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Naomi Fowler

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Podcast suprema Producer and host @TheTaxcast I direct @J_ImPositiva الجباية ببساطة @ImpotsSociale @E_DaSuaConta My views. Also NEW: The Corruption Diaries

Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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A sobering episode of The Corruption Diaries: Jack Blum, tired of political failures on corruption, decides to run himself: "We really should begin a campaign to amend the regulate contributions, democracy has a right to protect itself"

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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The Spirit Level at 15, with The Equality Trust. Is it really 15 years?! I interviewed the authors in 2012 in an early Taxcast podcast. It's a good reminder to read The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity & Improve Everyone's Well-being

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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One of the 5 Rs of tax, Repricing: "Children’s daily sugar consumption halves just a year after tax, study finds"

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Tax Justice Network's avatar Tax Justice Network
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Another EU court case is weaponising human rights against transparency and tax justice After the November 2022 European Court of Justice ruling rolled back public access to beneficial ownership information, another case now pending that could deal an even worse blow

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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"Reform’s ‘phantom candidates’ have potentially netted the party 100s of thousands of £s in extra public cash or ‘short money’ & hiked the amount the party could spend during the general election campaign." Voters must prove their ID but not candidates!

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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"if HMRC concluded it was too controversial to publish the offshore tax gap figures [pre-#GeneralElection2024] the publication of the other tax gap figures should also have been delayed."

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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In the #GeneralElection2024 it's been painful to watch tax being weaponised & NO ONE making the argument that the alternative to collectively paying into tax-funded public services is paying into private, fee-paying systems which will cost far more & be less accountable

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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For UK voters in #GeneralElection2024 - it says I'm 'safe' to vote with my heart in my constituency but I don't feel safe to do that - I've been saying for weeks a Labour landslide won't be big as the polls suggest. I'm increasingly sure as time goes on, I hope I'm very wrong!

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Ridiculous: this policy is NOT 'pro-business'!! Shrinking population + shortage of skilled workers = you increase immigration & you invest in training, you don't overwork people instead! That leads to health, wellbeing & other problems! These are all choices!

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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When we think about the election tax cut talk for a few seconds we understand it means moving from collectively tax-funded & therefore cheaper public services to fee-paying, more expensive private ones. The argument then is the wealthier should pay higher taxes

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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The Biden - Trump "Debate" "Reveals our Surreal Situation. Performance Matters More than Being a Criminal" Ruth Ben Ghiat is so right: this is not a sign of a healthy democracy. In the UK too, opinions, emotions & 'circus' are served up to us as evidence & fact

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Tax Justice Network's avatar Tax Justice Network
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🚨🚨🚨The European Court of Justice is set to again deliver a ruling that could have a huge impact on financial transparency - one that continues an alarming pattern of distorting human rights to undo hard-won safeguards against dirty money.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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The Taxcast is out: how African Americans were overtaxed & dispossessed – a less known story of struggles against tax injustice, from the experience of George Floyd’s great great grandfather to today. I speak to Andrew Kahrl of The Black Tax: 150yrs of theft, exploitation & dispossession in America

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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10 tax reforms from Tax Justice UK & Patriotic Millionaires UK to raise £60 billion a year for public services & a fairer economy. Britain is experiencing a national emergency - as they say 'fair, progressive tax reforms will be essential' to address multiple crises

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Tax Justice Network's avatar Tax Justice Network
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How do corporate tax incentives affect climate justice? Our latest report reveals how these incentives in shipping and extractive industries drain crucial public funds, critical for supporting vulnerable communities in the Global South. Read our blog and report

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Robert Reich's avatar Robert Reich
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A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans: 1940: 81% 1950: 84% 1960: 91% 1970: 72% 1980: 70% 1990: 28% 2000: 40% 2010: 35% For 50 years, corporate backed politicians in Congress have slashed taxes to line the pockets of their wealthy donors.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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2) "“it is hard to find a comparable period in history of a Conservative, or other, government which achieved so little, or which left the country at its conclusion in a more troubling state.” Yep.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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I thought Mrs Thatcher was bad & she certainly was a catalyst for a toxic, sociopathic ideology, but these last 14 years have been devastating: "the worst government in postwar history" according to this study The Conservative Effect 2010-2014: 14 Wasted Years?

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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3) I covered on The Taxcast podcast 'The People vs Microsoft' - how difficult these big cases are & how the IRS really tried hard to take on a big offender, a case that's been running for years, demonstrating so much of what this retired IRS officer is saying

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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2) "He believes the agency must pursue the firms that formulate and sell tax evasion schemes to major taxpayers." Absolutely! The enablers almost always stay in the shadows.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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This is a heartening take on the European elections and the worrying advance of the far right from Ruth Ben Ghiat: "An anti-authoritarian counter-wave that focuses on solidarity rather than exclusion, and hope rather than fear, is building within Europe."

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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I'm reading Andrew Kahrl's The Black Tax: 'exact opposite of what [we've] been led to believe about the distribution of tax & public spending in the US' from the experience of George Floyd's great great grandfather to this day. We'll speak on the Taxcast podcast soon

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Some shocking numbers the Conservatives won't be sharing but Labour really should: "adding up the losses over all fifteen years comes to (in today’s prices) a massive £35,000 loss of resources for the average household."

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Interestingly a policy proposal from 1 of the parties in UK general election: an ‘emergency’ 25% tax on corporate share buybacks which could raise about £11bn a year (share buybacks =when a company buys its own stock to inflate its value on the stock exchange. That's only been legal in UK since '81)

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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2) There's so much talk about the over-taxed but almost no one mentions the under-taxed or even the un-taxed.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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1) Yes, more taxes are needed in the UK to rescue us from the state of emergency the Conservatives have put us in, but taxes can be targeted so they're fair. Read these recommendations

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Latest Corruption Diaries weekly podcast: United California Bank becomes the United California Bank of Basel. I love that it seems to have been down to the bank president liking the golf course in Basel. had been a mafia money laundering operation.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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2) Years ago Ethical Consumer exposed the temporary tax haven status of, at the time, the Olympic village in London. Major companies publicly pledged to pay taxes voluntarily, I covered it on the Taxcast. I tried to find out if they ever honoured those pledges but couldn't.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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1) "How brands sponsoring the Olympic Games in Paris 2024 are coming in last place for tax conduct." Tax justice is still not a consideration for the's how from Ethical Consumer

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler's avatar
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The NHS needs permanent staff, not to pay for more agency staff. Agency staff have a place and speaking as former agency staff, I'm not gonna slate who I was, but the NHS has been in a position where it needs long-term stable staffing and it's financial resources to be kept in house.

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Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Reposted by Naomi Fowler

Robert Reich's avatar Robert Reich
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Remember: Trump asked oil execs at Mar-a-Lago for $1 billion for his campaign. In return, Trump pledged to reverse environmental protections and cut their taxes. The deal would net Big Oil $110 billion in tax breaks — 11,000% more than a $1 billion donation. Utter corruption.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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In this podcast the Taxcast: how we’ve all been cheated - the corruption of tax policy making in Australia. The consequences have rippled out to affect the rest of the world. AND the latest on UN Tax Convention negotiations from an observer who was in the room

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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If you're European please consider supporting this EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE, calling on the European Commission to establish a European tax on great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition.

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Out soon on the Taxcast: two of the OECD's top people are compromised on matters of tax and the public interest, while "PwC was trying to effectively steal information from the government & use it to cheat people of tax revenue" We look at tackling lobbying influence & better ways forward for us all

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Corporate profiteering: a Unite study of 17,000 companies shows margins jumped 30% since the pandemic. FTSE 350 companies paying 20% more to their shareholders, net investment fell from £37b per half year in 2018 & 2019, to £9b between 2022 & 2023

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Apparently this is "a big win for small island states threatened by sea level rise" which means "meeting Paris Agreement requirements is not enough" and setting out a "legal obligation to monitor and cut emissions"

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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Yet another cautionary tale for business owners: don't touch Big Four consultancy advice with a barge pole... "Sometimes, the tax advice is just too clever" via Michael West

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Naomi Fowler's avatar Naomi Fowler
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"One man in the UK could, right now, end homelessness using just their personal wealth and he'd still have more than £6bn left over. That's insane." Check out the
Equality Trust's 'not-rich list:'

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