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I'm not actually under water.

@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I joined on a Friday. I was bewildered by the number of fat guys hanging dong.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I was once given a boat that I sold and I still lost money on it.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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If I'm not mistaken, we discovered cheese by eating the yummy stuff we found in dead calves stomachs...

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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This account might interest you.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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People see what they wanna see, man. What I took away was "never nap at the scene of the crime" and it's honestly served me well.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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That hurt my head for a couple minutes, but I did understand eventually. I'm gonna remember that one. Thank you.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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"I ain't got no motherfucking friends That's why I fucked your bitch, you fat motherfucker" but that might be perceived as a little hostile.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Does this apply to clip-show episodes where they have 2 minutes of plot and it's mostly "this is just like that time when..."?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Today I went to my first ever appeal hearing with a co-worker, representing ourselves and 6 more. Nobody was in trouble, we just want more money and not to have to deliver picnic tables. We had support from our foreman and a Union rep. I'm trying to keep my hopes from getting too high.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Have you ever seen car commercials with a disclaimer that says "Professional driver on a closed set. Do not attempt." but they're just like, driving normal on a road? What do these people expect us to do with these things once we buy them? Just hangout in the driveway and listen to podcasts?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Have you read Frankenstein? It comes to mind on account of the popular culture perception of the story being reductive mush that is almost entirely inaccurate.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Thanks. Now I want to make potato salad.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Tw: • a•b=ab Sorry if you're offended, but I'm into edgy math.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I took a Computer Crime Law class and the professor told us if we were ever on trial for committing a crime with a computer the fact that we took the class would be used against us.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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They kinda did in "The Traveler" and I feel a little embarrassed for having a counterpoint on deck for this.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Cool! I saw one for the first time recently. The funny part was I heard it flapping in before I saw it.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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This is probably a little niche, but if I'm not mistaken Corb Lund is actually playing Ian Tyson's guitar in the music video for El Viejo, which makes it like 100 times sweeter.


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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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My geometry teacher didn't mind me sleeping through class, but she did yell at me for muttering answers that the kid in front of me would recite.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Isn't that the dude who killed a goat with a taser in front of guests because he was going through a phase where he only ate meat he killed personally?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I checked my step count after working a 5K in which I did not participate. Turns out I walked over 10 kilometers. It's like I did two 3 and a half hour 5K's in one day accidentally, which I'm beginning to suspect isn't actually impressive.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Me, flirting: Just so you know, because of my OSHA training I'm legally considered a "competent person" 😉

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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This led me down a rabbit hole wherein I learned that for the last 15 years I have not been saying "kiss my ass" in French, but rather "kiss my cunt", so that's fun.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Having done no research, I'd go as far as to say that was the origin of the format. More importantly, do you find yourself often saying "It rocks...it rocks." in a German accent?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Damn, so close. Is it wrong to ask for partial credit?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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That feels so much like a Steven Wright line it has to be.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I'm sure I'm not the first person to have done this, but I did do this and I'm proud of it.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Great, so now I'll be a 508 in 10 minute rapid for two things now... I swear I'll get it up once I get better at spotting when I'm about to get forked.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I'm very grateful. I've had a very positive experience here that I would've missed out on were it not for the understanding of a good-natured wolf-individual. ✌️🤘🖖

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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My first day here I saw polite conversations where furries gave advice on how to not see them if you don't want to. Simply blocking NSFW images greatly improved my experience. The clean stuff I don't mind. Before that I was thinking this app isn't for me, but that was mostly because I joined on fcf.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I usually opt for a big sigh and a robotic recitation of there where's and why-for's. Unfortunately the usual response is a long blink, combined with a head shake. Maybe one of those "pwfff" exhales where the cheeks puff out.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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That is true, but when you do remember them people are even more confounded.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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As somebody who got dang close to CS/Math degrees I fear this isn't my space to chime in, but I get "why do you know that?" almost daily. Everytime I want to say "Because I learned it and retained it. Quite literally the same reason anybody knows anything."

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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At the very least, it is biblically accurate.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Is that Stan? Why did they do that to Stan?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Oh phew, thank you. So this dude thought it was something like Miss Trunchbull's Chokey and liked it? I think I'm up to speed.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Honest question: Is the contraption just a meme? I was under the assumption it was a shared block-list.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I can't tell if you're talking about the book safe or guns in general, but yes. *finger guns*

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I was also planning on shitting on the terrible security until I remembered my dad kept the keys to his safe on top of the safe and it was not a secret. But it was for farm-reasons, not psycho-reasons.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Well, it happened again. And by it I mean I cussed out French-speakers on Call of Duty in French while telling them I don't speak French, which is mostly true.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I know a guy who, in all seriousness, had this career path. The solidarity part is the cherry on top because he then went on to be a Union rep.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Cone to think of it, I can't even remember the last good lamb sacrifice I've been to.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Not that anybody needs to know, but if you wanna do a Mike Lindell impression, trying to talk while choking on a big bong hit gets you 90% of the way there.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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This dude definitely saw a 7th Heaven rerun and thought it was too woke.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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☝️ This MF said he hates dogs!

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Not to be rude, but I think you just defined war.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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I drew this. Is this anything?

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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The adult cat and the man are clearly friendly. There's zero chance you're holding a mouser like that without a pre-existing rapport, and I'm speaking with some expertise.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Never before this evening has it occurred to me to call someone a spider-fucker, but here we are. But carry on. It's not my place to kink-shame.

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@notthecbs's avatar @notthecbs @notthecbs.bsky.social
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Jokes on them! 16 years of playing I've only spent like 2 grand on gear. Admittedly, $1,000 of that was on Fender guitars.

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