Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar

Scipio Africanus the Elder God

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I rise from the murky depths near Innsmouth to conquer Carthage. And wear a remote on my head. GeekGirlCon hypebeast. She/Her

Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Sad to say I doubled checked this and apparently it's not a joke. Toxic Acceptance intensifies.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Some people who are all "nothing you say or do matters so vote for Biden no matter what." Grief has got me all "nothing you say or do matters so idk man, do whatever the fuck you want. Nothing you can do will change anything." I'm calling it Toxic Acceptance.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Grief is exhausting and I don't like it.

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Reposted by Scipio Africanus the Elder God

lorem ipsum's avatar lorem ipsum
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it's generally not productive to argue with someone's untreated major depression.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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This sounds like something I would suggest which probably means it's a really bad idea.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Omg I miss ur face tooooooo. I will come soon. I had to cancel another vacation so now I have more time off.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Whereas I am a dick to people I agree with for fun. IRL. I still am not sure why I even have friends.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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All this AND ending the electoral college. Ending the electoral college is a big one in my book. Make every vote count.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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The fact that people are pushing JB Pritzker and not Cory Booker shows, IMO, how incredibly unserious this all is.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Ooooooo this was my BIGGEST problem with the way the MCU handled Civil War vs the way the comics did.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Your honor, with all due respect, everybody WAS kung fu fighting.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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What is the goat standing on? My brain cannot turn it into an actual object.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Well fuck

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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It's super sus that there are more players from Canada than any other country but the NHL headquarters and most of the teams are in the US. The US is secretly trying to import Canadians.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Alas I am clearly not a kiki. I am a bouba. I def have big bouba energy.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I'm always looking to follow interior decorators on YouTube. Any recs?

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Fuck yeah. Thanks.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Omg same.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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*frantically duckduckgoing for how to purge selenium from my uterus before getting pregnant*

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I've had COVID for "am now Arch-Mage of Winterhold College and also a werewolf" days.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I donated $50 in honor of Tampon Guy.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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And when they finally get to the facts it's all so heavily therapy-speak that you still have no idea what happened.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I don't support *pushing* anyone because I am not some kind of rock-em, sock-em Eddie Haskell type playground bully. Also I am anti-swing set. Pushing is for SUCKERS don't do dope kids.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Iirc Gators Daily is also legit.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Where would one find the ASL NHL broadcast?

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Which is frustrating to me because my field, social science, often struggles to be taken seriously. But now that there's an interesting qual question, people are jumping in to answer it. And they're not doing good job. Imo.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I think we're misunderstanding each other. I don't think people are wrong about the economy being bad. I think people with very little experience in qualitative data, in this case such as yourself, are trying to answer a qual question. And mostly they're trying to use numbers.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Over and over I see "People are feeling a way" and then someone starts shouting out numbers. "Rent is this!" "Wages are this!" "A group of people I know nothing about says they can only buy an unknown kind and amount of meat once a month!" Those are numbers answers! We need to talk about feelings!

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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"I went to Reddit." Ok. Which Reddit? There's going to be a HUGE difference between r/journalists and r/autoworkers. Basic demographics? What prompted them to talk about buying meat? These are just the bare minimum you would need to start trying to draw conclusions. And even then.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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First I want to say I have a lot of respect for their work and their journalism. But, this kind of thing is all over Bluesky rn and it is driving me up the wall. Tons of people with little to no background are playing Social Scientist because suddenly it's cool to know about vibes.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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My dad did and it is one of the things that turned him against the NRA. My dad is still kind of an asshole but he's not an asshole in that specific way.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Things are looking much better! (I'm still masking in the grocery store for the rest of my life tho. Partially because of Covid, partially because being slack-jawed is so comfy.)

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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congestion pricing and it's goals while having recommendations for improvement. There is a letter here with more info:

Also I should say *some* disability advocates. Anyway I thought you might find this interesting!

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I am going to assume you are speaking from experience with the affected group (disabled people in NYC who rely on private vehicles) and not speaking for a group that you have no personal experiences with. So, I want to add that the situation is not so cut and dry. DA advocates in NYC support 1/2

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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This is... Not wrong. God I love that movie.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Dot and the Whale

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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True. I think I meant more "pre-seasoned packaged foods" than processed but didn't have words for it. Lol.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I was just thinking about this the other day. People are more into cooking now and IME eating less and less processed food than when I was a kid. This is going to get me murdered but tbh the vegans I know eat way more processed foods than folks who eat dairy and eggs.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Right because people keep asking about numbers, not feelings. This is my point: people are feeling a way. We need to talk to them about their feelings, not their financial situation. And it needs to go deeper than "How do you feel about the economy?" Like I said, it's a qual problem.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Everyone is trying to treat this like a question that can be answered with numbers when actually it's a qualitative data issue. I can't answer questions about why people feel the way they feel without asking them. Nobody can. Numbers are not the end all be all.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Um... Can I say something without anybody getting mad at me?

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I'm pretty sure I am the only person in the United States with my name. If anyone here ever figures out any part of it, I am deleting and making a new account.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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This makes 10k% more sense than anything Mr. Beast does.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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I have now experienced both with the same person. Everything I said is true. They are hard in different ways and one is not really comparable to the other. Miss you, bud. Leave a light on for me.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Another complete banger of a movie. I so wish I could watch these movies but Stupid Time Zones.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Why is it anywhere?

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Evidence-based and social justice models are not mutually exclusive! In fact, social justice models are based on evidence. This is a bad dichotomy and people who perpetuate it are actively making the world a shittier place.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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This is a funny joke but also some of the most anti-Semitic things I have ever heard in my life were said by a priest during the homily of a Latin Mass in Buffalo, NY in 2005.

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Scipio Africanus the Elder God's avatar Scipio Africanus the Elder God
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Someone, somewhere, needs to compile in a single source, all of the absolutely batshit things Dr. Penny Patterson has said about gorillas. It's time we stop seeing her as the "nice gorilla lady" and instead as the weird grifter she is.

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