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She/Her Opinionated woman (lady is often a bit of a stretch), FFXIV and CP77 are top of my games list right now, otherwise I’m all about my lovely wife, kids, fireball coworkers, good food and friends. Oh! Love indoor and outdoor cycling, too!

Reposted by Jocelyn

Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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They’ve veered far right from just right of late. I used to appreciate their analysis of something’s, but of late? They’re increasingly trashy. Like this.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I mean, it looks obviously like a joke about racists/anti semites but then again I could totally see people unironically liking it so…

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Proximity to power is a helluva drug. There are always those who think they’ll benefit more from supporting such regimes who only find out once they start purging that, guess what, you aren’t that important.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I mean, I have plenty of issues with her and her history as a prosecutor in CA. I also am not a fan of the current admin’s way of handling trans issues (esp that recent messaging) BUT she’s leagues better than the alternative from team fasc.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Watch Duty has been and Wildfire Aware have been two apps that have kept me up to date FAR faster than awaiting anything official here in So Oregon and all our fires

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I mean. He seems pretty hip and with it in the circular firing squad game.

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Reposted by Jocelyn

Kandy's avatar Kandy
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bringing this here because i've had it

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Would not surprise me one bit. Plutocrats are our betters, after all and even when people die, it’s just a game to them. All about re establishing a full aristocracy. Equality for none, ladies and gents, and all of us heathens.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Nah. They made bank under Trump. So they want him back. $$>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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So then, couldn’t everyone who accepted his orders and committed the crimes then be charged with the crimes since they’re not immune?

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Wonder if there’s a term for rule by unelected judges. Corruptocracy? Nah still not 100% there

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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And where does the power go from there? His heir? Whoever emerges the victor of a bloody succession battle involving millions?

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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You’re in good (or in case of me: mediocre) company, I’m sure.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Ideally. He has stated, and his team is enthusiastically endorsing: “dictator for a day” And dictators aren’t all that well known for stepping down after they’ve gotten power. Not willingly.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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At least be honest with yourself: you’re enabling the problem you’re pretending you’re against.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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He’s over 70 at this point. At least by now.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Yeah. I mean he bitches that “liberal” is now more liberal than him and like. Shit dude. You’re like 80 and stopped progressing 20 years ago. That’s how social progress works. Things progress. Either you keep up or you end up a curmudgeon.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I mean. He went from at least trying to emulate his idol to being the kind of person Carlin would ridicule mercilessly.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Oregonians love the way we do elections. I don’t see this guy having a chance outside of Eastern Oregon strongholds and maybe some in Southern Oregon. The idiocy of the position just so baffling.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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1) undo the good things they’ve seen. Is openly promising to do so & has ppl building the infrastructure/teams do it. 2) will exacerbate bad thing they’re upset now about, GLEEFULLY 3) will do additional horrendous things and dismantle the safeguards making it worse for all All 4 purity

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Ignores the good that has been dun and is a position of “yeah yeah, you did these good things but you did a terrible thing, too so fuck you I’ll gladly throw those who ADDITIONALLY will be harmed under the bus to prove my point” and facilitate electing someone who’ll :

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I’ve seen the same. I’m split between thinking it’s a POLITICAL maturity/experience thing. Right wingers gaslighting and trying to sew division. Galaxy brains who can’t fathom not being correct and everyone else being a monster/rube. Like. I get the position they articulate. It just …

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Seriously. I’m in a VERY fire prone area of a fire prone state at a very heightened fire risk period due to the weather and wind and am about 50% sure I’m fleeing in a few days because some asshole had to see sparkles go boom boom. Gosh that sounds like a 70’s porno

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I’ve dodged rude bullet so far (that I’m aware of ) because of a similar response to the data coming from China. It was incredibly alarming and disappointing to see that British nurse who was on top of his shit when it started being to traffic in anti vaccine and other woo woo bullshit.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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If it’s any consolation, I’ve been a les for going on 20+ years and I manage to fuck basic shut up all the time so, like, don’t be too hard on yourself?

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I’ll make it easy on ya, kid and just mute ya. Bye

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Yeah ok. Go find one? The problem is that there really isn’t or they would’ve been able to take on and remove Biden sooner.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Yeah ok bub. Like I said. We aren’t going to agree and you somehow think both are equal which, to my mind, is absurd - but I’m sure you think the same. We’re not going to agree, and I am going to avoid responding in kind with such a melodramatic tone.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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There is, but you’ve already chose and this internet stranger is not going to convince you otherwise. Let’s hope if the wanna be fascist comes into power again, the courts have enough sense to not allow project 2025 to come to full fruition. For ours and the world’s sake.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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It does matter when all is said and done, though. The consequences could be pretty jarring.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Honestly? If the Dems have a controlled (less fractious) but thorough discussion/debate and choose a candidate - they could suck all the wind out of lil’ Donny’s sails. He won’t be able to get any airtime because he’d become old news.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Fault of the failure of democracy falls on the voters ultimately. You can’t wash your hands if you choose not to stand up against a rising fascism. That’s still on you.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Enthusiasm or not, it’s their fault. They made the bed. If the alternative candidate wishes to end democracy and turn us into an authoritarian Christian nationalist state, and sitting out the election in protest of a candidate seems a feasible idea? You’re the problem. Point blank.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I called out their and your behavior and apparently you recognized yourself in that. Good That’s how you learn to adjust. Now quit strawmanning and maybe conversations can go better. Bye

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Oh and I wanna be clear. I don’t endorse doing such a thing, just find the dumbing down shown here to be absolutely mind boggling.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Like. They could have chosen something actually hard like Ulysses. And instead they went with that line that is incredibly easy to read? Like how stupid are we going for here?

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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That’s Netanyahu. He has continued to enable it, however. Essentially America’s gun problem on an international stage. Sure he didn’t pull the trigger, but he sold the bump stocks.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Honestly. They shouldn’t. He should step aside and endorse someone else so that his incredibly successful 4 years aren’t marred by that performance. I mean. Sure. The genocide will look poorly in history books, but he should take the W’s he had and pass the torch. Quickly and vociferously.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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And there is nothing wrong with men wearing heels, as I tried to make obvious. Just that DeSantis wouldn’t know how to rock a rocking chair without somehow fumbling it and I’m all here for shitting on that pathetic little hateful ball of pro torture Florida.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Then we can get the real debate. Harris vs DeSantis where the after debate spin room will be all about who wore their heels the best. And say what you will about ACAB, but hands down Harris would win that fight anywhere but a kitschy Cowboy theme strip club where DeSantis would fit right in.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Omigosh I am terrible at positionals. I mean I “get it” I just lose track in battle and especially dungeons/raids when I’m just trying to hit the piñata and not die.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Wait. That’s a thing? I take that back. OF COURSE it’s a thing. But like. My dudes. We all love boobs. Even us super socially liberal older lesbians love ‘em. What makes liking boobs right wing? Maybe it’s the focus on the Barbie style giant obviously fake tata’s types? I really don’t get it.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I spent a few hours leveling my Viper and really enjoy the class - though my hot bars are currently a mess. Never used fates to level, but I’m beginning to really dig it, those queues are insane.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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I may have just missed it, but it appears Bluesky doesn’t have a “leave this conversation” option. Like you’ve had enough with someone moving goalposts/etc and just want to leave the entire convo - without having to block ppl (we all get emotionally charged and have bad days). Would be nice2have

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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Your right galaxy brain. I had no idea. What a profound thought you had. You should write philosophy, it would truly change the world. Wow. I am in awe. Well that last part may be true, but certainly not in quite the light you wish. But you’re going to be disingenuous and strawman. Bye

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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And strawmanning a position I never took only makes you look unstable and disingenuous.

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Jocelyn's avatar Jocelyn
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You know there are steps necessary to get that done, don’t you? The US doesn’t rule Israel as a fiefdom. They are a sovereign nation - albeit a genocidal one. Steps have been and are being taken to stop it. Or is the fact it isn’t our (not Biden’s) decision too hard for you to contemplate?

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