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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I don’t think you read my replies. I think you skim them until you find some random element you can use for a lame gotcha, and then move on from what I said. Why don’t you have anything to say about anything?

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Correct, I care about calling out American foreign policy shit, because I am an American, and therefore actually have leverage to try and make change. And I don’t care about interrogating the motives of a campus protest from a few months ago that I wasn’t a part of. What about this is weird to you?

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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My answer is I don’t know, and I don’t really want to argue anymore because all you’ve done is obfuscate. I don’t care about Russian foreign policy or Columbia student protest tactics. You have yet to even address any of the myriad ways Biden has defending and bolstered Netanyahu’s regime.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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What the fuck are you talking about? I have no idea about the foreign policy of the Russian government, what are you even trying to argue anymore??

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I’m not talking about Russia, why would I be

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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The US was one of the only countries in the world who opposed the resolution. The US agreeing to a ceasefire resolution put them at the BASE of where every other country already was.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I do and I’m right to say it. Biden’s tepid criticism of Netanyahu doesn’t matter much if he gives him all the weapons and political cover he needs to keep his genocide churning.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Yeah, because you used it as your exhibit A for why Biden has been standing up to Israel, which is a dumb as shit thing to say. You’re not arguing with anything I say, you just make up an easier version of my argument and then argue against that.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Please find the post where I said a ceasefire resolution would mean “literally nothing”. This should be easy, since you seem so convinced that’s what I’ve been arguing.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Yes, because the US diplomatically isolating itself by symbolically supporting Israel is terrible. What part of this are struggling to understand?

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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It’s not that they don’t matter, it’s that they aren’t exonerative of Biden’s unwavering support of Israel in the face of war crimes.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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You are just making shit up. I’ve been following Israel’s slaughter of Gazans since it started, and I don’t remember anyone saying “a UN ceasefire would solve everything”, or that being the main driving point of the protests.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Of course I did, it was vile and outrageous. What point are you trying to make?

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Oh wow, a (non-binding) ceasefire resolution? Never mind, I was wrong to hate Biden for sending Netanyahu billions of dollars of weapons for his genocide.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Or maybe when people call others “Zionists”, it’s because they support the violent Israeli manifest destiny they have going on right now. Seems pretty deliberate to include that in with a bunch of legitimate anti-Semitic dog-whistles.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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You’re a white supremacist and your opinion means less than shit.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Objective reality is on my side. It’s why you only ever reply to people with dumb as shit gifs and unfunny memes. None of the evil things you believe stand up to even mild scrutiny.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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This is a genocide though. You support genocide, because you are evil and easily manipulated person.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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You don’t know anything you are talking about. You are just a hateful and violent person.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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According to who? Lol since when has that been part of any definition?

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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“If it’s not the literal Holocaust, it’s not an actual genocide”, another great argument, assuming you don’t know what the definition of “genocide” is and are also an amoral psycho.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Read the Y axis (assuming you know how). 40,000 deaths, plus another 10,000 missing and assumed dead, in less than a year. The reason you don’t care is that you fucking love it when Palestinians die. It gives you a rush.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Only a fucking Nazi like you would consider Israel committing a genocide and starting a war with Lebanon as things “going well” for them. Because you’re a sadistic fucking freak and the suffering of children makes you happy.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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On top of being a genocidal psycho, you are also the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I don’t know why you take for granted that cutting arms sales to Israel would destroy Biden’s re-election campaign. 1) Israel’s invasion of Gaza is not popular with voters and 2) the people most likely to be offended by this move are already voting for Trump anyway.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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This feels like the craziest solution they possibly could’ve come up with

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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So you’re supporting a colonial ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by a right wing thug, but in a “progressive” way. Great. I guess it’s easy to justify mass murder if you just call the side you’re killing objectively evil. No self-reflection required.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I know what projection means. For example, you calling me MAGA, while repeating the sickest genocide-denying MAGA talking points.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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No dumbass, calling out your genocidal rhetoric does not make me indoctrinated. I’m not even sure what point you think you’re making, but I promise it sounds like genocidal gibberish to anyone who hasn’t already bought into your bullshit.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Lmao yeah I know the UN is Hamas and Doctors Without Borders is Hamas and that hospital was Hamas and those infants were Hamas and…

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Yeah I know you don’t give a shit about the 40,000+ dead. A complete disregard for human life is central to your sick worldview.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Genocide-supporting racists aren’t my type, sorry

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Not a bot, just someone who is happy to call out racist bullshit. If you want mindless support for your racism, go to Truth Social. You’d fit in great there.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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What a surprise, a racist Israel supporter doesn’t like it when people call out Israeli atrocities.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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You sound exactly like Trump. I guess you guys are both dumb fucking racists.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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She sounds vile

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Eat shit, Nazi. Block me if you want, I promise I won’t miss your bloodthirsty racism.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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*because of your

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I chimed in with evidence of Israel systematically using rape as a way to punish Palestinians, because you’re white supremacist nonsense about rape being uniquely Muslim.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Jesus fucking Christ you disgusting old freak, you sound like you’re in the klan. Reminder: the “Hamas rapist/terrorists” you’re referring to are people who are being imprisoned without trial. You’ve decided they’re terrorists and rapists based entirely on their ethnicity.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Except I didn’t. But you literally, demonstrably did immediately assume they were Hamas, without knowing anything about them. Because you’re a massive fucking racist.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Yeah I’m sure you really give a shit about the prisoners you immediately and reflexively labeled Hamas the instant they accused Israel of using rape as a a punishment.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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You are justifying the rape and torture of people being held without a trial because you see all Muslims as automatic terrorists. You are fucking disgusting.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Anyway, I wouldn’t be so sure yourself that you are past your own asshole phase.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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If she wants to block me cause she finds irritating, that’s her prerogative. Responding, and then blocking me is not doing that. It’s a bitch move.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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I’d ask the OP, but she pulled the ultimate coward move of responding and then immediately blocking me. She sounds real confident about her arguments standing up to scrutiny.

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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Except you also called it monstrously evil yourself, in the next post.Anyways, yeah, it is important for you to acknowledge that Capitalism is monstrously evil. Otherwise, what’s the point of any of your other responses?Do you think Americans haven’t been told enough about the “evils of Communism?”

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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So what makes one side “not dandy” and the other side “monstrously evil”?

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's avatar @os725.bsky.social
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You’re right, there’s no line between the current extreme global warming and the Capitalist nations and organizations that spent decades putting out false data to intentionally muddy the waters. Clearly we just need more capitalist innovation to save us from ourselves.

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