Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar

Chairman Goa Tse-tung

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these are some pictures i took. please don't put in the newspaper that i got mad everything's on a Fuji X-T4 unless stated otherwise i'm tired of putting that in the description. some straight out of camera, some edited. chaos reigns

Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i'm state fair pilled this year. i haven't gone in ages

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yuuuuup. i have no fucking idea what the right thing to do is and i'm not going to pretend i do

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i was born a poor "well, actually" child and though i slip, i have made it an effort for years to stop that

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i used to mock france for getting a new government every week but it seems to mostly be working for them

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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on top of all the other stupidity here, parkinson's?! my mom has parkinson's, it's not a hideable illness. the medicine only does so much. everyone who has ever seen him would know it's real fuckin obvious

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i cannot comprehend why anyone would go in the Sick People Box without a mask. employees in there all day not wearing them!! what the fuck

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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wonder if some of this is also just being too immersed in politics. like how people from other cultures see the weird parts of yours that you stopped noticing

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i assume this barf bowl thing is the new poop knife and there's just one weirdo

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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as a representative of the general depressed insomniac friend community, the positive feedback is appreciated

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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the rest sucks tho

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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tricking republican congressmen into posting war criminals on memorial/veterans day is a funny bit, i'll give him that one

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yep. i speak an incomprehensible mix of korean, mandarin, and japanese

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i've had two IKEA mattresses and honestly have been really happy with both. i only bought the second one since i moved internationally so couldn't keep my original

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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my lib cuck opinion is better is, in fact, better than worse

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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okay but if they just did one and it was above ground and i got to go watch it because i really want to see one

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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πŸ“·πŸ“Έ #photography

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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no ring

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yeah people act like it's 100% the cult but there are soft trump supporters who actually don't like that he's a criminal scumbag and because our system is stupid it doesn't take all that many of those to stay home to swing it

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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πŸ“·πŸ“ΈπŸˆ #photography

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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nothing has ever been more real than the pee tape

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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my dad had dementia and tumors eating his brain by the end and spoke more comprehensibly than trump

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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it is utterly beyond me how anyone can listen to him for five minutes and not think oh no, this man needs to be in full time medical care somewhere. he can't be outside

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yeah if you just read the text it's incomprehensible gibberish. biden sounds old but mostly makes sense. trump sounds younger and his brain is a soup-like homogenate

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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the shift from "I think the CIA is everywhere and targeting me specifically" being shorthand for crazy person to shorthand for intelligent, well-educated posting is something i'll never get past

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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reposting grayzone all day while screaming about all the libs being captured by CIA propaganda (everyone working at every US newspaper is a CIA agent)

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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they allow people to live in DMVs now? sounds miserable

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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the stupidity of journalists about this baffles me more than anyone else even the bootlickers on fox should be taking a real hard look at what happens to bootlicking journalists in authoritarian countries once they're deemed no longer useful or say one thing off script

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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the liver king is hilarious, especially after it came out he's just made entirely of steroids since obviously it's roids and not the power of raw liver

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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chads only eat high meat

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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it's an interesting feeling thinking maybe i should start carrying a gun outside since i have no idea if the chemical sprays i have now even work and i don't want to find out

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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lol i saw trucks of the meat dogs when i lived in korea, they are a specific breed and they are definitely not one anyone's ever seen elsewhere

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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pretty cool pairing this with the rapid increase of people having big aggressive dogs running around the streets everywhere

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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biden was telling it the corn pop story 100 million years ago when it evolved

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yeah as a poor person the worst financial decision i've ever made was not joining the military. a few years doing inventory or some bullshit in the navy would've utterly transformed my future

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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absolutely not

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yeah i didn't really experience it when i went as a tourist, but living there's a whole different thing

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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everyone in china needs three months off work for mandatory therapy and weed

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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at least your spy was hot. ours was just a generic dumpy uncle. disappointing

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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it's a completely rational response to generations of nightmare and it fucking sucks to live in a place where everyone has knives out for everyone else at all times

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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we had a MSS (or something similar) minder at my workplace in china. it was extremely obvious, even the students made jokes about the spy. very nice guy, spoke near native english. office conversation sure dried up real quick after he was "hired"

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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yep. i know two people who are just gone. part of why denying china's ongoing genocides is one of my instant yeet buttons

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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china is the lowest trust, most every man for himself fuck you got mine place i have ever experienced. if americans think it's like that now oh boy you have no idea how much worse it can get once society itself is destroyed

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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that is an interesting read, how much has stayed the same and how much has changed since xi turned the "opening up" part around

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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and the caveat of course is that for electronic communication it IS possible to sift through all of it. still doesn't mean they're actually going to do anything about it, they usually won't. but you are being monitored and if you set off whatever algorithm they're using, welp

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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they imagine an enormous bureaucracy that monitors everything and everyone all the time. it's just not. day to day life isn't that different. occasional subversive TV and books slip through the cracks. it's not all encompassing. but it's enough that the boot is always hovering above you somewhere

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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and then occasionally they make an example of someone to make sure you remember and to keep you off balance, since the line changes every time

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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the chengdu worldcon shit. "the chinese government didn't do anything the worldcon just censored themselves!" THAT'S HOW IT WORKS DUDE they can't monitor everything! they make you shut up so they don't /have/ to monitor you!

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i've noticed that most people have no idea how things actually work in an authoritarian country. which i suppose is good but it's also frustrating when you try to explain it and people are just "lol no". bitch i lived in a country like this for years i do have some experience

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i think a lot about talking to my chinese friends at the bar vs how they come across on wechat

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Chairman Goa Tse-tung's avatar Chairman Goa Tse-tung
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i have so many thoughts about so many things that i do not post. it's always okay to not post

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