Neil Ramsay's avatar

Neil Ramsay

232 followers 106 following 7011 posts

Actor, Entrepreneur, Owner of the jewellery brand Montgomery-Ramsay, former president of the American Conifer Society (tree nerd), and general miscreant.

Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Oh my, that is a beautiful ball of huggable floofiness. That cat is not wanting for sustenance.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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And they weren't flipping it over? Why weren't they flipping it over, Leon... er... Manning?

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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"Oh sorry. That's just temporary. We ran out of space in the Johnson plot, so we're storing a few bodies in yours in the interim. Don't worry, we'll get them moved by Christmas."

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Pleasure to meet you, Hi-Tom Hi-Tom Medium-Tom Medium-Tom Low-Tom Low-Tom Floor-Tom Floor-Tom.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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A lot of that depends on how often they scrub down the insides of the water tanks. On planes, it's, like, never (which is why it's often worse to wash your hands on a plane than not, 'cause they're FILTHY). But... maybe some hand sanitiser? Just... don't shake hands with that guy.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Thank you for voting. :)

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I had for a couple of weeks. I'm back for now, but we'll see. :) Cryptomeria japonica 'Cristata' CAN be super fast. Or relatively slow. It seems more affected by light than some other cultivars. It's gorgeous, though. Buccholz nursery has a HUGE one (I'll see if I can find a pic).

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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This is a decent sized one, but they get much bigger. :) Mine, of course, has grown 16" in 10 years because I have it in semi-heavy shade. But in full sun, they absolutely take off.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I think you may be onto something... I deactivated my account for two weeks. Came back and posted 'Happy Canada Day' (that's it. That was the post). Was blocked by 2 people. Got some... creative DMs.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Perfect! I can see the posters now...

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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The child would then have to find the right spell to stop the rampage, which would involve gathering some friends together, probably some montages, and some really inadvisable wizardry.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Love it! Looks great, Amalas!

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Clearly not, given your personal challenge to yourself!

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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But now's your chance to embrace your hidden desire to study everything you can about 18th century architecture and building construction! šŸ˜‰

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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They're pretty disorganised in the US as well. And often project-based, so a group will gather money and then do a project for a reforestation effort after seeing how much is in the budget, what kind of bids they get for seedlings, expected costs, etc. It takes a LONG time to get things going.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Contact their leadership directly. A lot of reforestation groups can vary from season to season, and from crop to crop, so it's tough to keep that kind of thing on a website updated. It's better to contact the leadership and ask who you can talk to about reforestation help, as they should know.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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All the people I know with a lot of land (some of whom would be super pro-commune of like-minded individuals and artists) live in places I wouldn't want to move to... Georgia... TN... Florida... West Virginia... I need a friend with, like, 60 acres in Vermont. Or Colorado. Or Oregon or something.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I'm sure, right now, it's in the hands of a curious young child who's about to have an adventure that will hit theatres in Spring 2025...

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Vermont... doesn't have a lot of tall buildings, so you might be in luck.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I meanā€¦ there are apartmentsā€¦

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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As long as you can find a job and a place to stay, you'd be all right. But I'd go up for a visit first. Check it out. See what's available. Maybe apply for a job. THEN escape. :)

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I think mostly because it's convenient. Bartering's cool and all, but not everyone has STUFF. So you create this sort of generic 'stuff' that people can all carry around that you trade for... and bam. Money is born. And suddenly, some people want to hoard all of it, despite the harm that does.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Well... I've an ex in Vermont that would almost certainly put you up on her couch for a bit if we all had to escape suddenly. That said, I haven't given up hope that some long lost member of the family is a billionaire and has decided to bequeath it all to me...

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Bloody depressing, isn't it.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Happy Canada Day!

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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What are we thinking here? Yes? No? This is possibly one of the end of year launch items.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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There's a new Apple TV show called Dark Matter that started this year that has nothing to do with the 2015 one.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Dark Matter (the original) was brilliant. But it didn't really have any kind of resolution before it got cancelled, which kind of annoyed me.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Lexx was definitely... a show. Have you done the usual gamut of things like Earth: Final Conflict, Andromeda, the 1980s Buck Rogers, etc? 'Cause those are all filled with camp. But also semi-coherent. At times.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I mean... it's a shortened form of 'taking this piss out of (me/someone),' which is equally incomprehensible, but that's slang for you. Beans on toast is grand. The C of E far less so.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I adore Red Dwarf, but I don't know if I've ever shown any of it to my wife. I may have subjected her to some of it. At least enough so that she'll get my gazpacho soup references.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Amazon shipped the wrong item AGAIN as a replacement for the wrong item they shipped the last time. They are truly a pinnacle of logistics over there...

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Reposted by Neil Ramsay

David Marshall 's avatar David Marshall
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I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Yeah. My highschool friends always called me the milkman's child. Except that I look JUST like my dad, so it's kind of hard to deny.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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I look pretty much exactly like my father, except that I have blue eyes and lighter coloured hair (I'm the only one in my family with blue eyes).

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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For me, like... the stuff I like today is WORLDS different than the stuff I liked 10 years ago. And 10 years before that. And 10 years before that. I'm constantly evolving/changing/reinventing who I am. The idea of a permanent art on my body just seems... weird. It would be meaningless in a decade.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Took my wife to the local zoo (Atlanta) for her first time ever seeing pandas in person. They're going home at the end of the year, so we don't know when she'd ever get to see them again.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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They make a HUGE difference. We had foam insulation and new windows put in on one side of the house (an 'addition' the previous owners built), and it's turned that entire area from hell in Summer and freezer temp in Winter to year-round livable.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Don't say that until they're here! They might suck! ;) Right now, I'm in the "do we REALLY want sterling silver threads, and if so what kind of thread pitch is going to hold up best" portion of the design phase. So. We'll see how it all comes together in the end. Hopefully well! *fingers crossed*

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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10 books to get to know me: I point to my 10-volume autobiography, each volume of which is 600 pages long. I can't tell you how it ends yet, but there WILL be a quiz.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Yeah... these would all be likely (maybe?) Jowo #6 based with feeders/housings and included converters (to use cartridges or fill). We're basically designing fully sterling silver versions of my older plastic designs kind of ground-up.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Like... WHY would you come in and say this? Cait's feeling good about herself, and you thought, "Oh... I need to take her down a peg just because?" You know what diminishes attractiveness? Being rude to random people for no reason whatsoever. What the hell possessed you to think this was okay?

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Quick question (out of the blue). We're redesigning a pen line for our brand, and I'm... kind of torn on the clip. Do you consider a clip a necessary/important part of the pen design (I've never USED a clip as a clip, but I kind of like the styling)? Not sure where I stand on that with this design.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Be GENTLE and careful around the eyes, but rubbing alcohol is the way to get rid of sharpie.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Omg that photo is everything

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Coming home from work or just out and about? WAY too hot for me to ride this week (even in the early morning, it's already up at almost 30C), but I also don't have anywhere to actually go...

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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That's impressive as hell!

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Amazon not only sent the wrong package today, they sent something that was broken, marked as broken, and returned to Amazon previously. I'm always amazed when people talk about Amazon's 'incredible logistics,' because they lose half my packages and misdeliver 3/4 of them. Absolutely awful.

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Neil Ramsay's avatar Neil Ramsay
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Man... that's an OLD classic Arby's sign, too. I haven't seen one of those in a while.

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