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Transplant from Texas to Seattle number 87357.

Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Gotta love that the staffers report was that he had less energy outside the 10-4 window. As someone who only works a 9-5 job, I can confirm that I'm only functional 10-4 on a good day.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Been saying it since I heard the valuations for these AI companies. They made a worse google that costs more and everyone jumped in on the current method. The argument that AI could do homework was dumb, every college kid knows google had their college answers if they searched right.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Seattle's opinion pages are rife with "though leaders" complaining that a downtown street only allowing busses has ruined business. I assumed it was business being priced out by landlords who'd rather leave it vacant for years than drop rent, but I guess it was the lack of SUVs going 40 nearby

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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It's such a good beach read. The second book in the series came out this year too!

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Can you give more examples of cognitive labor? I try to do more physical chores than my wife (because if I try to do more I might manage to do as many) but this is an area I probably miss.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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17 is probably too many. 16, why that's two groups of 8 that wronged you, and 8 is just two car loads of people. So if you got boxed out on the highway because two cars drove too close together, and that happened twice it's not too much to get even.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Plus no one expects you to use the big sword to breakup fights, and you get to listen to all the tasty drama while you watch the oven and knead dough

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Everyone can be an orc with a big sword. I wanna be the rat guy though, just baking baking baking.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Obama and Hillary were also in office any time any US soldier died, but when a US soldier did something heroic they were not.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Legitimate question, are you a cozy fantasy novel character breaking the fourth wall? This sounds like some nonsense from Legends and Lattes

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I'm a chaotic DM, but I'm planning on something truly chaotic in my next game. I'm not going to care about any dice rolls I make, if enemies hit will be based on how I want the story to go and how my players are doing. It's my adventure, why should I listen to dice telling me to kill the wizard.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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The last DnD 5e hardcover adventure is "going to be forwards compatible with One DnD". I find this crazy, all DnD adventures are compatible with all editions. It's make believe. I had a dream where I was having tea with my wife and then we were towing the moon, everything can go together!

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Idk, the supreme court just said that Biden can't be prosecuted for ignoring the law as long as it's a president thing, so I guess he can just order them to do it anyway.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Can you use the time writing silly things about the middle ages? Then I can avoid politics by reading your information.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I work in the employment sector, and have seen a number of startups promising to "automate hiring", every time I wait to see how they re-invented racism/ableism/sexism/etc this time.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I work for a good sized tech company and we still use Google Docs. Depends on your use case, but it's pretty intuitive, easy to share, and free (I think for your use case) so why re-invent the wheel? (As long as your fine with the wheel being owned by Big Wheel Co)

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Nope, not really helpful here. My dad voted green all the time, and still had to live through Nixon, Reagan, Bush, More Bush, and Trump. Also while you can vote, if the greens really want power they need to do things outside the election cycle because each election they get nothing.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Yeah, the route Germany took to get back to democracy is... unpleasant. Sorry for bombing just so so much of ya'lls stuff. France is an excellent example. I'm just a little tired of constantly referencing the Weimar republic as if it's the only time a republic ever fell.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I mean he wound up on every news channel while Notre Dame was on fire, literally no reason for him to open his mouth and nothing but stupid lies coming out, and still they let him in front of the camera.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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The debate sent me spiraling because I hadn't had to hear him lie to the camera and not get called out for about 4 years. It brought 2017 to 2021 rushing back and it was not good. (I know he never stopped, but at least it wasn't on every channel 24/7)

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Though I think my point stands pretty well if we're worried about Republicans interfering with elections to lead to an autocratic outcome. Worth seeing what happens when the US does that

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Some were, I think it's a stretch to assume all of them became autocratic due to direct US involvement, but my understanding is also limited. It's hard to suss out what would have happened if the US wasn't around, but still seems worth a read.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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We are a new world country with massive inequality, a defined identity that has to incorporate a number of ethnic and national groups. We have a constitution that's being pushed at by strong men and demagogues.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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We aren't really like Weimar Germany, we're older than 15 years, didn't just lose a world war and have a huge indemnity to pay. We also weren't a brand new empire formed from the union of a number of kingdoms 60 years before. There are lessons to be learned, but we can't follow that path.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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American's are worried about the fall of U.S. democracy, but only want to compare it to Germany. I feel like we probably should look at S. American countries for examples. First there are more of them, and second they have gone back an forth, and getting back to democracy would be useful.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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One of the best parts of living in Seattle is KEXP routinely playing the Coup. I've heard The Guillotine and My Favorite Mutiny so many times

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Useful article, wish they didn't burry the lede on like paragraph 20. One thing though, is that it only tracks to the fall of the empire and not beyond. I don't think anyone wants to be around when an empire falls, but empires falling could be an improvement after it finishes.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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We could presume that the peasants also lost out, but it seems like having the jerk who takes enough of your food to pay for a mansion staff not doing that would make your life better.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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People always say it wasn't cheerful after the fall of Rome, but the question must be asked, cheerful for who? Also which fall. We assume the dark ages had to be terrible because all the nice mansions fell to ruins, but given that most people didn't own mansions why would they care?

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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They all devolve into the last one eventually because wars and coups are hard. Then the milktoast leader flails along until the country collapses and you get... something new, hope it's good.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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If it's an appointee it's generally the weakest leader and if they dodge a palace coup and civil war they'll just muddle along till they die and the next one comes.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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If it's palace coup then the leader isn't near as good because they haven't really been tested, but they at least can build coalitions which is helpful for a country

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Basically if there's the civil war, the country kills it's own people, foreign agents can weaken it more, and everyone is worse off but with a competent leader (which we know because they won the war).

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Most people setting up authoritarian regimes also don't realize how dependent they are on the authority. Things get weird when the autocrat dies. Every time it's either: Bloody civil war, quick but violent palace coup, or appointee walking in. The third is uncommon at first.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Which I guess makes sense why so many conservatives in their 40s and 50s don't give a shit. They weren't gonna make it another 54 years, so why worry.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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So Sulla took office in 81BC, and after horrific violence Augustus killed off everyone but the Julii around 27BC.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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And before the Trump family thinks that's a fine deal, the julii died out with Caligula, so 68 years in power, then the replacement Claudii went away in another 27 years.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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It's ironic how much conservatives love the Roman empire, because in this one case it is very useful. If you give an autocrat power then the political class will be bled dry over about a lifetime. Between Sulla's dictatorship and Augustus's every major family but the julii were ousted from power

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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In this case I'm imagining what would be more "fun" for me, and a gossip ridden convention with people running around backing and backstabbing sounds like something I'd read about. It would be great in a history book. (Not so great to live through interesting history of course)

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Gives them something fun to write about every day then? I don't know what makes pundits tick, but I imagine the idea of a contested convention is much more exciting than Biden slowly improving in the polls or slowly lowering in the polls.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Also a contested convention would sell subscriptions and ads around the convention and leading up to the convention. The short term play is to have the messiest most drama ridden thing till November. Terrible election strategy and hopelessly naive, but it would sell for a few months.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Chia seeds are putting in work for overnight oats. Never would have believed it as a kid, but as an adult they are underrated

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I mean it is perfect, you've got male right wing losers and bots, bots will impersonate women, right wing losers will talk to the bots, everyone on the site loses, and everyone else wins because we'll be able to avoid anyone who "uses twitter for dating"

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Trousers are composed of an inner and outer layer of cloth that is designed to be divided in half width wise before the final sewing. Trouser is basically the single ply toilet paper of cloth so no one divides it any more, and we all enjoy trousers. This is a lie, but I had fun imagining it.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Sometimes I read book for "men" about things and cringe. I was reading a book for new fathers, and whoa boy are there some things to unpack.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I appreciate that you, get on bluesky and I get to hear about women's day to day issues, and British slang. I have nothing to add to these, but I remain very glad that I follow you.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Every time I see the magic eraser I think of the USSR airbrushing out people who fell afoul of the regime. Google keeps trying to make it seem fun but the only reason to give a shit is to pretend you weren't friends with the guy you just declared an enemy of the state.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Herotodus was great! He would give alternative sources for his views, say where they came from and give you his opinion as to what's most likely. His biggest critic would give his opinion without any chance to evaluate it, making it much easier for him to just... not tell the truth.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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Unlike everyone else at OSU, every athlete assumed Jim Jordan would do nothing to help, so not a single one bothered to tell him. Not exactly a charitable defense, but somehow he likes it.

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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I mean we have video games that do that. They didn't kill books, because books are really good at what they do. A shitty AI video game replacement seems less likely to dethrone books than existing video games.

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