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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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It would help if they mentioned these stations were set up to allow Iranian immigrants to vote in IRANIAN elections. Everybody who sees the headline is going to assume they meant American ones.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Poorer countries are going to have no problem at all with China selling them electric cars etc at below-cost prices. Even if advanced economies protect their domestic markets, they can still forget about their products being competitive anywhere else. They'll have to cooperate on a global tariff.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Why? If it's all that bad I'm not sure I want to read it myself!

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Im really glad they’re cracking down on this, but it won’t lower prices significantly. The reason these schemes work in the first place is because the US has a bad housing shortage in key areas, making collusion possible at all. Only real solution is to allow a lot more building.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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I’m sure Summers kisses the asses of powerful people. But if he can’t throw his weight around with some twerpy college kids complaining about something like this, who can he throw his weight around with?

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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To Summer’s credit in an interview he talked about meeting them that day and said “if somebody shows up at your office wearing a suit in the middle of the day, they are either there for a job interview or they are an asshole. Unfortunately in this case it was the latter“

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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It's true that in the end the plane was more important, but even there the big challenge was "where are we going to find an engineer good enough to fix this?"

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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One of the best things about Japan is that it's cool to be a nerd and understood they're the people who will drive the ideas that save humanity in the end. In an American film this guy would have been the comedy relief Poindexter while Bruce Willis saves the day.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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I think a lot of them see him as a “rebel“ that will “shake things up“ (both of which are kind of true, except in a bad way). They will just think this proves “the system“ is out to get him (which it is, except in a good way).

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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For everyone’s sake I certainly hope you’re right. But from what I can see Trump can do literally anything without it affecting public opinion and so far this doesn’t look like it’ll be an exception.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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If they said they didn’t care before the verdict I’ve got my doubts things will change much after, either.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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To be real I don’t think it’s going to make a difference either way no matter what they do.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Apparently wingnuts already have a lock on higher NY courts thanks to Cuomo, so my guess is what little consequences he may face here will be overturned on appeal eventually anyway.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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So what if they are though? Print media getting even a relatively small piece of the soon-to-be trillion dollar AI pie sounds like a great way to save it.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Scott Galloway argues that AI is going to be a trillion dollar industry, and so if media gets even a tiny sliver of that big new pie it could make journalism solvent again. Hope he's right.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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You need to go to court to stop them getting it free. It would have to be a unified legal challenge across the whole industry.
They're definitely looking to license content. Look at reddit. And actual news is much more valuable still. www.bbc.com/news/article...

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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The answer might be to just sell your news to them directly. These AI models can’t work without input, and right now the tech companies are just scraping the Internet for that data without paying for it. You should band together and demand a piece of the pie.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Keep up bro, we’ve been talking about this for like two weeks now. Not going to type it all out again!

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Well the whole point of this is that the government should have the power to shut it down even without probable cause. Or even just shut it down strictly due to the propaganda element.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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It sure is, certainly understand if you don’t want to read it. I’ll mute you out though, just woke up to a lot of notifications and want to narrow it down.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Thank you! I’ve said my peace then, so If you don’t have anything to add I guess that’s the end of the conversation. It’s been interesting. Been a while since I’ve dealt someone who will go on replying to a thread as long as I will.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Just go ahead and read it, Kathryn. You can get back to me with any questions you have or more requests for info when you're done.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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You don’t need to reply to it.
How about we just skip past all this, get to the main course and wrap this up?
My guess is you’ll dodge giving a substantive answer to any of it by saying “I don’t see any links” etc, but you have to read it first (or not- it’s up to you!)


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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Sounds good, guess there’s no reason to argue about it then. It seems like instead of offering a substantive reply (argumentative or not), you’d rather start an argument about how it’s not an argument even though I’m fine with you not thinking it’s an argument, etc. ad nauseum. I’ll pass thanks!

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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It’s not just direct spying at classified sites. They can use it to get information to blackmail critical people, or people close to them.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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You really don’t have to tell me anything about it at all if you don’t want to. It’s up to you.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Hey dude, if you don’t want to read it just mute it. That’s what I’m doing to you.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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You could also ask the FBI:


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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Actually, probably better you just reply at the bottom of this whole thread. Otherwise it'll get unmanageable again; Let's keep everything in one place.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Glad someone else got some value out of it! At this point I thought I was more or less just writing it for myself.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Which ones specifically? it's a 60+ comment thread and the backthread here is far longer still and a lot to root around. If you care to read it, let me know which specific points you'd like more citations for and I'll see what I can do. Also wouldn't mind your overall reply to it.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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This isn't a courtroom; a logical argument re: values doesn't necessarily need empirical evidence to be such. It's simply a matter of if we agree on the premises. But of course, you don't want to talk about that. Still, if you want to see it as a description and not reply to it, that's fine too.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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And that's pretty much it for now. A 60+ comment thread is more than enough for one day. I already see reply notifications but will refrain from replying for now- it's day where I am and I have other things I need to do at the moment. /end

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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And how can you argue that absolute free speech is going just swimmingly in the US under the current circumstances? Do you even recognize that a problem is occurring? If so but you think the source is different than what I’m saying, what’s your own reasoning for what has happened?

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Do you really believe more government opposed regulation of "fake news" is more of a threat than what we see now? Can we always settle these things in lawsuits after the fact? Will the courts remain receptive to that after radicals cement power?

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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But here’s the main piece of evidence I want to pose to people Who disagree with me: what happened on January 6. How is that possible when more media and more viewpoints were supposed to save us and make us better informed? Do you still really believe more media is the key?

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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I can provide evidence and statistics for the above upon request, but this thread has gone on long enough and it’s time to wrap it up. While I can elaborate, all of the above more or less expresses my concerns… Regardless of existing legalities in the US.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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As I said above, the stabilization doesn’t happen overnight; it can take a generation. But TikTok is now a major media outlet for young Americans, who have traditionally voted Democrat. Now they are bombarded with content disillusioning them on the American system from the LEFT.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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TikTok content not only downplays issues sensitive to China, but actively attempts to radicalize young Americans to increase further destabilization.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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(I have posted links about that elsewhere, but more evidence available upon request once I'm done with this and have the time)

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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The deregulation has reached the point where a company from a foreign adversary could incorporate in the US and press propaganda in their states interest via the algorithm. Soon after an investor in bytedance got to Trump and he flipped on banning TikTok, pro Trump videos there got a huge boost.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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But it doesn’t end there. Things have gotten this bad mostly with American social media sources. But it’s becoming easier for foreign adversaries to enter American media not just as contact for meta-, but with their own instruments.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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American democracy might not last if he gets back in. But it’s hard to tell the voters that. Conservative voters are lost to the opposition. If the election was held today Trump would likely win.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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It’s not the end either. Trump failed because he didn’t replace major figures in the army until it was too late. With project 2025, conservative radicals are making sure he will do all that at the start of his next term 

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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And then the January 6 riots- A major threat to democracy and the stability to the US as a state.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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The culmination of all this of course was Trump declaring the 2020 election stolen, and conservative media and even Fox News and other cable channels eagerly pushing that narrative to the increasingly radicalized base.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Even the main stream media liked it. CNN loved Trump because he was great for ratings. Another conflict of interest between profit and the broader public interest, impossible to moderate due to increasingly extreme interpretations of the 1a.

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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Trumps provocative nature was great for the algorithms. Mainstream Republicans would dog whistle to racists but bait and switch when they got into office and push tax cuts instead. Trump struck a chord with many voters’ basest instincts and kept at it, open cruelty once elected too

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's avatar @jjrs.bsky.social
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And since he was provocative and saying the “quiet part out loud” in ways mainstream Republicans still didn’t dare, he could rile up the basedays to a much greater degree.

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