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Jaime Palter


113 followers 144 following 105 posts

Oceanographer, professor, Mom, Rhode Islander. Here to learn and connect with ocean, climate, energy crowd.

Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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At least for CO2 itself (not all the GHGs), we can very nearly close the global budget. So, the reporting may be imperfect, but plateauing of fossil CO2 emissions is not a reporting error. Let's not ignore that improvement really is happening.


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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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20 years ago, global greenhouse gas emissions were rising at ~half a billion tons of CO2e per year. Today, they're almost steady.

A lot work to do to drive the emissions (and not just its rate of change) to zero. Celebrate progress and keep shoulder to the wheel.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Right on, Jess! So many reasons to get started doing oceanography ... but one of the main things that keeps me going is the community and people (like you). Yes, let's keep at it and help each other weather the headwinds and tailwinds along the way.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Something that made me feel good this week: After listening to @volts.wtf podcast with www.undauntedk12.org, I wrote the members of my town's school committee. Two members already got back to me to say thanks, and one said they are already evaluating geothermal heating for the new school building.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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That's a nice graphic. I know there must be stuff out there -- just want it packaged up nicely. Gardiner and Nichols (2012) have a book, reviewed here: www.nature.com/scitable/kno...
A bit dry, but a nice overview

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Undergraduates would likely find it accessible -- great recommendation. I'm also wondering about ethical obligations to non-human components of the world. I'll see if there's a chapter of Braiding Sweetgrass that would capture it...But would also take other tips :)

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Thanks, and I know this one. A classic, indeed.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Does anyone have a favorite advanced undergraduate-appropriate reading related to the ethics of climate change and its mitigation (or adaptation)? This would be background for 1-week of the class, so article length (or single book chapter) would work best.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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What do we do now?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Destiny's Ciabatta

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Simon and Pumpernickel

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Does anyone remember 2009 when a group of excellent oceanographers wrote this: www.nature.com/articles/461...

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Yes, and we'll never undo mCDR as a concept entirely. But I think we may be at a precarious moment when differentiation/discernment is especially valuable. Fears disproportionate to true risk could halt research-scale deployments that pass the strictest standards of safety.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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If there are methods that are going by the same umbrella term of mCDR but are too risky or obvious dead-ends, what is gained by sharing a moniker with them?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Totally agree! We walk a razor's edge. On one side: people hear "chemical mCDR" and are terrified, thereby arresting research. A potential solution withers on the vine. On the other side: finding reassuring words to help the public understand/embrace responsible research could lead to PR hogwash.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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I especially like this idea. From an oceanographic, biogeochemical, and fisheries perspective, the ocean science community could test the hypothesis that some of these methods are restorative. I suspect the same could happen on the social side.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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DOR would return seawater to a chemical state closer to pre-anthro perturbation (but filters water). OAE shifts the partitioning of DIC closer to preindustrial, but with the goal of having more total DIC in the end.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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I think "ecological manipulation" is an honest description of the biological methods. "Seawater restoration" is okay but uncomfortable:

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Thank you for these thoughtful responses! We currently use value-neutral terminology (Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement, Direct Ocean CO2 Removal, Iron Fertilization). The terms are not legible to folks outside of ocean sciences. My proposed terms are certainly value-laden, but that's with intention...

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Proposal: Unbundle the methods, stop calling it mCDR, and talk about “Restoring Seawater” to realize its CO2 uptake potential. It could help the public understand what Direct Ocean Removal and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement have in common and avoid conflation with ecosystem manipulation.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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The more I think about it, the more the term "mCDR" seems problematic. It lumps methods that would manipulate ecosystems (e.g. iron fertilization, macroalgae cultivation) with totally unrelated approaches that use the natural properties of seawater to accomplish CO2 drawdown from the atmosphere🧵 1/2

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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haven't we bonded over our shared love of telnet?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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great photo

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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that's a nice looking bike!

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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wow, bluesky dot app gravel bike user community is showing up today!

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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My son agrees. Any suggestions for makes/models?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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is that the gravel bike?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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same at noaa

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Is it definitely easier/cheaper to create a sustainable fuel than to scrub CO2 out of exhaust? (genuine question)

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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autocorrect almost didn't let me write it correctly! (love your name :)

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Jewish woman climate scientist president does have a certain ring to it

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Feeling such nachas for this woman 😀

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Such cool news. I hope she does great things

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Imagine that we talked more about all the good things 😇

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Cars also ruin desserts. My only crash happened directly after visiting a German bakery. Jelly-filled pastries flew everywhere and it took me several minutes to realize my passenger and I weren't bleeding.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Are you willing/able to share the slides or recording?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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To hope or not to hope, that really isn't the question

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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bidirectional charger install?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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I have a joke about the minotaur, but it's total bull

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Didn't know what a mango was till I was 20. Lettuce was iceberg. Celery with peanut butter and raisins (ants on a log) was big treat.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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this has been nagging at me too

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Went for a gorgeous, long walk in the woods on a beautiful evening yesterday and stumbled upon .... a portal-potty storage facility. I am trying hard not to see a metaphor in this

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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I had a fantasy that emissions would finally be slightly negative or, at least, flat territory in 2024. Keep up the hard work, people!

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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That's great news. Thanks for your work. Do you know what happens to the silica dust once created? Does it get capped in some way?

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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Wow - I was not aware of this publication. Such an ingenious series of calculations that now form the first weeks of many classes on climate. Interesting that he did not consider the effect of the terrestrial biosphere.

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Jaime Palter's avatar Jaime Palter @jaimepalter.bsky.social
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This is how I picture Brett Kavanaugh's yearbook

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