Cleric Stanley 's avatar

Cleric Stanley

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Hey man, good fucking luck.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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🤷okay buddy, no one said it would be easy, but it wasn't going to be working against the inescapable march of time and aging which somehow a minority of people just think is possible despite all evidence. Perhaps Harris could discuss abortion without talking about immigrant as rapists. Just maybe.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I recognized the beginnings of this back in 2020 during the election, it wasn't all the time and it wasn't as bad; but it's gotten worse, and his job isn't gonna help him hide the progression. Argue it all you want, he can't unring this bell.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I've watched this process a dozen times, people will swear up and down it's totally fine, nothing to worry; etc etc, but you drop that person in an unfamiliar place with nothing to mentally hold onto at night and it's awful to witness. But then it's daytime and no one in the family believes you.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Watched all of them, none of them were a. In the time period of the day where the problem is (at night in an unfamiliar surrounding minus a teleprompter) , b. Or showed he's totally fine, either. I've seen sundowners and their families coast despite the warning b/c they *seem* fine.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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You can decide you want to keep that bet, but its worse today and getting worse as it moves along.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Can you guarantee that an 81yr old man who's already visibly doing as bad as our president is; will be able to rally and properly communicate the stakes of the election under the pressure of a presidential election campaign? Of course not and it's a worse bet than asking his VP do the same.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I am saying the press and democratic party was "blindly" accepting assurances for *years* that Biden was doing fine and up to the job despite concerns. Reporting from several outlets highlights that his staff have been isolating him from strenuous parts of the job since 2022.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Respectfully, it's blindly supporting him and letting his people stealthy hide his brain declining that got us in the mess. It's no more risky to swap in his VP, considering he *will* fuck up again publicly before it's over, and that will solidify further his defeat. You have a chance with Kamala.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I can say as a healthcare worker who's worked with old people, it's a when not an *if* that he royally fucks up and is declining ON TV again, that or he just sits out campaigning. Both are a death spiral, kamala is risky, but its less risk b/c he can't do the job. All the reporting says as much.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Inbetween the genocide stuff too. Don't forget that bit. With the 186000 dead and more to come.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Yeah. So take biden out and put in Harris. Just do that. I don't need it to be anything crazy.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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🤷 okay. Whatever you say, Keith.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Not that you owe it to me, but We can revisit this in November..I really hope you're right and its just hysterics. Don't compare me to that feet-sicko cilizza.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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You are a very stable guy.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I'm done talking to you Walter.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Keith, your problem is that one of the first and possibly last times alot of people saw him in the last 4 years and paid attention, was 10 days ago when he looked like he was at deaths door, and hasn't improved drastically since.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Hard concepts require using more than 10 words. Sorry buddy.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Clinton was up by 4 over Trump on average for much of 2016 in PA and then he eaked out a win. It wasn't 7, and the discontent internally wasn't a blatant problem like how very old and frail the president is.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Americans don't vote strategically en masse like the French did. I'm sorry that's not how it's going to shake out; bit we don't have the communitarian spirit like those French groups did.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Buddy if you would spend your time convincing the Midwest and everyone else in PA to completely reorient their thinking away from wanting a competent president, and toward a head in a jar to sign legislation, that's your actual work you need to do. I don't make people think the way they do.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Katie, you need to convince a mom of 2 in Michigan that on top of having mediocre improvement in their life; that they should reorient their thinking away from wanting a competent president, toward just being a way to pass legislation. You work on those people b/c that's your obstacle.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Did any of those gut checks involve a President down to 37% approval and down 7 points in PA? Because that's what we're talking about. I hope it's all wrong too! That's the fucked up part. It'd be great (and miraculous) for him to not be in the hole as far as he seems.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Who in their Right mind politically was going to make an actual attempt to run against Biden when a. This was all hidden and kept under wraps. B. He was the incumbent and leader of the party. Does that sound like anything but a suicide run for a person who wants to be president?

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I can't see the future. But for goodness sake I can see what's occured already the last 10 days. It's a mortal blow to his campaign that he confirmed everything that was a concern of his voters and voters in general.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Ryan, this whole thing ain't good in any stretch of the imagination. He's brought just enough sauce to fuck over democrats who try and get the ticket; while his polling craters further.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Okay Walter, I know "a cognitively declining president who's deeply unpopular is just not a viable answer to a person who can put a sentence together; no matter how deranged Walter thinks they are" is a hard concept, but its true. People don't think like you all the time, would that they did.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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He has cognitively declined, he's too old for the office; we all saw it at that debate, and the interviews and stuff afterward was not improvements. I can't make him quit, but that doesn't mean he's going to win or has any chance to win.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Biden's going to lose based purely on being so geriatric and frail that he can't get people to vote for him who aren't already in the tank. Not everyone has the same idea of politics. People don't want a dementia patient in charge. It's sucks but it's true.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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And it's crazy to think, "he was only at 5% of his time stolen by senility" was acceptable. But it probably was, I imagine the dissappearring Biden of march-August 2020 could in part have been getting a steady routine so he was at his best when it mattered for the Fall.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I mean senility and cognitive decline is a slope, or more like it's a slow spreading infection of the waking hours. That clock was infected back in 2020. But these things are denied denied denied (by the self and loved ones) until some outside party intervenes.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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The nice thing is VP Harris might have been doing both of these things at once.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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I gotta tell you, as a healthcare worker, it was clear to me back in 2020, I said as much. Got villified for it by the usual suspects too. And I've felt sadly vindicated with my assessment. These sorts of things are always caught way later than it's beginning, b/c no one can accept it.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Done! Say hi to the Mayor for me.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Hey, definitely inventing a guy to get mad at. Shit, those Khive people tried to get me fired from my job back in 2020, and I'll vote for her at this point.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Sure, but listen man; That's a fight for another day. Buddy has to go.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Yeah sure it's her turn; and thats all well and good but she didnt sound the alarm on Biden earlier, so doesn't mean she's guaranteed the delegate votes at the convention from jump.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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She can just do the Biden thing of promising to do a place holder presidency term then a full primary next time. Yes Biden lied about that in 2019. it's gonna involve alot more deal making with the interested parties/governors and it'll be understood from Day 1 she's in facing a contested primary.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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This would be one of those offline conversations. Would be my reccommendation.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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That's a buncha horseshit and you know it.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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They can Both withdraw and i'd accept it. Fuck it, clean slate.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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That's.....that doesn't go there.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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My wife gave birth to this beautiful little girl a couple days ago. Our family is finally complete.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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2 intravenous medications and I can make anyone hear God telling them to act.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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"Can't you please be like these other women who are totally real? They get it!"

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Yeah, this was a trip being on that train in 2020. "That's not how a stutter works" being my constant refrain. Didn't help then either.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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We're supposed to hope that cabbage doesn't get even more moldy until 2029???

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Maybe don't run an 81yr old man with senility as a prior and that level of liver spots. Every normal person voter looks at that guy and thinks about their entirely senile 70yr old father/ mother and thinks you're full of shit.

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Cleric Stanley 's avatar Cleric Stanley
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Standing on the hills of 2020 screaming as a nurse about his brain like Cassandra from Greek Myth "THATS NOT HOW A STUTTER WORKS, HE'S OLD MAN BRAINED"

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