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Star Trek fan, amateur WWII historian, comic nerd, miniature hobbiest. I used to care a lot about politics, but I’ve given up now. Don’t tell me who won. It will spoil the ending.

Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Trump: [convicted of rape, 34 counts of fraud, and handles Top Secret documents like an old cat lady hoarding newspapers] WaPo: {breathlessly} Is there still time for Biden to step down!?!? Democracy didn’t die in darkness. Bullshit is what killed it.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Remember when W bombed his 1st debate against Kerry? Remember when Obama bombed his 1st debate against Romney? Remember Trump bombing his 1st debate against Biden? Every president seeking reelection bombs their 1st debate. The public neither cares nor remembers. Only pundits care.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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“You just have to admire the confidence with which he spews his bullshit” is the official motto of 21st century media.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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At least there’s symmetry!

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Given the evolution of the nomenclature, it feels like “Godzilla Plus One” would have been a better name.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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“Solicitation” versus “services rendered” is a hell of a hair for the court to split just for the sake of plain sight public corruption. It was a nice democracy for as long as we were able to keep it. It will be missed.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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How dare this young whipper-snapper …{checks notes}… enforce the laws he swore to uphold?

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Obviously here in the south we only know history if there’s a statue (I’ve been assured this is the primary way in which knowledge is transferred). So no.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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It’s like always say, “Haters gon hate. GOP representatives gon hypocritically violate their own morality rules but receive immediate forgiveness because they hate the same people you do.” Yeah … I don’t get a lot of slogan work.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Like tearing a phone number off a coffee shop corkboard just so you can call them up and shout “I don’t want any fucking guitar lessons!!!!”

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Neither show is my cup of tea, but I welcome those who are experiencing these universes for the first time and finding joy to the larger fandom!

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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🎶 Whoooah Black Betty… 🎶

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Conservatives: “Small government!” Also conservatives: “Let’s weaponize the entire government to publicly shame and humiliate a single human being going through the most private and personal thing of their life! Not because it impacts us in the slightest, but because we hate it. Also cut my taxes.”

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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There’s been a real shittification of advice in the last couple of decades. Buying your first home articles are now “rent too high? Consider this free cardboard condo under the overpass!” Not enough money to retire? Consider dying younger! Fix global warming? Nah! Here’s how to not die in the heat!

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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First Blood - “We didn’t treat our veterans very well, and even in the heartland where you’d think they’d be welcomed they treated him like a vagrant. And when you train a man to do only one thing, and strip him of his dignity, there’s consequences.” Part II - “YEAH! FUCK NAM! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!”

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Understood and appreciated! All the best to you!

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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I should specify the topic of conversation was about the unjust loss of freedom. In that context I would argue the type of confinement is irrelevant other than the magnitude of the injustice.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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I once had a guy argue “you’re talking about jail, not prison,” and I’m genuinely surprised this is not the same guy. Like there’s some kind of Parsing Police out there walking the beat.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Coupled with the Southern Baptist Convention ratifying a ban on IVF, prepare for a resounding chorus of “don’t be silly! We’re not coming for IVF!” right before they make IVF illegal.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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🚨 AP Boner Alert! 🚨

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Unless you live in the South. Advocating to turn off the ac in the south is a felony.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Apropos of nothing, but I had a coworker whose teenage son went to see Lincoln thinking it was AL:VS. He came home so disappointed saying “it was so boring! There wasn’t a single vampire! It was such a ripoff!” not realizing he’d seen the wrong movie. 😂 It’s one of my favorite stories ever.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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If by “interesting” you mean “telling,” then I’m inclined to agree. MAGA types are always asking “where are the blacks Republicans!? We’re the party of Lincoln!” like Hayes’ Compromise of 1877 never happened. The lack of knowledge of history must come from a lack of Hayes statues in the south.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Born down in a dead man’s town. The first kick I took was when I hit the ground.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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What’s with this headline? He has that title right now without the extra dosh. They’re not voting to take away $50 billion he already has. They’re voting to add more to his already “game winning” total.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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My confidence is high that he doesn’t return his shopping carts to the cart corral, either.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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This is the most government had been for sale in my lifetime. Started with “Corps are ppl.” Straight line from there to multi-million $ escapades for Supreme Court justices, pols “reimbursing” themselves bogus campaign loans. Soon DJT stock manipulation for favors. We’re porked.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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“Capitalism > Democracy” ought to be the GOP’s entire 2024 convention platform. I’d disagree with the message, but at least it would be honest.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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You’re lucky. Some of us had to marry into notorious piece of shit douchebaggery.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Gotta be honest. I did not have “someone needs to explain to Israel why it’s bad to eradicate an entire race of people” on my apocalypse bingo card. How did we wind up in Abed’s Darkest Timeline?

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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“Re-elect me or the WSJ reporter gets it” isn’t the motivator he thinks it is.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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“People who owned slaves would have been cool with this” is one hell of a take in this day and age.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Good news, society! We learned absolutely nothing from the whole Credit Default Swap / Collateralized Mortgage Obligation fiasco of 2008! Nothing can go wrong with unregulated complex financial instruments! Nothing to see here. Move along. My

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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It’s the mansplaining of Trump 24/7. “Well actually, the word ‘genoside’ comes comes from the Ancient Greek meaning ‘Gene’s Salad.’ So he’s really just promoting healthier eating for liberals!” SMDH

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Tesla is the B-29 of cars. Once ahead of its time. Rushed into service. Too many people died as unwitting test subjects. But at least the B-29 ended WWII. Teslas are just killing for the sake of killing. Skynet never needed to try to hard to kill us off. We’d do it ourselves apparently.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Can anybody show me the way to the exit? This ride is making me nauseous.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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As someone who left the conservative movement in 2003, that’s exactly what it is.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Well hello, character I’ve never heard of before but who will probably become my new favorite thanks to Tom King! If you can just wait over there by Mister Miracle, Vision, and Adam Strange I’ll be with you in a moment!

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Do you think she shows those off on a first date? Like how a friend of mine does with his Star Wars action figure collection? You know, just to get it out of the way? “And this is the room where I keep my jars of human fetuses. It’s important to have a hobby, don’t you think?”

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Seems like it also would have been a good place for the Douglas Adams quote: It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the expression "as pretty as an airport".

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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I like that it ate part of his brain and died. Nature’s way of saying his mind is so poisonous it even kills things that eat brains for a living.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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It’s actually incredibly easy to track as evidenced by all the conservatives that Red State authorities keep rolling up for voting twice. They let them go, of course, bc they’re the “good ones,” and they’re only doing what the Dems have been getting away with for centuries (evidence schmevidence).

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Given that my thesis was “cops crack liberal heads but give conservatives high fives when they murder libs,” yeah. Case proven. Glad we’re in agreement and I accept your apology. 😉

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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You mean the one where the police responded in riot gear and Trump literally deployed the 82nd airborne to crack heads? The one where 14,000 people were arrested? Yeah, thanks for making my point for me, genius.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Anyone else notice that when conservatives protest they’re allowed to sack the Capitol building, run protesters over with cars, or just shoot them dead and the police don’t do 💩. But if three hippies camp in a park for Palestine the cops opening gambit is “fuck it. Roll tanks.”

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Didn’t read the article, but I’m guessing Russel’s biggest day one challenge was “…his fellow Christians.”

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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The last 6 words are extraneous, but excellent for frame of reference.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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Prefix that with a “here lies” and you’ve written his perfect epitaph.

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Jim's avatar Jim @jimbopeep.bsky.social
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American Hades: {sigh} “Yes, welcome to the door to actual Hell. Per the fairness in Hell act of 1875…”

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