Attorney Major of Florida's avatar

Attorney Major of Florida

592 followers 166 following 1806 posts

Official account for the first Black elected Attorney Major. Proud of my accomplishment, ashamed of my state. My hobbies include video games, pro wrestling, music, and watching my blocked by number on Clearsky surge every two weeks.

Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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I've been trying to dig into the methodology, but I can't find detailed breakdowns on my phone.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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This is what happens when you sample less than a dozen (sometimes significantly less) and try to extrapolate statistically.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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If it weren't for white people, we wouldn't have had Trump in the first place. Instead of telling Black people who to support, maybe consider listening to us. We have a much better record here.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Fun fact: Seth Abramson blocked me on the old place over a Mortal Kombat joke. He was throwing a massive tantrum.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
[ View ] duel 5

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Reposted by Attorney Major of Florida

Josh Sternberg's avatar Josh Sternberg
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Been saying for years now: media trips over themselves to cater to Republican messaging/perspective because Republicans labeled 'the media' as being liberal; the only way to show they're not liberal? Carry water for Republicans.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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It's a lot like when evangelical politicians say "God told me to do X." It's an unfalsifiable premise used to bolster their existing idealogy.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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😂😂😂 I didn't think of it that way, but I guess that's how lots of people read it.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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And for that matter, have they ever gone after a Republican for anything as hard as they jump in line to attack Democrats? The only thing I can think of that comes close is how they hit Romney over his 47% line at a donor dinner.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Willie Horton, Dukakis in a tank, Clinton Chronicles, Al Gore invented the internet, Swiftboat Veterans, Birtherism, Email Server, Hunter's Business..... Has American media ever gone an election cycle without wholesale accepting a right-wing story, no matter how transparently bullshit it is?

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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It's been meh-to-bad in the past, but this year seems far worse. Lots of people anxious about another Trump administration are channeling into borderline insanity and open hostility to anyone who refuses to join them.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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This election has absolutely broken some brains. I've found myself unfollowing people whose work I've enjoyed for years and whom I genuinely respect.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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That was pretty clear when his neighbors instantly sold him out over the Cancun fiasco. Still funny though. 😂

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Same in Florida. A lot of people move here because they but the right-wing nonsense about the state being a perfect utopia and then face a hard collision with the wall of reality.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Following American politics is a lot like being a pro wrestling fan: People who have never worked behind the scenes are convinced they could easily do the work with unparalleled success because they've watched the product on tv and follow it closely online.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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There's nothing our media likes more than pushing a certain story thread and then turning around and pretending it's an organic issue they are obligated to cover.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Has the NYT ever tried to figure out why Trump got rushed to Walter Reed unannounced on a Saturday to complete "portions" of his annual physical in 2019?

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Their platform calls for an Iron Dome missile defense system for the US. That's the most "Trump learned about something and thinks it's shiny and cool, so he wants one too" thing I've ever seen. We haven't been hit by aerial bombardment since WWII. Does he think Canada is gonna launch rockets?

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Chapter ten is entitled "Return to peace through strength." Not even pretending to be anything other than fascists anymore.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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A twofer here: 1. "Highly sophisticated paper ballots" are not a real thing. Also remember their 2020 conspiracy theories hinged around fake paper ballots being dropped off at voting sites. 2. They value those in the territories and want then engaged, but not enough to push for statehood.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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1. Trump definitely wrote this. 2. Who wants to tell them?

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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So the Republicans actually released a platform this year. It reads like a Trumpian college presentation he started the night before. But it takes a lot of gall for them to put this shit in writing. It's 26 words, but they could have said it in 14.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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I always think it's ironic the same judges who pretend to revere history and original intent in Con law cases throw that shit out the window the second it's inconvenient to the state. This happens all the time in 4th Amendment cases, where they've watered it down so much it barely exists anymore.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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The two I can think of are: 1. Antifa leaving pallets of bricks on random street corners for use in bartering LEOs. 2. Rainbow fentanyl to entice school children into addiction.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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It's always amazing to me that his first four movies were 48 Hrs. (Good to great), Trading Places (Great), Best Defense (legitimately one of the worst movies of the decade), and Beverly Hills Cop (All-time classic). Best Defense is such a weird outlier.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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The good news is Project 2025 is becoming well known and toxic enough that the major architects are forced to disavow. The bad news is we all know these denials are complete nonsense. Our media will probably accept them on face value, but we need to continue getting the word out.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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I have no idea, but apparently some very determined people found a way.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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I think they mean the theater stanchions.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Our media is just terrible and exhausting.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Same. As we discussed moving out of the hellscape Florida has transitioned to, we said we will likely have to find a house to purchase. I don't think a rental will let us have 5 cats and none of our family will be discarded.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Our second cat developed gastrointestinal issues and got put on a special, very expensive, food... Which means the other 4 cats also got put on a special, very expensive, food. I feel your budget pain and I hope your little kitty is OK.

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Reposted by Attorney Major of Florida

Misandrosaurus Bex's avatar Misandrosaurus Bex
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Because they want Trump to win because “controversy=clicks, they’re all either in or adjacent to the demographic groups that were left alone during his first term, and a non-zero number of them are fash-friendly

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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I watched Logan on TNT last week. Thus, I am now uniquely credentialed to diagnose a complete stranger with a complicated medical condition based on a single point of reference.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Yeah. Nobody ever thinks of themself as evil. She can justify each and every terrible thing she says/does as the virtuous acts of the righteous martyr.

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Reposted by Attorney Major of Florida

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Ok..... What the hell are you freaks doing in movie theater bathrooms?

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Everything in this post chain. Plus I'll add this: President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. "He will make many calls and have many meetings."

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Reposted by Attorney Major of Florida

jamie quinn 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar jamie quinn 🏳️‍⚧️
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i drop this when folks are clicking to read a performatively bad take by a fascist in the new york times. 1—that’ll make it the best performing piece of the day 2—guy writes for national review—the mag william f buckley founded 3—i know you like wordle, but the nyt has always been like this

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Some carriers require a warrant, but most will comply with a simple subpoena. A warrant requires a showing of probable cause and sign-off from a judge, cops can subpoena anyone subject to the limitations of their agency rules. (Apologies if you already know this info. Just trying to explain).

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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My job more or less has me pretty numb to horrifying footage. I'm just incredibly pissed this asshole is doing this and nobody has said anything. The media hasn't covered it at all. He should be tarred and feathered for cynical exploiting a national tragedy like that.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Stuck in the panhandle over the long weekend, and holy shit. Aaron Dimmock, a MAGA fuckwit challenging MAGA fuckwit Matt Gaetz, is airing an ad that uses footage from 9/11. Like actual plane hitting the tower footage. I thought we'd hit the nadir, but there's really no bottom.

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Attorney Major of Florida's avatar Attorney Major of Florida
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Imagine how great a story he could have had: "Bro, I'm chilling in my car, and Mara freaking Wilson opens the door and starts to get in thinking I'm her Uber driver." Instead, he decided to be a dick and now we all get to mock him.

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