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Vanishing Point

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posting David Markson, one notecard at a time.

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Fifteen thousand children were among the prisoners who passed through Theresienstadt. Ninety-some survived.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Dryden was England’s first official Poet Laureate. One hundred and seventy-five years earlier, both Oxford and Cambridge had awarded the title to John Skelton.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Pliny the Younger was a pupil of Quintilian’s. Years afterward, learning that Quintilian could not afford a proper dowry for his daughter, Pliny sent the money as a gift.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Are you actually the Arnold Schoenberg. Somebody had to be.

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One’s delayed awareness that in Hamlet, Claudius prays. Or attempts to. And that Hamlet never does.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Books agreeing with Copernicus or Kepler or Galileo—i.e., acknowledging that the earth moved around the sun—remained on the Catholic Index until as late as 1835.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Within weeks of John Berryman’s father’s suicide, when Berryman was twelve, his mother remarried. To their landlord.

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Learning from the Divine Comedy that one-way traffic had been established in thirteenth-century Rome.

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Phoenix, Arizona, Frank Lloyd Wright died in.

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James Baldwin borrowed money from Marlon Brando with which to finish his first novel.

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And why peculiarly indelible?

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Whose tale, locked for some decades, now, in Author’s memory?— Of someone visiting at an old people’s home and noticing a woman beyond an unclosed bathroom door—scrubbing her face in a toilet bowl.

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That utterly dreary German scoundrel Wagner. Dostoievsky called him.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Teaching mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge, Isaac Newton lectured so abstractly that often no students appeared at his classes at all.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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Tolstoy had an illegitimate son he never acknowledged. Karl Marx had an illegitimate son he never acknowledged. Henrik Ibsen had an illegitimate son he never acknowledged.

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A Vatican cardinal, visiting Nicolas Poussin’s modest house in Rome: How distressing that you have no servant. Poussin: How distressing that you have so many.

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Max Beerbohm lived in Italy for most of forty-six years. And never learned to speak Italian.

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Being reminded that Garrick would also later be buried adjacent to the Shakespeare monument in Westminster Abbey.

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Like Alexander with the Iliad, Napoleon carried a copy of Plutarch’s Lives with him eternally.

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Above Rodin’s grave at Meudon: A cast of The Thinker.

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Theories that Milton’s blindness was caused by glaucoma. Or by detached retinas. Or congenital syphilis.

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Captain Gardiner, I will not do it. Even now I lose time. Good bye, good bye. God bless ye, man, and may I forgive myself, but I must go.

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Schrödinger’s cat.

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David Garrick, retiring from the stage: Now I will sit down and read Shakespeare.

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A Wayward Nun, Dickinson called herself.

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Gigantic Emily Brontë Emily Dickinson called her.

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Remembering that a faithful small-scale copy of The Last Judgment by Marcello Venusti, made before garments were added, exists in Naples.

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Eliot took private French lessons in Paris from Alain-Fournier, evidently just when the latter had begun writing Le Grand Meaulnes. And four years before he would be shot and killed in a German ambush in World War I.

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In a letter from Florence Hardy, mentioning that her husband is at his desk: Writing an intensely dismal poem with great spirits.

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D. H. Lawrence, on a difference between the novel and older poetic epics: In a novel, you know there is a water closet on the premises.

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T. E. Lawrence, who spent four years working on a new translation of same— And then decided he fundamentally agreed with the antique earlier judgment.

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I do not find that Odysseus the Wise does anything but dine and chase women.

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An anonymous Cynic philosopher, re the Odyssey:

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God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

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Salvador Dali, once lecturing at the Sorbonne, began by removing his right shoe and sock—and then soaked his bare foot in a pan of milk throughout.

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The Black Death, 1348-49. Presumably brought to Europe on shipboard by rats from the Near East. Nonetheless leading to tens of thousands of Jews being massacred across Spain and France and Germany, accused of poisoning wells.

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Francis Beaumont, of Beaumont and. So astute a critical reader that even Jonson himself, according to Dryden, asked him to look through his manuscripts and suggest revisions.

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Vanishing Point's avatar Vanishing Point
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The First Folio Shakespeare, in 1623, was only the second Workes of a playwright published in England. Ben Jonson’s had been the first, seven years earlier—and to a certain ridicule, for seeming pretentious.

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Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?

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Malcolm Lowry, William Empson, Kathleen Raine, and Michael Redgrave were contemporaries at Cambridge. Along with Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt, and Kim Philby.

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Anthony Powell, George Orwell, Henry Green, and Cyril Connolly all attended Eton at the same time. Along with Ian Fleming.

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Rome, Ingeborg Bachmann died in.

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Alfred North Whitehead was made to retire at Imperial College, London, at the age of sixty-two. Harvard was quite content to have him move there and teach for an additional thirteen years.

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As Plutarch reports it, after Socrates’ trial—and his death—his accusers were looked upon with such disfavor that they eventually hanged themselves.

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Caedmon, sing me something!

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The Wandering Jew was claimed to have been seen in Hamburg in 1542, 1547, and 1564. And in Vienna in 1599.

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Montaigne, in all of his autobiographical pages, mentions his wife only less than does Dante in his.

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Michelangelo was still alive at the time of the pope’s decision. Tell his Holiness to look to setting the world in order. To reform a picture costs no great trouble.

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Daniele da Volterra, who was commissioned by Pope Paul IV to conceal some of the nudity in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment. And was thereafter referred to as the Breeches-Maker.

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Elie Wiesel’s advance against royalties for the first American edition of Night was $100.

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