James Linzel's avatar

James Linzel


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Not actually a PD10 column

James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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SCOTUS, explaining their new presidential powers interpretation of the week:

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Vogel's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure reads kind of like a D&D Monster Manual but for molecules

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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He pretty much completely fucked off out of public view for a good long while after leaving office (without a coup attempt), so that was nice at least

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Like, we got a *small* taste with a drought in Syria and there was much shitting of pants

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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The whole list is worthy of review, frankly. I wonder how long it has been since each of our current sc justices has actually read it.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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FU1: Get that man a cup of throatcoat FU2: Makeup department utterly failed FU3: Someone should've been making level corrections at the sound board, esp. if they were on an extended delay FU4: Immediately expressing pants-shitting terror to every journo that calls you during the debate... ... etc.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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If you're not too concerned about the regularity of your results, you can intertwine the two activities pretty seamlessly

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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to be fair, 'remember grugs stupid hat.... and monster dong'

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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. . . when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Something to mull on today.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Fela is for when you wake up and drop a lil acid to get going

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Anyway, the great irony is I'm shouting this into the void, where nobody's gonna hear it. Unless I'm already Interesting.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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The fun thing is you don't get to know how Interesting you are. So if you think you may ever lead an Interesting life, you need to be taking these precautions already.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Math is some really fantastic stuff. It makes remotely accessible microphones and cameras even more dangerous than you think. If a state-level actor has decided that you are capital-I Interesting, don't roll the dice for your OTPs with your phone or Amazon Echo in the room.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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If the unencrypted text of your message touches a computer, you should consider that it can be seen by a sufficiently motivated and technologically advanced threat. That's the obvious thing. But today, even avoiding that is insufficient.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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If there is someone you think you may need to communicate securely with in the future, now is a good time to learn how to do that together. It is fairly straightforward, but there are no shortcuts.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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I suppose as we hurtle towards a terrifyingly dark future, I should remind folks that the only mathematically proven future proof encryption is manually generated one time pads.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Right-wing jurisimprudence, more like

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Honestly, the sound guy kinda did him dirty during the debate. There was a pretty huge volume differential that didn't need to exist, and contributed to the feebleness narrative.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Just as long as you don't actually mess with the paperwork, maraud away!

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Although, I guess that's kinda what's happening, with the institutional rot and all

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Good pitch for expanding the court - obviously they're gonna need some help, they already can't get through their caseload in a timely fashion.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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So with the latest update, it seems like you can agree beforehand, so long as the payment is after the act?

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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I'm fairly convinced my navy years rerouted wake/sleep control directly to the anxiety box, and the tiredness monitor only triggers the miserableness machine and nothing else

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Projections have us going sigmoidal, approaching a horizontal asymptote of ~11B, but the adverse pressures making that happen ain't gonna be fun

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Man, it would suck to die knowing you deserved it so hard

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Clearly, the sorceress has a small shadow demon as a familiar, who has removed the propeller from the plane mid-flight

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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"I Know What You Two Did Last Summer," it's now a buddy comedy

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Ideas Elba has joined Spiders Georg in my mind-canon of improbable characters

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Classic case of the harder you grasp the more slips between your fingers, as applied to "people think I'm a cool smart guy!"

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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(the piano players already know the deal and don't even bother)

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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*Every* musician I know that identifies as such has been evicted at least once... even a pretty compact upright deal makes that situation an extra 50% miserable.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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But are we the pellet, or the supernatant?

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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It's Aubrerenstain, you just misremembered, everybody does it

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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My nerdbrain very desperately wants to believe without evidence that it's a Commander Keen-themed color scheme

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Can't help but hear that in Bender B. Rodriguez's voice, somehow

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Totally valid considerations that sane people would look at and say, "yeah, that's not a great idea, maybe let's not do that." The challenge being, of course, this is America; we'll do the dumb thing first and sort it out with congressional hearings later *after* people get hurt and it doesn't work.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Yeah, gunning from a lightweight, aerial platform is rough. Hard enough in a boat pushing against water! Dropped explosives are well-demonstrated by Ukraine, though, and small rockets seem feasible-ish, so I could see it turning into "eh, just flash-bang/tear-gas 'em til officer Johnson gets there"

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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"... and it is my duty because this might be the inner chronicle of what we are. We have to articulate ourselves, otherwise we would be 30-50 feral werner herzogs bearing down on your kids in the back yard, what are you gonna do without an AR-15?”

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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“It is not only my dreams, my belief is that all these dreams are yours as well. The only distinction between me and you is that I can articulate them. And that is what poetry or painting or literature or filmmaking is all about...

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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St:TNG/DS9/LD, Frasier, IASIP, News Radio, Red Dwarf, pre-digitalized-intro-sequence Simpsons, Modern Family, Seinfeld, Curb, The Nanny, Black Adder, 30 Rock, Kimmy Schmidt... Unfortunately for my overall lifetime productivity, I could go on, and on...

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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In both categories, mine are dino-related: 1. Fantasia - the extinction sequence to rite of spring 2. Jurassic Park - the guy getting chormped off the toilet really fucked me up The one other VHS in the house was Flight of the Navigator which was kinda meh but at least not actively traumatic

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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I was going to suggest it might be okay now, but unless I beefed the math it's still spicy to the tune of ~1 curie

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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As I understand it, the idea is that if you can't do an historically accurate restoration, you make the non-original bits visually distinct... but it sure is ugly as sin, in this case.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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A competent filmographer to boot, and he took barbershop to strange, new places...

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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So much so that all the qualifiers I put on the platform don't actually matter; it's still better to do it that way from a precisely-located stationary land silo!

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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It's a pretty neat system! The falling bit is much easier to calculate than the rocketing up from a imprecisely-located, bobbing wet platform bit, so it simplifies things a lot to just be able to kinda throw away all that garbage and start at the top of your now inertial trajectory.

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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I bet that one was taken, but an almost superhuman degree of self-restraint was applied when deciding what to publish

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James Linzel's avatar James Linzel @jlinzel.bsky.social
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Of all the justices, Kav is the one I could imagine actually doing a public rage quit if sufficient shunning were applied. Will we get there? I can only hope.

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