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Peace, Truth, Science

32 followers 140 following 194 posts

Writer, progressive, software developer, former/future triathlete, sometimes forager, newbie fermenter. Humans would be a cool species if we could just fix some shit. #expostie

Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Yes. The instant Alito issues a ruling Trump doesn’t love, he’ll be declared the stupidest least qualified Justice in American history and MAGA will dutifully oust him. You just have to look at Trump’s record. How can supposedly smart people be so incredibly stupid?

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Maybe cancel AP chemistry because too many molecules.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I think we should also cancel AP Economics because it focuses too much on money.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I don’t know. Vingegaard was seriously impressive today but can he attack? And he can he time trial? If not, 1:14 is plenty.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I would love to think that such attacks would be tremendously unpopular with American voters but unfortunately I have too firm a grasp on reality.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Republicans will always take the low road, so it’s not news. If Democrats even THINK about taking anything but the high road, THAT’S news.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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If there’s one thing this SCOTUS term has taught us it’s that all judges are invariably fair-minded.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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The people who “don’t trust expertise” are profoundly ignorant and/or completely crazy so it just makes sense that we should demolish a well-functioning bureaucracy in order to cater to them.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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SCOTUS in Nazis v Skokie ruled that Nazis have the right to march through neighborhoods of Holocaust survivors. But protestors can’t get near the RNC site?


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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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“Leaving it up to the states” cannot be a long term solution regardless of who is in charge. You can’t have a procedure that’s healthcare in one state and murder in another. The question of whether pregnant people can freely cross state lines WILL be back before SCOTUS.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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An article like this only makes sense if you frame the conflict as "saving the planet" vs "saving human well-being." But that's not it. Almost all climate stabilizing acts would actually improve human lives. The real conflict is "save the planet" vs "save short-term fossil fuel profits."

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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And, one-of-a-kind species do exist. They very well may not ever evolve again. Nature doesn't value them any more than any other species (cuz nature doesn't have values), but maybe humans should, especially considering that humans are one of them.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I am terrified of riding in a car with my wife driving for several days after she's watched an F1 race.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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A lot of the pundits who write opinion pieces would appear to have read almost nothing else published in the very outlets which host them.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Isaac Newton, among the smartest people in all of history, learned about optics by poking sticks in his eye and died of mercury poisoning because he, well, drank mercury.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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They simply do not tire of being played.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I don’t know, maybe this will stop the media from trusting the American polls (which have been wildly off through the primaries) as if they were the word God.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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“I had nothing to do with Project 2025. It’s entirely coincidental that I support every one of its policy proposals.”

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Today, editors of major American newspapers will struggle to select the most newsworthy headline: 1) Americans have Picnics to Celebrate Nation’s Founding 2) Biden is One Day Older than he was Yesterday 3) New Evidence Emerges that Trump Regularly Raped Children

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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When you leave the cult of science you must quickly find a new cult or perish.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Today, editors of major American newspapers will struggle to choose the most newsworthy headline: 1) Americans have Picnics to Celebrate Nation’s Founding 2) Biden is One Day Older than he was Yesterday 3) New Evidence Emerges that Trump Regularly Raped Children

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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One thing the NYTimes will never report on is how staunchly pro-cookie American voters are.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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But let’s be fair, it wasn’t a real primary. With an incumbent it almost never is. Also if Biden fell into a coma or suffered an injury such that he couldn’t speak no one would argue he should go on just bc he’d won the primary. So there’s a line. The questions are where is it and are we there.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Shareholders: I’m sure if we vote to override a court order and give Musk $50 billion, that will fix things.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I’m just not fixing it will fix it.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Grounds for impeachment in my book.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Hell, imagine if a liberal justice took a thousand dollars for a charity from Soros, or merely knowingly spoke at a Soros-funded event.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Yes, but, with all due respect, that’s SOP for me and should be for everyone in a democracy. It’s not really rising up. IMHO, this calls for something more. But what? What might be effective? Not a rhetorical question. Protests? I suppose. A general strike, perhaps?

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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This seems to be the prevailing r-w pundit logic: 1) he won’t do what he says he’s going to do Also, 2) he didn’t succeed at what he tried to do last time, Therefore, 3) we should vote for him again.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I feel like a barbecued dog is not going to hurt RFK Jrs reputation among his supporters. Might actually help.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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His administration tortured children and so mishandled Covid it resulted in over 400k unnecessary deaths. A few political executions would actually be scaling back.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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IOW, the big thing Trump has going for him is that he failed to accomplish the things that he tried to do.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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How, exactly?

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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The strongest argument Republicans seem to have in favor of Trump is that he failed at a lot of the things he tried to do.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I too always appear uncomfortable when crazy people get all pushy demanding I talk about the kinky bedroom things I’m familiar with.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Still trying to follow this. If I understand it, a guy murders someone before getting elected president and then orders subordinates to, say, bone saw the body to pieces during an Oval Office meeting. The said bone sawing is NOT admissible as evidence in a murder trial? Really missing democracy.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I’m not even one of those calling for Biden to step aside but implying, as this piece does, that the Dem primary is a flawless democratic process is absurd. Party insiders winnowed the field to just Joe Biden long before a single primary vote was cast.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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For presidential elections at least, we were always only a democracy by coincidence.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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So weird how when we gave the Supreme Court lifetime power to hold dictatorial power over the nation we didn’t think they’d ever actually use it.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Dear CNN people, please explain why you exist. Why can’t your job just be done by some automated cameras and a Siri voice?

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Also NBA players can just call their own fouls. That should be fine.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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The problem is a mainstream media that insists on covering this election as if one of the candidates is not a coup-attempting, fraudulent, liable-for-sexual-assault convicted criminal.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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If you are a part of the mainstream media, this is on you and you should be WAY embarrassed.

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I would amend that to “making money in the short term.”

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Yeah but those guys gotta be aliens. Otherwise how’d they get their hands on a monolith?

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I don’t think they’ve thought through this Ten Commandments thing. Capitalism will collapse if we stop coveting our neighbors’ shit.

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Reposted by Peace, Truth, Science

Sunny Moraine's avatar Sunny Moraine
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A basic article of faith among so many centrists is that there is something inherently virtuous about centrism and something inherently bad about “extremism”, regardless of the content of those positions, and that should be challenged at every goddamn turn

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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Such a silly thing to say. Batteries are one thing (economically complex enough that it’s easy to be wrong) but there are so many solutions (fuel cells, gravity, compressed air, etc.) that are proven and just need to be scaled. It’s pure nonsense to declare nothing will work at this stage

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Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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I wonder if after they do this they’re going to make it illegal to work on Saturday or use a 3D printer to make knick knacks.

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