This is not only criminal, it is flat out inhumane. I am disabled. My soul caregiver has Covid. We are making it work. Supplies like this would be well used here.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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"Christmas From The Car"
Wishing you all a season of joy. It doesn't matter what words you use to spread kindness as long as the deed is done. Your neighbor where they are and don't make believing like you do a prerequisite for a welcome seat at your table.
#Disability #Art

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Wishing a bold and bright Friday morning to all of my blue sky friends. Don’t forget to celebrate whatever it is you can find to celebrate this weekend. Start with a little “Scatterlight“
#DisabledArtist #Disability #WomanArtist #WomenArtists #ThisIsNotAI

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Sometimes, I need to learn when not to engage. That’s the thing about working in nonprofit human services for three decades. It doesn’t just stop.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Wishing a lovely morning to all of you. What change will you create today?

“Dichotomy“digital acrylic pour. I hope this brings some color joy to your day. If it does, please share it with others. #Art #WomanArtist #DisabledArtist #Disability #ThisIsNotAI

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Where there is chaos, there can also be beauty. Where there is beauty, chaos is almost certain.#ThisIsNotAI #Disability #DisabledArtist #WomenArtists #WomanArtist #ArtIsAccessible

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning all my fine unfeathered friends!
Welcome to my experiment where we see if a little art can make a Monday feel like Friday. This one’s called “raising children”
#DisabledArtist #WomanArtist #Disability #ThisIsNotAI #WomenArtists

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Homemade Shakshuka with chicken for breakfast. It is a good day.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Wishing a peaceful Saturday morning to everyone, even as I recognize how difficult it is for many. Hoping to do my part to spread some joy! #Art #DisabledArtist #WomanArtist #WomanArtists #ThisIsNotAI#Disability

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning, great people and people who don’t know how great you are. I’ve spent a lot of this week learning how to breathe again. It was time to play with a little color and this is what happened!#ThisIsNotAI #Disability #DisabledArtist #WomenArtists #Art #DigitalArtFor

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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 and this is how baby Me was made.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Thank you! It will be a while before I am back to 100, but I do feel like I’ve turned the corner have a great weekend.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning my little X fighters. Today I bring you something beautiful and ask you to share it for and wine. “Hidden Magic“ what does it remind you of? How far can it go? Share it with your friends and let’s find out.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
[ View ] I hope this makes you giggle and remember a baby on a plane.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Thank you very much. Apparently, the universe wants me to slow down and really think about taking a breath.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning! Hoping that you all have a fabulous Monday. Returning from several days of bronchitis.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I kind of wish rather than bots, platforms would allow disabled people who have the energy to do the job and pay us for it. It’s solid work that takes some skill, and there are a lot of folks who really could use a small steady stream of income.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I certainly didn’t mean for my comment to come at you in anyway. I was just pointing out to others who might read the thread that there are weaknesses in how the text appears. Many sided people don’t understand the purpose. Thank you for helping to test.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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That is decent alt text for a sighted person, but it misses the point of alt text. It does not describe the visual elements of the painting.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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It is a particularly fraught morning. A dear friend is nearing the end of her journey. I wish you all the very best day that you want for yourselves. This one is titled “memorize the light “

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I can kind of see that. Maybe you’re like me and you watch way too many medical shows?

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning all you highflyers of the blue skies. I hope your Monday is exactly the day you are hoping for. Be great today! Do good today! Even if both happen under a blanket on the couch. This painting is called “juggling inside” For 

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I believe when I checked the information for the episode it aired on November 2 or third originally. I didn’t find it until today. Our lift is already installed but I was so delighted to see it. 

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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I am watching "This Old House." They are installing a ceiling track lift system in a little boys bedroom as part of building the house! I might be allergic to something. Representation matters so much. #Disability #Access #Accessibility #AffordableAccessibleIntegratedHousing

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Sometimes I feel the decades of my age like warm honey dripping off a spoon, waiting for me to swallow and experience the deliciousness one drop at a time. Sometimes, I feel the years like lead sitting in my shoes dragging me down towards nothing.

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Good morning, lovely people of the blue skies! We’ve made it to Friday again. Reflecting this morning on inner peace and how fragile it can be. What if we protected each other’s like the treasure that it really is?
“Fragility reflected“ #Art #DisabledArtist #ThisIsNotAI #WomensArt

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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You are the only one from blue sky to enter. There are others on Facebook I would rather the winner on November 30 in the evening. Good luck

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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Wishing everyone a peaceful Thursday. I know that’s not a small wish. Let’s lift each other up and try to make it happen. Let’s make compassion bigger and hate disappear. Let’s make kindness our bright star.#ArtDisabledArtist #ThisIsNotAI

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Brenda Lee's avatar Brenda Lee
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My thoughts and my rage are with you. I really hope everyone makes it home safe.

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