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Katrice Metaluna


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Just your average everyday enchanted coyote slave girl. One of the few farking furries around with a body control kink. 18+ only!

Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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"Keeping the trains running on time." Except not really.

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Reposted by Katrice Metaluna

Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Because newer generations wondered exactly what was rude about it, and they couldn't find a valid reason. Older generations had a stick up their ass about it just because. Toss aside old traditions and a new world opens up for you. It's just gum for crying out loud.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I hope he not only gets impeached, but also disbarred. I wouldn't trust him to fairly judge a pie eating contest.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Just glancing at that, it reads to me like those are mostly opinion pieces. So it's more like a "hey these guys agree with me!" list, right? Correct me if I am wrong.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. It was a big mistake to abandon Usenet for those shiny looking walled gardens called social media websites. It was non-profit and wholly decentralized. I don't think it would take much to upgrade it to use secure connections all around.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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And if they're forced to provide evidence to back up the stuff they're saying, they'll probably try to slip in mostly anecdotal evidence which will likely be a lot of hearsay, exaggeration and outright lies. Which I also would fully expect from the political right.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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So far I haven't seen any citations pointing to any research or data gathered to confirm any of the statements made in this document. It's more of a manifesto making baseless claims without providing any proof. Which is exactly what I'd expect from the political right, actually.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Yup, I remember as a kid in the 70s and 80s, every summer everything around us would just burst into flame and we'd be surrounded by a raging inferno for months. It's just a thing that happened. No big woof.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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And now here we are, the end of the trilogy. How is "2024: The Movie" going to end? It looks like the ultimate disaster could befall us. The very nation poised to be dismantled from the inside out. Is salvation even possible? I don't know if I want to find out.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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The sequel "2020: The Movie" was a fucking roller coaster ride that I still haven't fully recovered from. That whole thing about a rampant pandemic that half the people on the planet were just trying to pretend wasn't a serious thing had me screaming at the screen. JFC.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I'm somehow awake right now. The heat sucks. Stick your head in the freezer or something? IDK. D:

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I'm sorry about that. I should have indicated the moment I decided against informing you in favor of mocking you instead. I'll try to slow down for your sake.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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No I actually thought about spoon feeding the information to you in a drawn out info-dump, but then I realized I'd have more success trying to do that with a brick wall. The real troll would have been you passively letting me do that just so you could not read it and repeat your dogmatic drivel.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Never go to a magic show. Your head would explode.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I ain't here to connect the dots for you and this is far from being any kind of formal debate. I'm having more laughing at you. Pick a search engine and go digging for data yourself if you're so inclined. Meanwhile the ignore button is right over there.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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LOL yeah OK sure. They all meet up once a month at The Legion of Doom and have a sit-down while wearing dark cloaks and hoods. Curse your over-simplistic way of seeing things giving you such clairvoyance!

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Really? From here it looks like you're sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming real loud. But, you do you.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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You don't seem to realize the scale we're talking about here. Buying raw material for hundreds, thousands of restaurants? You really think McDonald's is at the mercy of all the farmers that grow and raise food for them? No, I believe you're being willfully obtuse here.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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It's in big emboldened letters, so that means it must be true.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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But you know all of that, right? Or else you wouldn't be here telling everyone else how wrong they were. Wait, why are they all wrong? Do you know of some secret cabal of indie fast food restaurants that are conspiring to keep prices high? C'mon, spill it.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Economy of scale. Buying in bulk is always much cheaper. Add to that that all the big fast food chains maintain their own infrastructure to distribute that food to their franchisees. A little indie place can't do any of that. They're stuck with having to pay higher prices for their food stock.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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And it's not like that same tactic would not work again. It most certainly would. If any of those clowns in their monkey suits had half a brain, they'd realize that if they slashed their prices by half right this instant, they'd see a huge jump in demand for their food almost immediately.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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In the early 90s Taco Bell started a price war by drastically slashing the prices of their food. It created a huge spike in demand for cheap tacos that forced other fast food franchises to respond in kind. But like every other for-profit business, once they won the price war, they got greedy.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I know the usual gang of suspects for this are things like government subsidies keeping the price of beef and corn artificially low, or the more notorious blaming of increases to the minimum wage. The truth is some greedy gaggle of assholes have been jacking up the price for no real reason.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I think they mean "cheating" in the same way a petulant brat means it. If they don't get their way then it's always "unfair", and if someone else wins despite their underhanded attempts to acquire victory by any means necessary, then their opponents clearly cheated.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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He understood it. He just doesn't agree with you. You somehow think this means he doesn't understand you. It is possible for someone to understand what you meant and disagree with it. Unless you're admitting that you're a narcissist then I'd say you're the one having a problem with comprehension.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I spent most of the day trying to beat back feeling down. Actually I spent most of the day asleep. I spent about an hour hunting for avatar components on Second Life's marketplace to make up another of my characters there which I haven't done so with, yet. The most productive span of my day.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I hate it when people do this to me. The moment they come back with that "Um, I was joking" felgercarb I make them sorry they ever decided to open a dialog with me. What they did was bad and they should feel bad. I really am running out of fucks to give, aren't I? lol

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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This should really count as sedition. Everyone involved in this should be arrested.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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One of my favorite bits of television from the 80s is where some guy got a Commodore 64 to control a Synclavier through a MIDI cable in order to play a song. I just liked seeing one of the cheapest computers on the market conducting a mega expensive synth.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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If it weren't the Yamaha DX-7, 80s music would have never happened.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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Adults are just children but with greater autonomy. Silly people thinking mere age imparts wisdom. Not if you never get out of the cave, you jackasses.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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I'm still there and I kinda like it there. That's where I got so many of the weird lewd ideas I like to play with now.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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But I remember dissociating as a kid. I remember my mom once waved her hands in front of my face and I barely responded. But no one ever took me to a doctor about such things. I've spent most of my brain-addled life entirely unmediated just like most other people did in the 20th century!

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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When I was a kid no one ever heard of ADHD or "ADD" as they called it back then. I didn't learn about the disorder, much less get tested for it, until I was in college. "Perfect angel" OMG...

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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My ADHD shielded me from this gruesome fate. They all thought I was smart but lazy. I take solace in the fact that it's quite likely most of my grade school teachers are dead now.

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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"I hate freedom and I like to kill! Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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"I'm a Republican and I hate freedom!" ("He's a Republican and he hates freedom!")

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Katrice Metaluna's avatar Katrice Metaluna @katricemetaluna.bsky.social
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It's destined to happen at least once that a mass shooter will target a supermarket and use one of these machines to reload.

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