Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar

Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch

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I didnt transition, i evolved into my true self!!! Batshit crazy redheaded witch!!! Grrr is watching you all HAHAHAHA

Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Hey peoples!!! Just woke up after a nap... Fucking sweating my ass off it 102° and the AC is not keeping up...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Too hot... brain melting in head... fuck it, I'm going to go throw myself in the lake again...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Yeah I'm still married, but I haven't seen her in 2 years...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Congrats hun!!! That's awesome!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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I will die before I detransition...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Well it's a 100° out right now, supposed to hit 102 the next 2 days... and I have to move furniture tomorrow... fucking yea....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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I'm sitting on the porch and Grr Cat walks by and as he does he always wraps his tail around my leg... love my boy!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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You hair does look fantastic!!! And you have Squeeky's brother...or sister... Squeaky been gone... about 25 Squeekys line carries on!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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I'm not sure Grrr wouldn't fall off... he's more of a ground based cat... hell, he can't even get the birds off the bird feeder and it's only 2 and a half feet high....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Yeah I lived through another night..went to the bar last night, just to have so.e water, (I try not to drink there, too expensive for me) had some one buy a couple of shots, and had this redhead lady sit right next to me and I think she was trying to hit on me..I'm sort of stupid I don't notice

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Here's why I quit Walmart, 3rd day on the job, I had to pee, used the ladies room and was asked to use the family restroom in the back... the one that's always locked... so used the men's room, and get looked at like a ducking freak by customers when I walk out... fuck Walmart fuck the corporate

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Saw a dragon fly and Itty bitty fish... reminds me of shadow lake.....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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So ladies and gentlemen and I say this for trans fem and trans masc, I love you all! I just found a willow tree and mom has one in her yard in auburn Washington, and since I'm in eastern Montana, makes me feel like I'm close to home.. I'm gonna say hi and meditate...first one mom's next I'm at

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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I hate looking for work!!! And I have only ever gotten one job online and that was Walmart.... Otherwise I go and talk and do paper apps.... Anyone remember those? You know? Paper pen? Old way? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Okay... here's a good meme

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Fuckin jerks!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Yeah my boy Grrr Cat, kept waking me up last night just to let me know he had come back inside, and I was supposed to move over so he could snuggle me...and right now my old man is taking his morning nap... purring the whole time...

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Reposted by Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch

Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Stop that!!! I definitely get it, I quit Walmart cause I had another job lined up, and that job fell through, so I've been barely staving off my depression....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Crap... phone hungry... gotta charge it... (I keep letting it die for some reason...oh yeah... it's cause I hate these things....)

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Gotcha beat!!! The soul in this flesh bag was first around 3500 bc... I just burn out the bodies... Or get bumped off... Was originally one of the fae....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Thank you!!! That's one of the best compliments I've gotten!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Okay, been looking for work, using a temp service, since I never get any responses from any company I apply at online... ever... Was going to go back to welding... now? Don't think it's a good idea...don't wanna have to try and boymode anymore... hated myself back then...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Ditto... not even trying right now too hot out....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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In a bad mood? Tank girl Or Fight club... and I'll die on this hill

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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So I'm doing brain dead sunday... watching a shitton of Dust... and whatever stupid things follow on Tubi....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Sleep Grrr!!! And size... that's the arm of my sweatshirt on the arm of the couch.... yes Grrr is raccoon sized... Didn't know cats came in raccoon size...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Finally got some fucking sleep!!!! And now I must venture out for a pint and pack of coffin nails...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Lol!!! IDK!! That's fucking funny!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Hate both....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Okay, watch Dust... outer space... sunspring... It's an AI written screenplay... and the actors attempt at.... well a shit show.... Really erratic,but fucking hilarious... Cause it doesn't make bit of sense...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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OK, found my glasses... So bad joke time!!! Guy walks into a bar, sits down, and notices only other guy in the bar, has ALL the ladies hanging around him.... Guy asked bartender, "Hey, why are all girls hanging around that guy?" Bartender, "I don't know. He just sits there and licks his eyebrows"

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Another song!!!! What rolls downstairs, Alone or in pairs.. Runs over your neighbors dog, What fits on your back, It's good for a snack, It's Log Log Log!!! It's Log It's Log, It's big, it's heavy It's wood, Log, Log, it's better than bad it's good!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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And the prices have been consistent since I started drink almost 30 years ago... in multiple states... just noticed about a month ago... the prices flip flopped dollar for dollar, exactly the same price the other one used to be...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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You know something? The infinite multiversity, you can and will at weird times slip into a different version of you... might be actually the same, but for instance, there are a couple of rums I drink, and the prices flip flopped... dollar for dollar...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Finally, think I found out why I'm so frazzled and can't sleep, I haven't done any spell work, grounding, or mediation... I know I've done spell work.. I haven't pulled myself back together and done a grounding at very least should have done that... Yes, me witch, was in my bio for a longtime

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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It's sad... I bet most people won't get the reference....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Not sure when I hair decided to pretend to be white... that's like brand new... like 3 or 4 weeks difference...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Yeah I just do punk rock chick...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Too many concussions will do things like that to a person...but I don't know why I can't sleep... It's like my ADHD came back with a vengeance...and I've never been manic... so fuck if I know what's up.. More bitching to follow.. (I don't usually vent my laundry like this)

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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It's after 5 somewhere... Oh it's after 5 here!! I can start drinking.... Trying to knock my ass out and get some fucking sleep!!! (And my math's were off, I've had 4 hours of sleep for almost 4 days...) The audio hallucinations start for me about day 5... Visual start at about 36 hours...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Damn, I'm sorry to hear that hun! 🫂 I'm still technically married, but I haven't even talked to my wife for months, and been t2 years since I've even seen her.

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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I don't know why, but my insomnia continues... got about an hour, and just woke back up... wtf??? Should starting day 4 on 3 hours of sleep for the last 4 fucking days... I'm gonna get pretty cranky here quickly...

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Good night sky frens!!! Only have had about 2 hours of sleep for the 3 days... gonna try and crash now... And I've done this without any actual drugs... Just my PTSD keeping me up.....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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Fuck my jaw hurts from grinding my teeth for the last 2 days.... fireworks and my PTSD they don't play well togrther... having to wear my night guard so I don't chew through my teeth....

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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And I just watched a couple on like reproductive stuff.... and some is really twisted...

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So rewatching Gunpowder and Sky presents Dust.. It's a shitton of short films sci-fi, horror, and others.... And there are DAYS worth of these short films. Anybody can watch them on Tubi app. For free!!!

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Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch's avatar Mad May!!! Crazy bitch... I mean witch
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I did read that before, just been a little bit, and I don't always see you posts. Again, was just trying to polite and failed... again... you have a good night.

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