Kubobukata's avatar



20 followers 39 following 604 posts

Formerly the prime number few. Still a pretty good translator, trying to not be a translator anymore. Drive-by comments in English and German. Kobudo. Made out of meat. ♀️

Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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@realkachelmann.bsky.social, passiert sowas häufig?

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Wer amerikanische Pop-Science-Podcasts hört, ist klar im Vorteil ... 👼

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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*blinzel* Aber wie denn, ich kann doch gar nicht sehen, ob da Fruchtfleisch drin ist oder nicht?

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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I really don't care that much about the football, but I do want to know why The Guardian hates diacritics so damn much. (Also how they decide who is named with their chosen nickname and who isn't, but… diacritics, man. They're not purely decorative. And why even use the i instead of an ı? )

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Ich weiß nicht, wer die Podcast-Werbung für Shopify spricht oder wer sie aufgenommen hat, aber so rein aussprachetechnisch … mit dem superamerikanischen "r" in "powered" und dem extrem deutschen "Bißneß" … IHR FASZINIERT MICH. WARUM SEID IHR SO?

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Danke. Ich bin sicher, dass ich das wieder gebacken bekomme, aber wie du schon sagst: Es ist Suchtverhalten und es wird durch Frust befördert. Immerhin sind meine Brustmuskeln superbeeindruckend geworden, während ich die Verwendung von Treppen verlernt habe. 😁

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Gar keine Frage: Sucht. Bei mir sind aus -30 dank Knie-OP erstmal -20 geworden, und ich bin so müde. Vielleicht sollte ich es mal mit "gar kein Zucker" probieren. Andererseits bin ich verdammt unglücklich, und ich weiß nicht, ob ich im Moment sinnvoll kompensieren kann. Zucker ... wirkt. Kurz. :/

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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What a result to wake up to. Well done, Brits. Now do something about this "not in my lifetime" nonsense.

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Reposted by Kubobukata

Lev Parikian's avatar Lev Parikian @levparikian.bsky.social
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The voters They destroyed the cage Yes YES The Tories are out

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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This is the energy I want to project on Bluesky.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Every now and then, in particularly long projects, favourite typos emerge out of nowhere (it tends to be not-common words that are common in this context). And I love that my current affliction is writing "dudeln" (of music: tootle, noodling) instead of "dulden" (tolerate). Clear improvement.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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I don't know, can we talk about dogs at the Pole instead? Like this very good boy.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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If Britain could actually vote for something today that would get them back into the EU, that would be fab. Sadly, we'll have to settle for brief Schadenfreude. But I guess that's something.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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If you're invested in all three countries in one way or the other, the overwhelming vibe at the moment is one of crushing, heartbreaking indifference.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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So, uh, if you need a German translator for this so you can sell it in the Serious About Bread country, you know where to find me … 😁

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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This is slander/too kind (depending on perspective) on the European Robin. They're aggressive, nosy little [bleep]s. And I love them.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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No, there isn't one. It's just that there SHOULD be one. Possibly a canoe.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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It did! Thank you to you and your sister for making me a) google and find a surprisingly large number of pictures of this logo from different angles, including what is presumably the folded tent (maybe not fake? o_o) and b) come up with the worst corresponding inflatable pool branding.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Hey. Hey you. Wanna see some perfect claymation? I thought you did.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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I suppose it doesn't count when you're not appreciative? Like when 4 AM the dawn chorus started just as I was trying to sleep, and I said "stop screaming for sex, you bastards" out loud. To myself. Should have yelled it out the window. 😁

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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I guess you could ask it to write it. And then write its bibliography too. Keep 'em busy.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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🎵 I stiiiiill dreeeeeaaaam of Oooorgonoooon 🎵

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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One of the many problems when you demonize a thing without knowing what it is: a) it first becomes a diffuse bogeyman, then b) a justification to commit atrocities, and you can fight neither real nor imagined threat. Make Americans read Das Kapital. Not "again", because it'll be their first time.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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I can barely imagine. I cried the day after the referendum (for a variety of reasons), and I don't even live in the UK.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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"I wish my goodwill meant something, *anything* to the people I work for": My only thought left after bending over backwards last week to fulfil requests sent to me while I was officially out of office, and now finding that none of it was made invoiceable in time for June. I'm so very tired.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Fun (to me) fact: This wasn't dubbed into German until 1966. There's debate in the anglosphere on whether the scene in the still is one of the first uses of "gay" for "homosexual" on film, but the German dub (imho correctly) leaves no doubt, and it was translated pre-Stonewall.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Really difficult decision between Dr. Strangelove and this, but it's the older of two loves.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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It's not just the condescension and the misogyny, it's the fundamental misunderstanding of what a role model is. A role model is not a categorical imperative. It's evidence and reassurance that the thing you want to do anyway *can* be done, because another meat bag just like you managed to do it.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Ahso. Das sind dann wohl die, die immer noch fluchend auf der Parkplatzsuche um den Block fahren, während ich pfeifend aus meinem Fiat 500 aussteige. Dafür lohnt sich eine Klage bestimmt. 😁

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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towards a language or a person. "It drives me crazy how difficult you are, you're being unreasonable, you're taking up chunks of my time and thought I could use for other things. Yet here I am, writing about your quirks that I spend my time getting to know and understand, because I love them." /fin

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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 … about learning German and gets down to the nitty gritty of the grammar, at which point he lets his frustration (justified) produce some extra sparkle. But on the whole, the thing is also a love letter, and you'd have to be mad not to see it as such. It's not an unusual sentiment, whether /3

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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 …that's a reflection on your cultural frame of reference, not on German: You've only ever heard shouting Nazis and no quiet whispers of "Ich liebe dich". Two: If you cite Mark Twain's "The Awful German language" as somehow dunking on German, you haven't read or haven't understood it. He writes /2

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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There's this article in the Guardian. And it's all good and well; apart from the phenomenon itself (which has passed me by), it's the usual, bla bla bla, ugly language, bla bla, delightful departure, bla bla bla Mark Twain. Two things. One: If you think German is inherently aggressive or harsh… /1

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Look at that gawjus cover. (And the content is even more gawjus!)

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Reposted by Kubobukata

Der @KleineMaulwurf.bsky.social's avatar Der @KleineMaulwurf.bsky.social @kleinemaulwurf.bsky.social
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Es sei zu beachten dass die Bauern den politischen Aschermittwoch der Grünen blockiert haben, den Parteitag der AfD aber nicht. Es sei ferner zu beachten, dass die Blockade des AfD Parteitags von der Polizei massiv aufgelöst wurde, und die Bauernblockade der Grünen nicht.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Ich kann zwar nichts mit einem Hoodie in XS anfangen, aber allein schon für dein Selbstporträt lohnt sich der Klick. 1 A Schultermeise!

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Reposted by Kubobukata

Joanne Freeman's avatar Joanne Freeman @jbf1755.bsky.social
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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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I hope I'm not ruining the joy by answering. 😁

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Yes, that's it. Automatic formatting with no context awareness. It was the bane of my existence before I installed a text expander. Now I can type two single apostrophes in succession and get the correct apostrophe regardless of my CAT tool trying to help, but it took 3rd party software to do it!

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Findet die (zahlreichen) Fehler. Aber schön, dass sie nach Hinweis wenigstens nicht mehr das Aufnahmedatum als 1915 benennen (war wohl das Datum der Publikation, aus der das Bild stammt). 😁

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Reposted by Kubobukata

Tealin's avatar Tealin @tealin.bsky.social
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It's almost like they all bought 10,000 gallons of snake oil, and their respective accounts departments are demanding snake oil be made a core feature so they can write it off as a development expense.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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^--- Das. Und es gibt richtig gute TTS-Stimmen.

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Kubobukata's avatar Kubobukata @kubobukata.bsky.social
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Nur gibt es Text-to-Speech (ohne KI) schon länger. Wenn man erst dann überhaupt auf die Idee kommt, eine Vorlesefunktion anzubieten, wenn KI involviert ist und dann behauptet, Menschen wären die einzige Alternative, will man nicht barrierefreier werden. Man will mehr KI. 🤷🏼

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