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That's been the case for at least nine years now . . . in terms of political journalists. How long did it take to get the NYTimes to use the word "lie" in reference to Trump.

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Best to read the entire oped, as it's critical of the Court's rulings on cases related to Trump. Closes with "When dealing with Mr. Trump in particular, the court is so sure that our other institutions cannot be trusted that it fails to look in the mirror."

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Best to read the entire oped, as it's critical of the Court's rulings on cases related to Trump. Closes with "When dealing with Mr. Trump in particular, the court is so sure that our other institutions cannot be trusted that it fails to look in the mirror."

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Best to read the entire oped, as it's critical of the Court's rulings on cases related to Trump. Closes with "When dealing with Mr. Trump in particular, the court is so sure that our other institutions cannot be trusted that it fails to look in the mirror."

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Disingenuous as hell . . . fact-checkers have found that he has in fact voted. Way to go NYT . . .

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Rather a difficult time to be asking for reassurances that the Union succeeds . . .

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You're such a joy to read . . .

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It's a waste of time and energy to do what ifs?? It didn't happen.

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I've been thinking about that episode repeatedly.

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Clear understanding as to how useless it was to expect Roberts to hold Thomas and Alito accountable for ethics violations . . . or to have any ethics for this court.

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Speak to your employer . . .

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And did you REALLY suggest that Biden resign?

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Cancelled mine Saturday.

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But of course they won't.

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There's not a word in that editorial that honest people could disagree with. Thank you Philly.

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NYTimes has been prepping for this moment.

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They've done their best to sink Biden for months now, with their stories and headlines.

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I would disagree. The comments are a glimpse into readers who agree with the opinion posited in the headline. Biased sample.

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Daily mantra from the NYTimes . . . (free link)

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If only her husband would follow her lead in reporting . . .

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Performance on Conan:

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Superb . . . listening to it for years. And they gave their stamp of approval.

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Especially as he knows that it's politically motivated . . .

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Reason I unsubscribed months ago . . .

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Yeah . . . thank you NYTimes.

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Agree . . . his "justifications" are so pathetic they make a mockery of the entire process.

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My brother still does on the family farm in Oklahoma.

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NYT seems to look for any possible way to throw shade at Biden.

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Do the journalists even care about readers' feedback on their stories?

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We should have foreseen this at his inauguration . . .

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On same webpage, opposite article you posted: Corrections officer placed on leave after accidental shooting death at training facility

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Your "opinion columns" are nothing more than open letters . . .

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Completely agree. I've disliked him since his book was published.

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"Having done so, the bottom line is this." (Actual statement, p. 10)

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Really have a need to control women at all costs . . .

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Certainly wouldn't be able to know that, or even guess it was true, if you just read and/or listened to MSM.

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She had to make up for last week's interview of Ronna.

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There is no place in "factual journalism" for the lies surrounding election fraud, regardless of the "large constituency of the voting public," unless the media are simply pandering to that voting public.

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If only MSM could also put this news together in a meaningful headline . . .

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"They're afraid of alienating a large swath of the American audience." Must be describing her husband.

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Bot . . .

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Thank you.

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And they haven't learned after 8 years (2015 - 2023) that "framing" isn't accurate or viable? I don't think the journalists necessarily prefer Trump but their subscription base rose astronomically during his first term.

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It would be responsible journalism to point that their are no "bills" in journalism, no matter what trump says.

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The entire NYTimes coverage in this episode - especially Shear and Baker - lacks integrity. Just trying to make a dime . . .

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