Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar

Ash Hickey آشلي

491 followers 852 following 755 posts

She/Her. Aspiring drug historian based in Aotearoa. Harm reduction advocate. Has opinions on politics and media. Dog lover. Flower afficionado. Knows how to throw together a meal. Shoddy crafter. Hot mess.

Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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This has taken nearly 5 years and we've been living with a makeshift deck made of palletes and dirt being tracked into the house constantly 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Yeah I got BDE. Big deck energy 😎

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Why do all vegetables look so phallic and/or vulvic 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I feel like it's time to put a vegetable in myself and my children we've been living off bbq meat, burgers, and fish and chips all week on holiday 🥕

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I don't want to cook but there is no one else to cook for me and I am too rural for takeaways 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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My dad is in his 60s & his youngest child just turned 18 so him & his partner have moved to London to get jobs & do a late in life OE. He's got FB for the 1st time, a new London wardrobe & is having the best time going to shows & river cruises & buying discounted cheese 😅

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Every time I hear a young adult say "the nineteen hundreds" a part of me shrivels and dies 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Keep those leaks coming public servants. You want a tight ship you gotta look after the people who keep the ship afloat 😎


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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Are they imported? I'm not sure if any local ones are in season yet. This might explain the disappointment. It's usual for imported fruit to be picked unripe for ease of shipping but tbh the flavour and juiciness is sacrificed 😓

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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This is my favourite example to use any time anyone makes a thinly-veiled morality judgement against healthcare being provided to drug users, fat people etc, under the guise of concern for taxpayer money. It actually works too ime

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I can't believe people get on them with no helmets 😬

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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On a tree? They usually don't ripen for another couple of months. They kind of fall off easily with a very slight twist and feel kind of heavy. Mine are annotingly a green variety so I can't go by colour.

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Reposted by Ash Hickey آشلي

Amy A's avatar Amy A
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or as my generation calls it, drugs

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I was a chef before kids and it's triggering AF tbh. But in a good way...mostly. I don't think I'll ever be able to see a string of dockets being spat out even on screen and not panic

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Willis, Bishop and now Bridges. Wtf is is with Nats and E-Scooters? And, um, can we maybe get more Nats on E-scooters? Because they're playing the strongest opposition game lately ngl.


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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Actually crying rn in public because I just got an email saying I'd won a faculty prize at uni (not a scam lol). It has a monetary component but idgaf about that. I told myself I was useless and stupid for 15 years because I burnt out and dropped out. 15 years! 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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He's been waiting for one of his friends to get home from holiday all week and leaving her pokemon cards in here letterbox and she got back today and had bought him a friendship necklace. Ugh, my heart 🥹

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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My son has always had a lot of friends that are girls and it is just the sweetest thing. Not that it would matter at all but he's definitely a very boyish boy, he's friends with them not because he has the same interests but because he doesn't have the stigma about boy/girl friendships

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I see Twitter is playing the Jacinda Hate Trains Greatest Hits. Totally fine people posting, no need for any of them to examine their life choices 🥲


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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I got stoned and added a gold tip. Friday night woop 🥲

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Honestly if there was a weed cafe with muffled acoustics where I could see friends and eat brunch I'd be there.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I lie. I can't think of anything worse than a bottomless brunch as someone who doesn't drink and gets overwhelmed when sound comes from multiple directions. I just couldn't think of anything bougie

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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This involuntary period of rest has taken my ability to do most things that wreck my nails but it has also given me time look after them. They usually betray my humble origins but I'm ready for the bottomless brunch 💅

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Free entry pools doing the parenting heavy lifting for me this (and every) summer. Third spaces ftw 🙌🙌🙌

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Luckily I am nothing if not discreet 🧐

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Jesus fuck I'm overhearing all the T on my kids' friend's parents during this post-sleepover breakfast... I was not prepared to be anointed as keeper of this level of family secretry before my first cuppa ☕

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I calmly walked over & had to use a plastic sandpit toy & my bare hand to carefully grab from my 3yo daughter's hair. I told her not to worry but stay still & I'd get it out, then I did it & we went to the garden to set it free. Nightmare fuel. My bare hand 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Omg one time one was in my daughter's hair. She was outside at Playcentre. It was so big I clocked it through a window. The whole world slowed down & I saw clearly that how I reacted could determine her tolerance of spiders. There was nothing around to put the spider in in the time I had.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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There's just no need for giant spiders to come inside. Respect the ancient uneasy truce we humans have with your kind my bruhs. Just approach our field of view slowly, at a distance, run away from us not toward, and stay outside. Everything will be OK.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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This haunts me. Why was a vagrant spider in my 4yo son's bed? Like inside the layers he slept between. How did it get there? How long was it there? Why didn't it bite him?

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Should I be worried that vagrant spiders seem to have collectively decided I'm all g but I need humbling, so they pop in to humble me intermittently throughout my life? I didn't ask for this. Please no 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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When I moved out of the last house I lived in I moved into a tent. I was a bit worried about bugs. I packed down my son's bed and there was a huge vagrant spider in it. As if to say don't worry about the tent, we can get you in here too. Another one appeared right as I moved into my current house.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Leave the house and not return with any rocks challenge. Another spectacular failure.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Related query: how tf am I supposed to get music he wants to listen to onto the mp3 player he found? 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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If you ever want to feel really old just search for a cable in your cable/obsolete gadget box with a 9yo boy. It was like he'd discovered Tutankhamun's tomb 😭

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I bought my whole family t-shirts our dogs' faces on them & it's been worth every penny randomly cracking up at our lame matching dog merch outfits & ensuing laundry chaos. Suck it xmas pj families

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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My 9yo son innocently looked at & smelt a petrol can a few days ago & I gave him a big talking to about how dangerous petrol fumes were. I don't want to put any ideas in his head by him seeing someone doing that so soon after. I'm not usually such a pearl clutcher but that shit scares me.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Saw a young guy with petrol yesterday in Masterton in the middle of the day & quickly directed my kids back to the car before they saw him because I didn't have the mental space to have that conversation with them at the time. 1st time I've proactively avoided a hard convo about people on the street

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Idk how to talk or feel about this but I've seen A LOT of people openly huffing various inhalents on the streets lately. It viscerally hurts knowing what kind of lives lead people to this. I can't see anything improving for these people or any of our most vulnerable under our current govt 😓

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Yes I'm here to pick up Ritalin. Just like I was last month. Yes it's in the safe. Just like it was last month. Oh you need to loudly confirm my address, the address I keep my controlled medicine at, before you give it to me? Cool cool.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Oh god I just realised I've been pronouncing a word wrong, ā word I know I've been using sporadically my whole life. If the earth swallowed me up right now I'd be OK with it 🙃

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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There's definitely no skirting around a bad smell in an alley 😬

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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There's some dude with a camera on an alley on live on tiktok. And random as choices in popular music playing. That app is warped. I've seen some sh*t on live. No one is really talking about it.

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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Why are alleys so scary? I've lived near quite a few alleys and they cut off so much time but I just feel so vulnerable in them, especially at night

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Reposted by Ash Hickey آشلي

Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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I'm voting for kuhukura and kapokapowai because I'm lucky enough to have them visit my garden occasionally. And the rangatira spider because I love me a Dolomedes 🕸️

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Reposted by Ash Hickey آشلي

Dr Morgane Merien's avatar Dr Morgane Merien
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Voting for the 2024 Bug of the Year is now open until February 12th! There are 20 worthy nominees! Check out the link to learn more about the candidates, and to place your votes for your top three picks for the NZ Bug of the Year- winner announced on Valentine's Day 🪲💚🧪

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Ash Hickey آشلي's avatar Ash Hickey آشلي
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The only body count that ever mattered

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