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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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I sincerely hope those stories have been seeded to certain people to see who leaks them to whom The fact there are trump sympathizers in, for example, the secret service should not be ignored.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Being as they have neither hearts nor souls that should be a short battle.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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I mean, in fairness, Starmers opposition to the Rwanda plan was the cost and inefficiency, not sure he ever criticized it on moral grounds.

For example:

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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look up vegetarian and vegan pemmican recipes - extremely high energy bars or balls you can make at home, the veggie version usually have nuts, seeds, dried fruit, etc Its what artic explorers and mountaineers use

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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A number of independent candidates who ran on pro gaza,socialist platforms also won their races too. Some big political beasts got theirs arses handed to them.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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The same Heritage Foundation that gave him a list of Supreme court and other judges to appoint that he followed to the letter

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Just a reminder for our American cousins

Treating your politicians like the pieces of shit they are anytime they stick their snouts out in public can work wonders.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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LMAO, ooh look the centrist filth have woken up and are chiming in.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Thats absolute nonsense. Nobody sane can look at someone who came 2nd to TRUSS and think "yeah, this guy is a brilliant leader"

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Keith Starmer is a wholly owned subsidary of the US state department.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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His last job in finance was getting coffee for the big boys. They used to call him "The intern" to his face.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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I'm sure it's on the cards for him, what's amusing about that is that it would result in another likely tory loss. Right now I'm guessing he's hoping to weasel a peerage or at least a cushy parachute from somewhere

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Lay off the booze ange. You're not fooling anyone.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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That's a definite yes. Also in terms of actual life experience. Iirc he's had one prior job, as an uni social life, no actual friends etc. It would be pitiable if he wasn't such a shitgoblin

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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He's a multiple hundred millionaire from a wealthy family married to a woman with the net worth of more than the royal family. He's never been poor a day in his life

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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It was not. The ones that survived it remember it well. Sunak was not one of those affected

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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People stressing about Reform signaling an even further-right appetite in the UK population need to chill out. A majority of those votes would have been less about them getting even more extreme and more from Ex-tory voters who wanted to send a message but couldnt bring themselves to vote Labour

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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I can spot two losers straight off the bat.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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10 seats left to report and at the moment Labour are 70,000+ votes behind Corbyns 2019 result.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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The biggest takeaway for me from this election is that every single centrist (center-right) Starmerroid melt, sorry, "Sensible grownup in the room" insisting that lurching to the right to appeal to Tory voters was worth absolutely nothing when the disgruntled Tories all voted en-mass for posh-BNP

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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These are the ones Boris was allowed to make when he resigned (in disgrace)

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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This article explains it fairly well:

There is a tradition where the PM can "suggest" a bunch of titles, from knighthoods to OBEs to Lordships, if you are granted a lifetime peerage (like Boris was) you are eligible for seat in the lords -A lifetime job

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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They're joke candidates, the same way some places would elect a dog or donkey or whatever as mayor or trump as president.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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For those confused about the UK election an easy way to understand it is to go to - click on "cartogram" then "changed hands"

Also pay particular attention to the "vote share" and "vote change" metrics

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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I've been (tiredly) crunching numbers and i'm pretty sure they're on track for less total votes than corbyn as well.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Vote share and total turnout. Labour might have gained a ton of seats, but their share barely budged, Reform took the bulk of the Tory vote share and the Greens had a large bite. Also it looks like (so far) they're on track for less actual votes than Corbyn Labour didnt win, the Tories lost.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Sunak wanted to slither off to California to cuddle up with some crypto-bros or whatever it is multi-hundred-millionaires and their billionaire wives do, now hes going to have to sit in a room with Farage and Cruella (although there is a non-zero chance he gives himself a peerage)

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Its worth noting that the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) of Northern Ireland (and the Tories partners in slime) are also eating shit. Win-win-win

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Nope, he won. Which is even better, because now he has to turn up to Parliament despite getting curbstomped.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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They're awful on trans rights, google "Rosie Duffield" - one of Starmers little pets is one of the biggest bigots going (and in the UK thats saying something)

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Sunak is only five and a half feet tall, the 7ft tall guy is actually only 6ft

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Lib dems WERE the "centrist party", but Labour leapfrogged them to the right under Starmer so Lib Dems became the leftish of center party, while Labour became the center-right one, with the tories and reform fighting over far-right position.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Doing some back of the envelope calculations,& im pretty sure Labour is going to get about 500,000-1m less votes total under Starmer than under Corbyn, with the bulk of those going to the Greens/Lib Dems Vote share gain is going to be minimal as well, its all an illusion due to the Tories imploding

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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The final results might take a day or two, with recounts and whatnot, all but a couple will likely be in by 9 or 10 AM GMT, but the vast majority will be in by 7AM GMT

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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The last time the Lib Dems went into coalition with the Tories they got wiped out in the following elections because their voters despised them for it. It will likely be either a reform/tory or Libdem/Green/Plaid opposition.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Corbyn eating *everyones* lunch.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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CORBYN WON!! Fucking epic result.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Its going to be hilarious when the media start critically focusing on Starmer once the Tories are in the dustbin of history. i hope his wife holds out for Netflix money instead of settling for a book deal.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Worth remembering that Corbyn had an agreement "in principle" with the EU that would have delivered the softest of Brexits, where we remained a signatory of everything important & Starmer decided to undermine that at every opportunity to advance his own agenda & pave the way for a Boris Brexit.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Starmer Labour is Center Right. The Tories are far-right. You dribbling spunkgoblins

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Last time i had the chance his minders had bought out all the Yazoo in the closest shops in advance.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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My legal defense is that milkshakes are good for the skin, and rancid fucks like Farage need all the help they can get

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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If i had a job for life i would spit in that pricks face every single day

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Spoiler: He wears it over his head.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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At a certain point *someone* has to take "enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC" seriously.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Normalize buying yourself birthday cakes any time you feel like it.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Bluesky, I am begging you, please make it possible to mute accounts without needing to go to their profiles.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Something I think about now and again is the fact that Felon Musk has access to every single DM and location data for every single journalist, politician and enemy of the far-right he wants to have. Deleting Twitter isnt just the morally right thing to do, its the only SANE thing to do.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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Biden could, tomorrow, sign an EA closing every single military base in red states and turn the land over to indigenous folks with a minor proviso that they have a single address that any homeless person can use as an "official residence" for mail/job applications/avoiding anti-homeless legislation

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