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A non-state CBRN use researcher. With all kind of other eclectic interests and opinions. Which I generally manage to keep to myself.

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Also, I like the idea of the dude with the authority (whether we like it or not) to obliterate civilization being well rested. More strategic direction, less 20 hours of busy-work. President's need to get in the habit of delegating to their cabinets again.

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I recall that being the story at the time too. NZG was so embarrassed to catch them. Planting bombs on a civilian vessel that you don’t control or track access to was an arrogant recipe for disaster. All for Moruroa FFS. Because France couldn’t sustain itself in the face of one Greenpeace boat.

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One of the stronger arguments for Biden punching out is that it may be that nothing can counter the narrative that he is senile & dying. He could do a jig reciting Hamlet and it would just be a good day & a sign he has been juiced. He’s bound to get sick again & the doom watch will resume.

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Speaking of the upcoming US election, it’s pretty clear that the narrative has been established for a GOP loss. Illegal immigrants using mail in votes, etc. If they win it was despite this, which will be used to justify “harsh but necessary” measures to protect democracy. Will NYT adopt this line?

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Georgia and my streaming is full of Biden / Democrat material about abortion rights / healthcare / healthcare for black americans / and salted with trump is a felon.

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It may be anti-social, but remember that choosing to NEVER accept food from co-workers can save your life. Or at least spare you a great deal of discomfort or even a potentially expensive hospital stay.

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Dollhouse seems like his obsession with finding a way to insert a pliant semi-sentient robot sex-doll into almost anything taken to its logical conclusion.

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Grump grump grumble grumble

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It would be nice, if that is the pronunciation, if it could be spelt like austria etc in english as well. You know, using the alphabet for common intelligibility. Instead of requiring people to memorise something like its a symbol. Independent of it’s not like we call China zhongguo in English.

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And five’ll get you ten the NYT will diligently report an absolutely ludicrous lie like it is a credibly contestable point open to discussion by honest people.

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Such gleeful cruelty. Does he shut down puppy-mills by kicking puppies?

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This points to an important consideration. There is a large divergence between national messaging and political effort going in to particular states or districts already. In GA there is already a lot of Dem content. Big push on “Trump took away healthcare; do you want that again?”

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What are they trying to come up with? Stone-burners?

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There is a strong “don’t be the first mover but be the biggest second mover” incentive here. Which some potential leaders, or formerly involved people apparently, don’t comprehend.

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And that seems like a reasonable argument given that all of the other major nuclear powers are subject to the same constraints, but with a smaller, or substantially smaller base of data to work from. And with, I suspect, Chinese exception can’t spend on modelling like US. But they have little data.

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Kinda surprised more folks aren’t calling out that little nugget.

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Its not like Biden is in this job to chop wood, run up & down stairs, or micromanage seal-team-6 night raids. I’d be more interested in what folks leading large organizations think than journalists who’ve never been in responsible positions having a collective hysterical freakout. Or clickbaiting

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Sooner or later all simulations need real world validation though right? A high degree of confidence that these complex devices will perform as designed in terms of bang/not bang seems desirable. Though the prospect of a nuclear exchange where everything fizzles is darkly hilarious. But unlikely 😢

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Listening to criticsm of “Biden won’t work after 8pm” got me thinking. How much busy-work does the US President do that could in a better functioning arrangement be effectively delegated to cabinet members, etc. Seems like Pres should be well-rested and focused on strategic direction, not details.

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Taylor Swift is popular. How that’s bad for Biden. Standard NYT template 101

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Also, the Khan type eugenic augments surged into leadership roles but couldn’t get along, at all. Which was a major factor jn said eugenics wars happening. Depending on how canonical we consider the EW books.

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Also, sounds like they haven't had a real cold, or needed to do something intellectually complex when they have a cold. Or maybe they're just really awesome, or don't remember, cos the cold made their memory fuzzy.

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Cold mcdonalds is not exactly the best mcdonalds. Ew. Not ideal.

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Dang it with the typos

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I believe i was more entertained by it than i was by Jesus Christ superstar, which just confused the creep out of me.

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Ah, revives memories of questionable parental movie choices in the late 70s and early 80s. Mum has the kids, and wants to see the movie so guess kid is seeing the movie too. Come on down “Saturn 3” “It’s scifi, the 11 yr old will love it.” 😬

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Appreciated. Realistically, Harris is the most primed up, ready to go alternative to Biden if that is sought. She’s already part of the campaign, funders know her, etc. All others are deeper into “who now?” territory.

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Out of curiousity, how is campaigning against other democrats in CA the best practice? I am constantly puzzled by the amount of effort Dems put into CA every cycle. The VP campaign element makes more sense, though I confess I have zero recall of her from the 2020 campaign.

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But how? Why? Its so funny. Also, early James Earl Jones. And I love the interior design of the whole thing. Mid-century modern FTW. Ken Adam brilliance just like the early Bond’s

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Gen. Buck Turgidson dropping bureaucratic real-bombs left, right, and center. "Well, uh, I don't think its quite fair to condemn the whole program because of a single slip-up." Re: The personal reliability program's failure to recognise Gen. Ripper as a complete psychotic. "purity of essence" 😂

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That is some A-grade brothering right there.

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I suspect part of the problem is that those looking the other way, or covering up for another member of the "fraternal order of definitely honest police officers", don't see themselves as a "bad apple."

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Well, that's embarrassing. I totally conflated Gen. Ripper (intending Turgidson) with the Comedian's 1966 dismissal of Captain Metropolis' Crime-buster's initiative from Watchmen. Big Atomic Nerd fail. x2. I hang my head in shame & must go watch Dr. Strangelove again as "punishment."

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Thinking a little more about Gen LeMay and his reported Jack D. Ripper eagerness to let the nukes fly like Maybugs. I suspect starting assumptions are a big factor here. If you assume that USA/USSR are going to go to war with NW sooner or later then giving the enemy time to build up is foolishness.

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Once again, what kind of nut looks at this US election cycle and says I was on the fence, but Biden seems a bit doddery, so I need to vote for the healthy Trump. How shallow do you have to be?

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You can use "continental drift" to clearly and firmly support this. Awesome sauce.

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BTW, none of this speaks well to said senior staffers et. al. Its not like Biden had a stroke 5 minutes fore the debate.

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Is there any reason to think that the Dem's aren't simply going to pop open a Pandora's box of back-biting, sniping, etc., that further alienates large components of the base from whoever the winner is? Is Harris really a shoe-in nominee with a purely formal round of approvals? Or is asking wrong?

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Its not even really about taunting the poors though is it? Like, everyone knows he's rich. Just give an answer using a class of food, it doesn't even have to be a specific dish. But give an HONEST answer rather than a focus-group tested attempt to identify with the proles. Suggest a personality.

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The Democrat gerontocracy has been a problem for a long-time. Its sad that the GOP is essentially the young party. And many of the younger generation of Dem players give off vibes of vacuousness or creepiness, or sometimes both. While other disappear. Rising but having nowhere to go they wither.

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I'm profoundly curious to see how deep the UK electorate drives the Conservative Party tent-peg into the ground tomorrow. Whatever else happens, they are getting HAMMERED.

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LeMay is an interesting character no doubt. He seems to have been rather brutally honest with himself about what his task was, and how to go about it. As illustrated by his exercise of command against Japan. But Ike was right, after you nuke the USSR, then what?

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For instance, my understanding is that while Khrushchev fronted tough, he was horrified at the prospect of repeating the devastation of WW2 in Western USSR which he had seen, and participated in creating, in person.

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There is a strong argument, especially for the USSR, that we were safer, in some ways, within a variety of bounds, with nuclear weapons in the hands of those who lived through the horrors of WW2 in positions of leadership. Mostly. LeMay is a clear exception.

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Its clearly past time that confessions unsupported by corroborating evidence were eliminated as the basis for convictions. And yes, I know that won't eliminate all abuses and problems. NZ had plenty of 1970s problems with fabricated evidence falsely placed by police officers.. Step by step.

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that's one of those things that I've often wondered about from the Cold War. Its the 70s and China / USSR get into a nuclear mixup. At what point does the the USSR say "Fuck it, we're getting so trashed that we better hit the American's as well or we'll be too weak."

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Not having read the book, is Diablo Canyon being hit as a standalone target, or as part of a broad wargasm? Cos if its a wargasm, WHO CARES.

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of course, if you are dropping a hundred KT plus surface-burst or earth-penetrating burst on a nuclear power plant, as previously alluded to, the fallout component from the reactor and spent fuel is probably just seasoning.

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Also, isn't this is where we get into fun topics like air-burst vs ground-burst, shock-coupling, etc. An airburst that doesn't have the fireball incorporating the containment will presumably result in a meltdown given destruction of internal arrangements and support infrastructure. Oh, and staff.

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Did US / Soviets ever do open air testing of silos? I seem to recall discussion of silos being rendered somewhat "useless" by targeting improvement to the point where the expectation was that silos would FALL into the crater, implying an expectation that they were not dusted.

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