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Nyingma, Tennessee, Meso/Native American Studies, grandfather of many

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O Kāśyapa, the mind is not seen in the outer world; it is not seen in the inner world; and it is not seen in between these two. When you look for the mind, it is nowhere to be found; it cannot be observed. ~ Ratnakūṭa Sutra

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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When the clarity of mind does not recognize itself as the in-dwelling mind there is the confusion of grasping at the clarity as something other. ~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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To evoke the original face of the primal awareness of pure presence and contemplate it nakedly is the crux of this instruction. Do not think, however, that pure presence, which is the ground of all manifestation, and the mind arising as its expression are two separate entities. ~ Tulku Tsulo

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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If we do not abandon the identification of naked pure presence with mystical experience, then pure presence will always arise with attachment to bliss, clarity, and no-thought, and our meditation will never go beyond the three mundane worlds. ~ Tulku Pema Rigtsal

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Pristine wisdom is not arisen from mind, but is the mode of subsistence of the mind, the clear light nature. ~ Mipham

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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she cornered it; a baby -- i caught it by the tail and walked it out to the woods

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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just had a talk with the cat about her responsibilities; you're a hunter, yes? then catch that mouse!

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The nature of phenomenal reality is such that all of reality at one moment acts together to bring about all that exists at the next moment of time. This is known as the system of interdependent co-origination. ~ KPSR

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The embodiment of the Dharma is pure like the sky. The river of its assorted blessings is undammed. It brings everything together in a state of self-luminescence. This is the treasury of the blessings of the embodiment of the Dharma. ~ Great Tantra of Vajrasattva

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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This very ordinary mind is not differentiable from the immaculate wisdom of an enlightened being. The mind of an enlightened being is not acquired as something new, but comes from gaining greater understanding and greater insight into the very mind with which you are already familiar. ~ Gampopa

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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still can't fathom some of his moves. anger and power issues methinx.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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his age, no? not particularly inspired by the possibility of her leadership

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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this ain't gonna happen but considering the real possibility of dying in office, be nice if he'd replace his VP.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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The self-occurring teachings dawn on us. The wheel of self luminescence rolls on us. The treasure of the totality of the self-luminescent sun Abides in everything. This is a dominion that is not linked to our understanding. ~ The Great Tantra of Vajrasattava

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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Khenchen Palden Sherab (1938-2010)

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Suffering itself is great blissfulness. Everything is the movement of great blissfulness. This is true independent of our realization of it. When you realize that, then that's it! This is the great blissfulness -- this is the true nature. ~ KPSR

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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damn, did i bring any drugs or guns with me today? random thought as i am about to be body-scanned at the prison

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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Once flew a kite on the north shore of Cape Cod that got so high and far away we could hardly see it; string finally broke.

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discouraging as well

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The space of the dharmadhatu from beginningless time, Is the place of all phenomena. Because it exists, all incarnations, As well as final nirvana is attained. ~ Asanga ’s Commentary on The Mahayana Uttaratantra-shastra

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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Know yr grower

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Until we realize—experientially—the field of self-sprung sameness, We may verbally obsess with the term “nonduality” And speculate confidently about what is nonreferential, But such egregious thinking is dark and ignorant. ~ Longchenpa

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It’s so simple that we miss the point, So difficult that it is over our heads. ~ Mipham

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The bodhisattva undermines materialism, Because all existence is primordially empty. The wise do not contend with children, Or with extremists whose emptiness is a void. ~ Samadhiraja Sutra

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When you focus your mind on either external sensory impressions or on internal mental processes, you do not need to eradicate the multiplicity, you simply need to realize unity in diversity, by understanding all of your experiences are reflections of the nature of mind. ~ Je Gotsangpa

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As Nagarjuna puts it, the purpose of emptiness is to bring about the cessation of conceptual elaboration, which lies at the root of our grasping, psychological imprisonment to a solidified notion of reality, and emotional reactivity in our relationship with the world around us. ~ Thupten Jinpa

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How can you take what moves to be your body and its environment, since they come into being and perish in every successive thought? You have lost track of your true nature, and instead you act out of delusion. ~ Shakyamuni Buddha, Surangama Sutra

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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i must confess to killing horse flies if they get in the house.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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As you come to understand the mind, your capacity for love & compassion expands. Developing this type of knowledge is actually the essence of our practice. Study & meditate as much as you can to mature this aspect of yourself. Open your mind to the wisdom received from the ten directions. ~ KPSR

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That means as soon as you arouse love, you are one with the Buddha. When you generate compassion or invoke bodhicitta wisdom, you are awakening the buddhamind. To continuously abide in that state, fully-engaged in self-transcending activities, is buddhahood. ~ Khenchen Palden Sherab (1938-2010)

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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up since 4:30. just back from hospital. drugged. second hernia operation. the nurses were tantric dakinis, one named Tara. older dude with long white hair was the anesthesiologist. science! techne!auspiciously today, the 8th day after the new moon, is Medicine Buddha day.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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Quote post with a picture of you outdoors.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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Firetower field on the high ground; we grew acres of sweet potatoes on this land before it was sold to a developer.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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Whenever we look at other sentient beings, we should think how kind they are because it is because of them that we will achieve buddhahood. Don’t glare at them angrily; look at them well and gently. This teaches how we should look at people. ~ Khenchen Thrangu

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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right. just a well-armed fanboy.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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JB is ideologically wedded to the Zionists

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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In the most profound Dharma teachings, even the senses and sense objects—as we think of them—are viewed as “unnecessary complications of existence.” We can get closer to reality than that. We could reach a direct understanding of truth that passes beyond our karmic vision of the world. 0861714881

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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one season long ago, i worked with Gil picking vegies on a farming crew in Tennessee

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The essence becomes obscured by the expression. The expression of our own attention takes the form of the confused thinking that obscures us. In other words, we are obscuring our own buddha nature, and now is the time to clear up this confusion. ~ Tulku Urgyen

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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sinus infection caused blood pressure to spike over 200. drove to clinic next morning, doc was out but angelic nurses put me on IV to deliver what i needed and prescrips. feeling ALOT better. grateful.

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Ogmin's avatar Ogmin @ogmin.bsky.social
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This playfulness of the All Good has no cessation. Awareness, which is not to be stopped, Arises from itself as perfect. We use the practices of this uncontrived heart-essence To play in space, Which has no border or center. ~ The Great Tantra of Vajrasattva

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The reality that dawns from itself Is like the rays of the sun, Or like a jewel. It is spontaneously perfected from the primordial, Without any acquisition. It neither goes nor comes, For it encompasses all things. Use this to teach the way of enlightenment! ~ Great Tantra of Vajrasattva

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The instantaneous recollection of pure presence upon its sudden emergence from the nature of the pure space in the now is like finding a jewel at the bottom of the ocean: this is the dharmakaya, uncontrived, made by no one. ~ Garab Dorje

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The clear aspect is unceasing. We are always knowing. At the same time, the essence of that which knows is empty. The mind is empty, yet it knows, and these two are unified. This is the unobscured face of our mother. ~ Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

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The key point is that all things And the ultimate expanse are one, Like water and its waves. All things are, from the very first, essentialized Within this one key point of the great secret. Simply knowing this brings freedom, For it is simply the nature of phenomena. ~ Longchenpa

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In awareness, there’s no outer object to be apprehended; There’s no inner apprehending subject. In awareness, there is neither time nor place. Awareness is beyond phenomena that arise and cease. ~ Longchenpa

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