Nagging Coronet's avatar

Nagging Coronet

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Old guy, unrepentant liberal, angry at Repubs since Reagan. Indeed, more that I learn about Reagan's two terms, the angrier I get. There is a direct line from St. Ronnie the Senile to Drumpf.

Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Sorry. Teddie Cruxpin’s physically embodies the gluttony of his political beliefs. I can help noting the similarity. Still, it wouldn’t kill him to spend 10 minutes on a tread climber so what comes out of his mouth doesn’t echo his body image.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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The key in Texas is the women. They’re (nationwide) mad as hell not going to take it anymore. Greggy Abbott is a poster child for turning women into property. F*ck Greg up his insensate Ass.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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You’re punching 3 feet too high. Hit him where it really counts. He’ll scream like a 6 year old.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Teddie Cruxpin is clutching his pearls just like Senators Graham and Collins. Teddy never saw a French fry he didn’t love, and couldn’t run away from a pair of dumbbells fast enough. Yet calls Dem weak. Keep throwing your daughters under the bus for your own non-existent intestinal fortitude. Loser.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Doesn't hurt that the Jeff Bezo's latest hand picked publisher is a former Murdock attack dog, accused of violating journalism standards of conduct by buying information from a source. As I understand it, Jeff's one demand is profits. Good luck with that, Jeff.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Come to think of it, the Lamestream media quietly ignores that Reagan was senile most of his second term. Kinda like a childs toy. Wheel him up to the teleprompter, wind up his spring, and let him do his beautiful elocution of conservative ideology. Come clean WaPo, stop one side-ing your BS.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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And there's these psychopaths. So religious they're willing to conduct a fascist takeover in the western hemisphere. Problem is, who are their soldiers? The same overweight, no military training, beer swilling losers that committed unspeakable against the capital? How is that going to work, exactly?

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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While ignoring Convicted Felon Donnie Dipstick's malignant narcissism makes him a clear and present danger to the US democracy. He has lost fine motor control of his right leg, his cognition is so impaired he could glitch at any time & lives in some bizarro fantasy world w/sharks & Hannibal Lector.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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The patriarchy's greed is unlimited. Whether it's a 1/2 billion dollar bizjet, palatial mansions, or building political power, none of these pursuits are doing the work of god. Maybe misusing the name of God for more wealth and influence, but not aiding the downtrodden, or comforting the poor.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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This version has the best sequence with the Encyclopedia Galactica, marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as a bunch of mindless jerks, and "Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to be With!" I was a year from graduating college, and the book was eerily prophetic about high tech marketing.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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I was so mad at the mess created by American politics after 2016, that if there was a way to force it upon those conservative schmucks enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else, in 2020, I'd have put women in charge of everything. EVERYTHING. Women would absolutely do a better job.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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I was going to say Zaphod didn't have the imagination to be an authoritarian ruler, but upon further ruminations on the matter, I'll say he didn't have the ambition to be an emperor. Running the entire Galaxy would eat way too much into his Gargleblaster consumption.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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As an old guy, who was old enough to NOT vote for Reagan, I've been watching as an adult Republican trickery or outright crime for 4+ decades. Amateur political historian, I can say there is a direct line from Convicted Felon Donald Trump to Reagan, with lessons learned from Nixon.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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100% of the Republicans would take the bribe for sure. /s or is it snark?

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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This is what the Republican Party has come to. Candidates believing some people need to die, beyond the party's support for capital punishment, which is neither a deterrent, nor cost effective. Any other political party, this quotation would be disqualifying. Murder is still murder, corrupt GQP.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Yes, I did that routinely back in 2017 and on. I just wanted the newer subs to know that despite a 7year membership, that these posters are lying propagandists. That they still exist, implies to me that whatever organization behind them potentially created hundreds if not thousands of these logins.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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It is theorized that the July 2017 posters are Putin-bots, literally software because the comments were non-sequiturs but consistently Dem insults. It was also theorized these commenters were (1/2 joke) Repub incels paid to annoy WaPo libs. But either case, the commenter is not who they appear.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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To recent Washington Post subscribers. There is a disinformation campaign taking place in its comments sections. There are numerous people starting the will not/cannot support Joe Biden. Check the Member since date. Most of these commenters have July 2017 join dates.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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I’m sure it is. Not knocking Norway. Just too old to move there and enjoy it.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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BTW, anyone who subscribes to the Washington Post, in the comments section, there is a perverse don’t vote or support Biden disinformation campaign going on. Check the Member since date. If it’s July 2017, that commenter is either a Putin operative or a MAGA propagandist.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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It’s not said this way, but democracy and our constitution is built around a social contract. Citizens have a constitutional duty to vote. In exchange the electeds are sworn to protect the Constitution, and therefore the country and democracy. Not voting is not protecting our country.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Interesting. The Shrinking Trump podcast/you-tube documented that Convicted Felon DonnieDumbass has lost fine motor control of his right leg. Their prognosis is not of aging, but he is compensating for a degrading CNS.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Good old, “A mind is a terrible thing” Danny Quayle. Never had so many sacrificed so much to hide how stupid a Republican can be.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Hmm… I’ve been advocating that the worst of the worst fabrications of the extreme right (are there any moderate Repubs left?!) be shouted down. Well, Stevie Crybaby Bannon got his political persecution lies literally shouted down before going into the Connecticut version of Club Fed. Booh-Ya!

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Increasingly hostile to allowing the patriarchy abuse their positions of authority through a gross misapplication of spirituality to enrich the men while oppressing women and all “non-believers” (those not following blindly). Fine. Go somewhere else. You won’t be missed.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Science is never a “take my word for it endeavor.” It’s an iterative process of hypothesis, information gathering, and prediction confirmation or rejection. The very notion that we humans should take AI’s word for it on a science topic means the author of the article doesn’t understand science.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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I really am an old guy. I'm really pissed that I can't just relax in my declining years, but instead have to worry about the fuckhead republicans going full on Nazi. These dirt bags will steal my social security. Fuck the economy. What fun is that. Don't need this shit. One bullet, problem solved.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Oh, my point is that Repubs dancing on the graves of Californians, are dancing on some of their fellow travelers. But I guess they're rejoicing over their ignorant beliefs, not reality. Hope that clears it up.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Confused. What are you saying? Conservatives function entirely on emotion? They've been doing that for decades. You argue facts with them & they counter with emotional gibberish. R's have been groomed to only understand emotion, because rational policy discussion would expose the racism and elitism.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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You mean being a gutless lying sack of crap about pretend values. I'm a patriot! (Hate Vets) I believe in Law & Order. I believe in fiscal conservatism. I believe in personal responsibility but hate masking, vaxxing, & safe distancing. Pro-life for fetuses, but everyone else can die, die, die!

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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California is not a land of unending blue bleeding heart liberals. CA elected Ahnold Schwartznegger twice as governor. He's not Marjorie Three Toes, but no one would confuse the Terminator with Nancy Pelosi.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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No offense, but bad example. How about not masking, not vaxxing, not observing safe distancing for a bizarre concept called "FreeDumb." No, I'm NOT going to be careful becuz I'll defy to my death what the libs tell me do. Eff You Libs. Buh-bye dumb ass. Alas, this is what my conservative uncle did.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Short version. Convicted Felon DicklessDon's Immunity is only covered when he is president. IF, and that remains to be seen, signing personal checks in the Oval Office is an official act. EVERYTHING else was not in office, and not subject to exemption. Supremes can't change time and space.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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JFC. Where are the 1" fangs on Trump senior. Isn't he Nosferatu in a tux?!

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Ooh. That would mean he's moved on from clutching pearls. Senator Collins has been giving him lessons. Along with Senator Graham. One has no dick, and the other hasn't used his in years.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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If the choice is cyanide, or a hail of bullets from reactionary cops after I put a .306 bullet where it desperately needs to go, I'll pick the deer rifle. Why the Eff not. I'm old, and not sure I want to move to Norway.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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The testimony was mostly about pubic hairs. Then Clearance Shithead Thomas had a Black Prejudice temper tantrum that let the Repub limp dicks use as an excuse to put him in office. Wouldn't even call CT's speech performance art, just BS.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Repubs willfully hear the idiocy, becuz they know their brothers in political affiliation are all fascists too. We just need to make sure we NEVER, NEVER, NEVER let these scumbags control more than 1 branch ever! While I am not optimistic about November right now, a supermajority can fix this shit.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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RH was pre-occupied with fascism. Starship Troopers was a rumination on what happened to the US & the UK during WWII. In short, during war time or similar crisis, a democratic government suspends with citizens approval, most aspects of democracy. Conflict over, democracy resumes.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Yeah, Stevie Walking-Superfund-Site Bannon was "convicted" of subpoena non-compliance by a Dem congress. NFW, does the limp dick Repubs turn on one of their own, even though they should. Maybe the next US Congress. The Repubidiots don't get that ALL of the registered women voters are mad as hell.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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First off, I don’t even dignify the media with a nice name🙃. I call it the Lamestream media. Articles, stories, interviews designed for clicks are BS. Writing biased crap to satisfy the 5year old ego of the publisher is garbage. I cancelled my NYTs subscription. I don’t do F**kbook. Get real news.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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I think Convicted Felon DumbDonald's lawyers are arguing immunity for the personal checks Dickless Don signed in the oval office. Yeah, good luck with that.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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What does this mean?! Vote Joe, only Joe for President. Blue everywhere else. Your Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, literally depends upon it.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Many folks don't know the details. The Supremely Corrupt Court made Convicted Felon Donny Freakface a special boy. And ONLY Convicted Felon Dumbass. Here's the important kicker. Special Feces Boy only gets immunity when PRESIDENT. If he's not re-elected, no immunity. Still a loser schmo.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Stevie Meat-Sack Bannon is claiming he was politically persecuted. Sure. Depends upon your point of view. If you think you're above the law, and don't have to comply is your politics. Go w/that. Everyone else in the judiciary thinks you're a spoiled crybaby loser with the maturity of a 6 year old.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Yeah, after the NYTimes, I thought WaPo is the most useless website on earth.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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I've always been of the opinion that Hillary was defeated by a perfect storm of small demographics all going Convicted Felon Dipstick Don at the last minute. Bernie Bros, idiots seeing f*ckbook Russian disinformation (FYI, I hate FB), Andew Dumbass Comey breaking FBI rules about Her Emails, etc.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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The Russians also had a willing participant here. The little dick Convicted Felon DonneDirtbag is already shoulder deep in prosecutions, but he should be indicted and tried for being an unregistered foreign agent. Proving it might be difficult, so let's just make clear that he betrayed America.

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Nagging Coronet's avatar Nagging Coronet
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Perfect! I've been saying same thing for years, just not nearly as eloquently.

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