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Insipid Twaddle

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I was bad at Twitter, and by golly, I will be bad at Bluesky, too.

Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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NDP is nominally left of the Liberals; it's a lot muddier than it once was, but in the broad strokes you're correct in how I would expect it to go. The one place where the NDP might make gains is in Quebec, as there are a lot of seats won w/40% by the separatist Bloc where the NDP might profit.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Pretty embarrassing, in one of the most consequential moments of your political career, to have to stand up there on stage in front of the world and concede defeat next to such a clown. Really have to feel for Mr. Barmy Brunch that his moment is spoiled by the presence of Jacob Rees-Mogg.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Straight prop-rep was a non-starter for Quebec, though, because the Bloc would have been permanently crippled. Some sort of mixed-member system was probably the only potentially viable route, but exactly how or what was something no one agreed upon.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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SCOTUS left the exact extent of the powers ambiguous so that they ultimately get to call the shots. Safe bet: for Republican presidents, the immunity power is inviolable, for Democratic presidents, you might be able to get a ticket for a lane change violation dismissed. If it's a first offense.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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In fairness, the all-party committee made a complete hash of things, recommending a change in electoral system...and completely ducking the question of what thar system should look like. Which left the Liberals with two bad choices: impose a system, or just do nothing. And they chose nothing.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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This isn't the first time a Farage outfit has surged in the polls as a sort of protest vote. UKIP got 12.6% in 2015, which touched off the Brexit referendum and other nonsense, and then they completely face-planted in the next two elections. So they might expand from here, or they might fizzle.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Good to see Rupert Lowe land on his feet after his previous noteworthy career: bankrupting Southampton Football Club as its chairman which nearly led to its dissolution.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Race to see whether Labour can have enough confirmed victories to form a majority in Parliament before the Tories can produce enough wins to form a football XI.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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That's because it wasn't a competition. Do it ABC Sports Superstars style, complete with American flag leotards. And if their elderly bodies are too frail to navigate an obstacle course, we won't need campaign insiders to tell us later.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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The Lib Dems' campaign involved having their leader perform a bunch of leisure activities: going on waterslides, bungee jumping, attempting to surf, etc. And it might net them official opposition status for the first time. I don't want to see Biden/Trump debate. I want to see them windsurf.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Today we celebrate the forgotten heroes of the raw milk movement.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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C'mon. You libtards and your exaggeration. They merely want to peacefully relocate anyone who disagrees with them -- y'know, the usual: trade unionists, leftists, the queers, (((those people))) -- to places where they cannot interfere with the revolution. With barbed wire and guards, for safety.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Yeah, the three biggest drivers of CONCACAF's development over the past 20 years are MLS, Liga MX and, unironically, the Belgian Pro League. Crazy number of North/Central American players whose path to European success can be traced through a couple years in Ghent or Bruges.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Canada also has a similar development path to the US (best players go to Europe, rest play in MLS) and the MLS has been a godsend for NT development. A second-tier league with good academies that feeds its best into first-tier leagues in Europe beats the hell out of what existed previous: nothing.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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25th Amendment implementation now presumed to involve the cabinet fortifying an undisclosed location.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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"How many divisions does the Constitution have?". -- Samuel Alito.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Suspect that you'd get an emergency appeal to SCOTUS, which would be upheld. This is only intended to work one way. Which is why you have to ensure that there is no emergency appeal to this SCOTUS. If you're going to dream, dream big, and there are at least six vacancies in DC's jails.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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In my lifetime (so, the '86 election on), Democratic House candidates have outpaced their Republican counterparts by more than 30 million votes, so it's not just that the Democrats have had better candidates at the top of the ticket, either.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Look, it's easy to nitpick a system of government that reduces the population of the country to a single person each year, but isn't it time we tried something a bit different?

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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President decided by a winner-take-all battle royale involving all residents. Automatic entry. No exceptions, no restrictions. Viola: permanent consensus government with 100% approval rate. Some downstream complications for the economy, survival of the species.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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"We have developed the ultimate business product: an artificial toddler. Without constant supervision it will ruin anything valuable comes in contact with, it steals constantly and without conscience, and it struggles to differentiate between reality and its imagination. Please give us billions".

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Feel like if you prop him up and follow his eyeline, he will always be staring in the direction of the nearest source of cheap beer. Like a human dousing rod for Natty Ice.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Orly Taitz in the year 2024 is a deep cut.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Find a better way to get in the paper. My mother is a book conservation specialist who worked primarily with university libraries and public archives. At the best of times, they struggle badly on a shoestring budget. What they did here was devastating, and "they got in the paper" doesn't justify it.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Hard to get tech industry buy-in if you can't promise that you have a plan to screw over workers.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Going to make billions by creating a "green AI" that is just posters working for $0.12/word.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Ask to get paid by the word. The only thing worse than his message is his medium.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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I don't care what you say: setting up a brothel where you randomly dose people with acid so that one of your agents can watch them trip with prostitutes from behind one-way glass, while the agent sits on a toilet and drinks heavily, is what peak intelligence-gathering performance looks like.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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It's never a bad time to Remember Some Guys.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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The Moderately Disreputable Children Born Out of Wedlock.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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The usual thing: ship the lesser son(s) off to the colonies to Do Commerce so that they don't burn through the family fortune betting on pigeon boxing or whatever, which is a privilege reserved for the first born.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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I share a surname and lineage with a particularly odious member of the House of Lords, so I can confidently state that for every mildly important someone in your tree, it also means being related to about 50 Wikipedia-worthy fail-lords and thus should be viewed as a source of shame, not pride.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Sign the shares over to the Knowledge Fight guys, so that they can mount them on the wall as a trophy.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Look on the bright side: it's much harder for the cops to show up en masse and bust heads when they're limited to 4mph, because their dystopia-on-wheels is perpetually in limp mode.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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I bet that automated crypto trading bot could pilot a submersible to the Titanic really efficiently.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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I've spent the past couple years trying to get people to simply read the indictments from the Oath Keepers cases: it's impossible to pretend it wasn't an insurrection when you see their texts. The refusal even by pundits to read the primary docs they are supposedly commenting on is infuriating.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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"This van doth pause its trek in the presence of ample-figured matrons" written in calligraphy across the bumper.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Benjamin Franklin drives an airbrushed Econoline van with plush carpeting. I will not be debating this.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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The pen is pretty mighty, but have you seen what you can do with a hammer?

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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The world has never needed Ashley Feinberg's particular set of skills more.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Additionally, I have spent an awful lot of hours watching an awful lot of sports. I'm not sure that watching a bunch of adults play physical games for millions of dollars is any less weird than watching a person play video games.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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First good call of his career.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Needs to be reframed, really. This isn't inflation as we typically think of it, and it won't be solved through the traditional means of blunting inflation. It's artificial scarcity brought about by a combination of vulture capitalism and government inaction. Address those, not the 'inflation' side.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Paths to utopia: The far right: exterminate the filth that is holding us back. The far left: one incredibly persuasive post that permanently galvanizes society around the correct perspective -- yours. Much prefer the latter to the former, obviously, but think it lacks something in the details.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Yeah, I think this is a lot of it. "Elect us and we will gradually make things better within a complicated and often perilously-balanced system of wants and needs" lacks the fundamental appeal of the extremes, who have one cool trick that will definitely bring about a utopia (they won't).

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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I still do it, and it's generally possible for everything but shoes. But I'm also a weirdo who buys plain t-shirts 25 at a time from places that sell them in bulk, which makes it far easier.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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You'd think "we support the secular, left(ish) coalition being returned to governance over all of the Palestinian territories" would be a gimme, but sure, stan Hamas for no apparent reason.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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Bullshit. Four Loko was the most disruptive beverage in history.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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You have successfully identified the only anti-choice Democrat in Congress. That is 1 out of 264 Democrats in Congress, a whopping 0.37%.

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Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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No, people are saying that you should fight it through the actual avenues available to fight it. There is no mechanism by which Joe Biden can magically wish the court into having 15 seats, even if he closes his eyes and balls his fists and wishes really, really hard.

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