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They/Them IDK what to put here

Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I said this on twitter, but Neil Gaiman was on the top of my "People I dislike for reasons I can't articulate" list. IDK why I always just got creepy vibes from him. Was literally the first person I blocked on Bsky.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Ok, so the British are qualified to talk about Ukraine when it comes to supplying you weapons, but they're allowed no opinions other than that. Ok good to know. Good to know we're not allowed to disagree on our own countries' foreign policy.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Saying people can't have differing opinions about how to resolve a conflict that we're actively supplying weapons to: That's just a very weird take.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I disagree with Corbyn's take on Ukraine. But international politics are a bit more complicated than "What if your loved ones were in A&E"

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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If the English are unqualified to have opinions about Ukraine, then why are they qualified to decide it's the right call to supply you with weapons? Like either we can talk about a country we're militarily backing, or we can't.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Human society is structured by narratives, obviously. Even basic things about how we live our lives would not work without narrativization. I don't see why you're acting like you've discovered something revolutionary here.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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What are the practical consequences of humans eating food and drinking water for your politics Will? Or is that just something you take for granted about the human experience?

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Have you considered that your problem may be that media has always shaped narratives, but nowadays it's far more democratic. Rather than just the man paid by billionaires on the TV telling you what to think?

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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"People's lives are structured by narratives" - Thank you Will Stancil, very noteworthy observation. Totally not the most obvious thing in the world 🙄

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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It's a disagreement over basic values. Corbyn is a commited pacifist and believes in de-escalation at all costs. This isn't tantamount to Putin apologia, in fact he explicitly believes the International Community should take measures to hold Russia to account for war crimes and an illegal war.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Do you take this same stance towards Gaza? Or any other conflict in the world? Corbyn is a commited pacifist, I don't agree with all his stances, I don't agree with his Ukraine stance, but it's not Putin apologia. I also don't think a White European country is THE defining issue to be right on

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Every single word on the subject he's said has been critical of Russia. Just because he doesn't tow the exact line you'd like, doesn't change the fact that he clearly thinks Russia's invasion is illegal.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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At that point, lots of people didn't believe Russia was going to go ahead with it, and just thought it was a game of chicken between major powers. That amounts to a "Please de-escalate this" stance.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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You think Boris Johnson is a Putin supporter too? LMAO, ok you've gone off the deep end, got it.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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How about interesting as in "People having an actual optimistic vision to hope for, rather than hoping the new managerial class is slightly less fascistic than the last one"? That a better definition of interesting for you?

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Yes Change is long overdue. It's a shame we're not getting any this election.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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You should appeal it on the grounds that it's true

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Nope, I'm not voting Labour despite being registered in a contested seat between Labour and Tories :)

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Banger post, hidden behind "Rude" content warning

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I love the "Anonymous trolls" line. As if not wanting to put your name to be doxxed gives you less credibility. Also yes, shaming people into voting for a candidate who has talked about the dangers of "Gender Ideology" and who outright said Trans People have no right to public spaces, is bad.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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You accused people of having tantrums or "shitting the bed" for refusing to support Keir Starmer, who has said that trans people do not have the right to use the bathrooms of their gender IDK, even if you're not personally transphobic, you're willing to shame people for not voting a transphobic PM.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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This is why I'm voting Green, despite my constituency being a Labour-Tory two horse race. Because fundementally, I do not see any meaningful difference that will make Labour better than the Tories.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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This isn't a matter of "I don't like how Labour are" This is a matter of Labour having no stance that is fundementally different to Toryism. From Immigration, to Austerity, to LGBT Rights, all their stances are simply milder versions of current Tory stances.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Starmer outright said that Trans people have no right to use the bathroom the other day. The Labour Party has also ruled out major public spending, will likely continue austerity, and is in favour of further privatisation of the NHS. They are literally indistinguishable from Tories.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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This is definitionally mythology. Without the shared social belief that there is something in these words that confers authority, they are just words on a page that represent someone's opinion.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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The texts literally exist as written documents yes, but when you enter a courtroom, you are expected to believe these texts are more than just written opinion pieces, but real things that someone can be judged by, and that the Judge and Jury can according to someone determine someone's guilt.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I was using a military example to explain how movements tend to organise around leaders, even if the leader isn't actually the one defining history. The same is true in politics. The guy at the top doesn't define history, but only one person can be Prime Minister.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Wow. Ableism and linguistic prescriptivism, cool about what this conversation needed. Also way to misunderstand my point. I don't think military officers are heroes, in fact in our present society quite the opposite, I think many Western soldiers are war criminals.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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"Kremlin Wing" - Corbyn has been opposing Vladimir Putin for longer than the Labour Party, protesting his illegal wars since the year 2000. Nothing in his stance towards Putin has fundementally changed since then. Please stop lying about my countries' politics.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Except he doesn't. When asked by Aaron Bastani he unambigously said Russia's invasion of Ukraine was illegal I disagree with the hardline pacifist stance he takes sometimes, but this is just a complete lie and propaganda point.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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"Jeremy kept excusing Russian army atrocities" - No he didn't, he did no such thing. I've personally seen him tweet about war crimes commited by Russia multiple times.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Human societies are based on pragmatically accepting certain symbols as a rallying point, so that they can organise themselves. The law is mythology but courts have to accept it as real in order to function.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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If you're fighting in an army, do you think having Generals and Lieutenants is hero worship? Or do you understand that movements often need organisation in order to be successful. Only one person is ever going to be Prime Minister. It's not hero-worship to have a candidate you defend.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Nonetheless, Corbyn provided a rallying point for Socialists, because he offered them a shot at having a Prime Minister that represents them.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I say represent, because I used embody as a metaphor that you got hyper-literal about, and so I have to use more precise language to convey meaning. Also yes, it is largely mythological. Most Socialists in the country would still be socialists without Corbyn.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Organisation is key to any succesful socialist movements. And part of organisation is being able to rally around shared symbols. I don't believe Corbyn to single-handedly be shaping history. I believe he is a symbol of a movement bigger than him, and that precedes him, and that will outive him.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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People coming to represent ideas larger than themselves is just a core part of how politics work.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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First off, it's called a metaphor, and it's clear what the meaning is. Secondly, individual figures are representative of entire movements all the time: If I asked you which British Prime Minister is considered the historical icon of Appeasement during WW2, you'd have an immediate answer.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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How? It's defending the movement that came closest to bringing a socialist government to the UK than any other movement in my lifetime. How is that hero worship?

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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No actually, politicians can be representative of movements larger than themselves. This is one of the basic ideas behind representative democracy.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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How? Literally how? How would accepting propaganda against the most prominent socialist, the one who came closest to coming into power, in my entire lifetime. Be more beneficial to building socialism than defending his legacy?

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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Having a chance of a positive future is better than being guaranteed a shit one, hot take I know.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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If Corbyn were in power, I admit it's possible that he'd be getting a smaller majority than Starmer, and the election may be more neck and neck. That would still, fundementally be better than what we've got now, which is a Transphobic, Austerity party on the verge of winning the election.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I don't care much for the figures involved: I will defend Corbyn because he presently embodies socialism in the UK, and so attacks on him are attacks directed at the socialist project he represents. Any figure with the same principles could take his place and I would be fine with it.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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No actually, my worldview revolves around wanting an actual socialist party to support. If Diane Abbot became leader tommorow, and condemned Jeremy Corbyn as a class collaborationist and ran on an even more radical platform, I would throw Corbyn under the bus immediately.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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If the majority of the country votes Labour, Labour comes into power. That's how elections work. Likewise if the majority of the country votes for Brexit, Brexit happens. That's how referendums work. Being morally opposed to something doesn't mean rejecting it's right to be decided democratically.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I said that they should care about right and wrong, rather than PURELY being concerned with seat numbers. I didn't say they shouldn't care about seat numbers full stop. Yes actually, when the current Labour party is standing on a morally evil stance, I think that's fair.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I don't, and I would have voted Remain, but I was 17 at the time. I nonetheless believe the result should have been respected because it's what the majority of the country voted for.

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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This doesn't equate to "Tories should win elections" It equates to "Labour shouldn't run on a platform of making the lives of marginalised people worse, in order to win an election, they should stand by marginalised people"

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Jogeran's avatar Jogeran
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I said they should take principled stances on issues, and that a principled Labour party is better than a principleless government. Yes I do think an opposition that's sympathetic to Trans rights is better than a Government that calls for bathroom bans. No shit sherlock.

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