ljevans.bsky.social's avatar



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Quilt historian, feminist, fangirl. Writes fiction as Sara Ellis, author of Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer's Choice finalist =The Black Robe of Flanders.=

's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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They would dig up the VP's former relationship with Willie Brown and plaster it all over every front page in the country. This is a blatant attempt to force Biden out, both as candidate & and President...and if he quits, guess who's in line after Harris?

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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"The media is driving the news about forcing Biden to quit so Trump will win, to the point of outright lying." Fixed.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Interesting but ultimately meaningless since Tarot is bunk.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Agreed. The NYT is so obviously shilling for Trump it's not even funny.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Someone needs to send these idiots this.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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He needs to be primaried, and he needs to shut the hell up. #1 is not settled by any means, and #2 is wrong.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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What is the obsession with that guy? He's another bland, very average white guy like Beto O'Rourke.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I was appalled by the NYT's op-ed section today. APPALLED.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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And isn't it interesting that after four straight cycles with either a woman, a PoC, or both on the ticket, suddenly all these Very Serious (White) Pundits are going nuts for a mediocre white guy and/or a white woman who nearly got kidnapped?

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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You think?

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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And Biden came right out today and had a barnburner of a rally in North Carolina. NYT wants Trump back. I have no idea why, but it's been obvious for years.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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They treated their pharmacists horribly and I couldn't get my meds any more. Switched to CVS and haven't looked back.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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*spit-take* The GOP has been weaponizing opposition to the LGBT+ community for the last four years. Buttigieg is not a viable candidate, which is why he's a Cabinet secretary.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Sounds like it's related to The Dragon of Wantley.


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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Drunk, slightly insane Zefrem Cochrane offering a bewildered Vulcan snacks and booze is magnificent.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I'm not sure you understand real estate, or how stupid you look putting your profession in ALL CAPS WITH A LITTLE TRADEMARK SYMBOL in your name, but such is life.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Bye, Felicia.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I just had someone sealion me in comments for pointing out that, y'know, a beloved progressive candidate kinda ignored systemic bigotry in 2016.....

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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You are unbearably naive.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Whatever he managed to do (which was minimal) is outweighed by him sandbagging Hillary Clinton in 2016 so we had four hideous years of Donald Trump.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I can't see the thread so have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Couple it with antiracism training, desegregation, and birth control/education for women.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I'm not a politician, so I have no idea why you think I have a plan. I'm pointing out that the sainted one of Burlington never even addressed this. Why does this upset you?

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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When did this happen? Especially without a massive backlash?

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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History makes it very clear that, if anything, better wages, incomes, and jobs for non-dominant classes by itself only enrages the dominant class. Just look at how years of gains for women, non-whites, and the LGBT+ community, coupled with a successful black President, led to the current backlash.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Solving economic inequality does nothing to solve systemic bigotry. That is something Bernie Sanders and his followers have never understood.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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A lot of them don't seem to realize that this time there won't be any adults in the room, just Trumpsters who are salivating at the idea of a dictatorship.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Or "estrogen" as "eestrogen" in an early episode of Torchwood. He can and does switch accents all the time, often in the same sentence - must drive his husband crazy.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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My mother just about died when I casually referred to a Cole Porter song as "Begin the Begwine."

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I'm a 63 year old woman with a blue belt in karate, and I could take them. Especially the doofus with the sunglasses.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I gave up on Chomsky in the 1980's when I subscribed to Z. That you weren't even born then doesn't change his denial of the Killing Fields, his denial of Bosnian genocide, or his defense of Robert Faurisson.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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COUNTERPUNCH???? And you expect to be taken seriously? BWAAHAAHAAH!!!!! What's next, joining Tankies for Trump?

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Noam Chomsky was right about Vietnam, then spent the rest of his life denying any genocide connected even marginally to the left. His linguistic work was outmoded years ago, his prose was impenetrable, and his record is decidedly mixed. Anyone who defends him in spite of this should be ashamed.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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The Khmer Rouge murdered a quarter of Cambodia's population, many for things like wearing glasses. Being disgusted by their actions is not "left-punching," nor is calling out Noam goddamn Chomsky for denying Pol Pot's atrocities.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Anyone who's been paying attention to the Religious Right and its takeover of the GOP since the Reagan years. It's not surprising to me at all that the white evangelical right is making this last-ditch grab for power before demographics catch up with them.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Good. Let's hope people are paying attention.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Anyone who still blames Obama for this is either an ideologue or terminally ignorant. Joe Lieberman, Blanche Lincoln, and a couple of others made it clear from the beginning that either of these options are not happening. Obama knew that, too, because he's not stupid.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Glenn Youngkin's sole appeal is that he wore a fleece vest, and that was not all that appealing.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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The number of teenagers who write fanfiction and post it on Archive of Our Own in and of itself augurs well for storytelling.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Your cat almost certainly thinks that *she* is the cover girl for Publishers Weekly and you are only the place she has chosen to sit. :)

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Ending the slave trade did nothing to end slavery itself. That took an actual war. As for Jefferson, his "lover" Sally Hemings was literally a *child* when he first impregnated her. Hard to excuse that.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I want to see him alone, friendless, and reduced to dancing for dimes under a bridge.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Trump Tower, which I would immediately deed over to E. Jean Carroll.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Ike was such a slam dunk for 1952 that both parties courted him - Ken Burns even claimed in his film on the Roosevelts that the Democrats desperately tried to draft *Eleanor.* It was all thanks to the returning GIs who'd fought under him and loved him.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Sorry, but the Greatest Generation was what elected Eisenhower, who brought us Nixon. They were were *not* exceptionally liberal.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Cannot stand the man, despise his politics. I don't wish him ill, but not sorry to see him go.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Black people tended to vote Republican because prior to Nixon's Southern Strategy in 1968, the GOP was still seen as the party of Lincoln and liberation. Once the Dixiecrats took over, black voters overwhelmingly turned to the Democrats and have stayed there.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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Now want someone to turn a garden hose on Rishi Sunak to destroy yet another of his bespoke suits.

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's avatar @ljevans.bsky.social
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I think Hamilton would have wanted his FIL's Maybach.

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