Larry Flint's avatar

Larry Flint

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Antagonizing Biden has no present or future negative consequences on their wealth, unlike antagonizing #PutschistenFührer Trump (if he wins).

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Are you still keeping pretending you're a News organization or have you already hanged your Shingle Trump's Ministry of Enlightenment & Propaganda

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Yeah, whatever their "platform" says, it'll be, as the old verse goes - Writ in water Or, more bluntly, as the old saying goes: "It said Pussy on the picket fence, but I broke my dick"

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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In Europe (which smartly neither has 2party system, nor semi feudal rules that simple majority is useless, one senator can block congress, president is not who gets most votes...) left-center-centerright cooperate to prevent fascism. In US they clip their noses to spite the face.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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..2/ even get rid of a filibuster or antiquated semi feudal rules that 1 senator can block Senate - even if they get comfortable majority, so there's little chance they'll even contemplate ID.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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It would be a part if it was done decades ago (as it would be one less thing Rs could do now to suppress voting) I didn't said it's a solution now (but if Rs don't get in power now, it is again a thing to be considered - if they get in power, it's a moot point for various reasons). But Ds won't.../2

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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2. Yes, I'm sure you're right, I was just contemplating long lost opportunity to get NID, one which would be initially paid by the Federal government (for a fraction of money given as corn subsidies, just one example). But it was not something politicians on both sides wanted.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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1. I meant, even when they had the numbers for at least some things to change, they were not doing it out of some misplaced sense of fair play, or being themselves "members of the Club" (Ds also got money from NRA) or Roe is Law of the Land bs. Rs didn't have such qualms when they wanted something.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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One can't but wonder if the only way for US to become "normal" country (not half Wild West with semi feudal rules & laws) is a bout of fascist dictatorship. Ah, well, next-next generation can maybe have an answer to that ;) If it doesn't bring the dystopian, post apocalyptic world, that is 😎

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Yes if you do it NOW (but even then what's government for if you can't use its money & resources to rectify things ;) Just like with gun control, bringing SC up to the actual number of Circuits, getting rid of (semi)feudal rules & laws, etc, Ds have been complicit in not doing it.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Maybe if Democrats haven't for decades joined their republican buddies in opposition of a national identity card, maybe all those poorer people wouldn't have to worry about additional documentation. But, hey, ID is "totalitarian thingy" so there's that 😎

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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They need Stalin to teach them errors of their ways. But at least there'll be some cold comfort in knowing that under #PutschistenFührer they will soon learn (and then some).

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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You give them too much credit.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Future Trump's Minister for Enlightenment & Propaganda

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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I would be very careful what I say about Trump's future Minister for Enlightenment & Propaganda

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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And for those who were unaware of what great set of pipes Sisko had :)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Not surprising, Germans have a word for that 😎 Backpfeifengesicht

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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It's all part of their wet dream where they will finally be major force and devour D party, and as all good lefties, victory comes only after total destruction

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Keep the (semi)feudal laws for two centuries, expect Feudal State.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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So did Mamelukes in Egypt, but Ali had an effective solution ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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So did Mamelukes in Egypt. Ali had a solution for that ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Actually, they'll be complementary.

#PutschistenFührer will get his emperor's immunity (one way or another - directly now, or by delaying court cases until after the coronation) and when he sits on the throne, he'll make sure that all Online Content is uniform...or else ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Not exactly the same, but I still listen, almost every day, to cassette tapes I recorded nearly half a century ago 🤣

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Strongly disagree about "no desirability" of the last option ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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With IOS, it appears but you have to go to the app's "page" to see the update, it's late only in "update section".

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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It all began decades ago, with wrong turn at Albuquerque ;) with Storm Front. If that was "killed" right away (as was then practice in many countries) the whole world would be thankful 😎 and levels of indoctrination and ignorance would be, at least, significantly slower in developing.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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It's a Darwinism at play - nature's way to say Stop playing American "football" ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Hmm, my first web browser - that came on a magazine CD, together with a month of free Compuserve access - was Mosaic 1.0 ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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PD's levodopa medication helps to treat the physical symptoms (stiffness, slowness, tremors) by increasing low dopamine levels. It can improve some brain function (memory, planning,...) but it can also cause hallucinations and other mental problems.

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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The problem is, even if there's a solution, the starting point (which that solution would tend to preserve) is rapidly getting lower (and lower ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Peter Sellers summarized it pretty well ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Tell me you're a typewriter user without telling me 😎

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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And Homer also did some artistic license with Odysseus' peculiar propensities for children toys ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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But all praise goes to #XFührer - just like the Soviet story how Stalin is great: Once bunch of children played in front of his window and broke it with a football - and Stalin took the ball and returned it to them, instead of killing them.

So Elon could kill the account but he just banned posts ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Just like his #PutschistenFührer who often mistakes one woman for another, he thought she was that Crazy Kennedy's VP

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Good Old Times when ID was Scary ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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With creatures populating GOP & SC, they would let him run the country from jail, just like any other jailed mob don ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Better timing would be when he loses both the election & the appeal, and is ordered to report to jail on January 6th ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Well, one "good" thing about Left cutting their nose to spite the face, i.e. #PutschistenFührer Trump's second term, will be that when that term ends (one way or another) there won't be any Left left ;)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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Btw, don't know is this a laugh track or not, but the Becker's one at the end is a Real McCoy :)

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Larry Flint's avatar Larry Flint
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I'm the Old School, I grew up on the laugh track ;) so I don't even notice it :)

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