Peter Licari's avatar

Peter Licari

148 followers 220 following 145 posts

Husband & Father | (Data|Social|Political) Scientist | Bad Quaker | Writer, YouTuber (, & Runner | Poli Sci PhD | Often playing and overthinking things | Opinions mine; sometimes decent, always dorky

Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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But that invites the immediate follow-up: Congress has abandoned most of its oversight responsibilities generally---but most conspicuously with reining-in a co-partisan president. How can the judges be so naive to the realities outside their courtroom? And the only honest answer is "they aren't."

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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The most generous interpretation I can muster for SCOTUS lately is that Roberts & Co. are penning opinions as if we lived in a Schoolhouse Rock version of the US---with 3 contesting & coequal branches--- with nary a care about whether, pragmatically, it's the reality we live in. And that's GENEROUS.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Alright! Let's give it a go!!

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Yeah but Nick, don't worry---we'll judge your performance by your handicap. You'll be around for a while.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Goddamn, I chose the wrong timeline to be sober.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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The press tomorrow: "Donald Trump flooded the field with a river of bullshit, unabashed lies, tried to rewrite history, and what little policy he talked about was insane---but Biden sounded old so, you know, toss-up."

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I wrote a post about how improving as a data scientist and researcher can sometimes lead to your performance *degrading* for a bit. Within the musings are some tips on how not to let it make you feel like an impostor. I hope it's useful to others 🖤

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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How fetishizing NHST has hobbled science # 67,313: Many papers go: "some say Z is caused by X. Others say by Y. Using a regression..." But many Zs have been caused by X and Y! What use is the null? NHST doesn't get us at the *actually* interesting question of: "which process predominates & when?"

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Me, sitting in pre-calc: "Literally when am I ever going to need trig functions in the real world." Me, at work, needing an oscillating series for a coding problem: "Sonofabitch."

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Coworker: "Hey! Can you explain something about your code real quick, I'm not quite sure how it works 🙂" Me: "What a coincidence!"

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Make me king for a day and I swear to all that is holy, I'll require that anyone attempting to field a "support more/support as much/support less" question will be required to spend fifteen goddamn minutes googling "response substitution." Such a huge whiff.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I was just talking to a coworker about this the other day. The amount of social good that descriptive research can do is really underestimated. There's so many "basic" facts about the world that we don't have many good estimates for--many that would have both large epistemic and business value!

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Yes. (However, I always serve as the devil on the shoulder for people wanting to buy new consoles.)

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I don't know what numbers all the flash polls launching across the country right now are going to show---but I do know that, no matter what, it's somehow going to be bad news for Joe Biden.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I had 2 people send me (non-spam) emails today addressing me as "Dr. Licari." Which had my broken-ass brain going like: "Thank you for making me feel like a capable expert it genuinely made my day, but, also, please never do it again."

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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A little while ago, mulling over my own spiritual journey, I got curious about how many people remained in the religious tradition that they were raised in---and if some religions were better at "retaining" folks than others. Charts ⬇️

Here's a link to a write-up

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I actually managed to set-up and push-to a new remote repository from what started purely as a local git project.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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This Robert Lieberman paper makes the case that, especially when considering counterfactuals & "why" questions, studies in American Political Development benefits greatly from taking a comparative approach (CAPD)---and highlights various works in this vein!

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Gutted to report that, after spending 3 weeks stretching every morning for 10-15 minutes and doing a warm-up/warm-down after every speed workout, that I am indeed feeling way better and hitting my workout aims much easier than before. It's almost like I'm not 18 anymore...

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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One day, I'll manage to make a data visualization without first trawling through Google Fonts for the "perfect" one, but today ain't that day.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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"This man-eating plant grows out of pipes. Watch out because it sticks its head up quickly. You can't step on it from above." - Super Mario Land Instruction Booklet (pg 13)

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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It's only Wednesday and already this week I've suggested changing 4 different ongoing projects to Bayesian frameworks---I may have become a bit of a proselytizer.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Recent work suggests that "corporate activism" (companies taking stances on social issues) is not popular at the moment---though it is **more** popular among Dems, young adults, and non-White adults.

Most see such position-taking as "a marketing tool".

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Does state democratic backsliding deter tourism?

Likely yes, but effects are small.

Two survey experiments suggest restricting civil liberties broadly deters tourism from both Ds and Rs. However, vote-by-mail restrictions are only consistently punished by Ds.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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New endogeneity example dropped

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Finished "Recoding America", and I can't remember reading a book that is so sobering (yet also hopeful) about the state of public sector tech.

The issues (mostly) aren't actually technical: They're procedural, political, organizational---in short, human. Solid recommend.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I attended my first non-academic conference earlier this week! It was really interesting how my experiences differed from the conferences I presented at in grad school---and what this conference, specifically, suggests to me about DS as a field right now.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Yesssss. She's still just starting out on 50cc, but I'm looking forward to how deep she'll go.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Parental sacrifice is going on a work trip and leaving your switch behind because you want your kid to be able to play Mario Kart 8 in your absence.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I know I'm very late to this party, but hot damn The Effect is a phenomenal book. If I ever get the chance to teach causal/methods stuff, this'll be on the list.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Celebrated turning 30 with a 30k today! Maybe not as fast as I used to be, but I'll take 2:21! Plus some steak and cake with family last night; a truly blessed start to my 4th decade.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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A couple of exciting updates for the `infixit` package!

1. %btwn% now lets you check if a number is between two others OR if a date is between two dates.
2. 5 augmented assignment operators : %+=%, %-=%, %*=%, %/=%, and %^=%

Plus some QOL stuff. Check it out!

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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He really was. We didn't deserve him (well, maybe the toddler did), but we were so blessed by the time we had.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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My goodness, what a handsome, happy boy. They're such amazing dogs. Sorry for your loss as well.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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We unfortunately had to say goodbye to our sweet, kind boy Dude. We were blessed with nearly 6 wonderful years with him. There was never a time that he left the house without brightening someone's day. Most often ours. I choose to believe that we will see him again.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Writing a news story without the win/loss frame challenge (impossible)

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Yes, Excel, when I wrote 102.4 I OF COURSE meant "4/12/1900 9:36:00 AM." I appreciate the correction.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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As a father, as well as someone who enjoys a close relationship with his own father, this breaks my heart. Recent Pew work shows that dads are more likely to be less involved than they would like---and less involved than their kids would like, too.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Me, picking up a new book on a substantive topic that I already know about: "Oh boy! I can't wait to learn even more! 🤓" Me, picking up a new book on a methodological topic I already know about: "Let me just quadruple check that I haven't been fucking this up this whole time."

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I've been managing to do speed workouts 1-2 times a week for a couple months now. Today, I put down 5 x 1k at 3:20-3:25 per rep (2 minute recovery). Felt like I was gliding! Which hasn't happened in a long time. Feels nice to watch progress build up and splits go down.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Happy Pi day! I decided to celebrate by mapping out the first 1,000 digits of Pi using R 🫓

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Context: Today is Rosalina's 4th birthday. *Me, waking her up.*: "Good morning birthday girl! How's it like to be 4?" *Her, groggily and grumpily*: "4?! Daddy, I want to be 5!" *Me, remembering her first cry, her first steps, her first words*: "Maybe not so fast kiddo...please"

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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*Me, scrolling social media, reading all the posts about things others are making and learning.* "Man, I wish I had the time to make things as cool as this." *Me, after 30 more minutes of scrolling.* "Nothing to be done about it, I guess."

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Reposted by Peter Licari

Kurt Busiek's avatar Kurt Busiek
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THIS. "Boycotting" an election doesn't send the message that you're unhappy, because it doesn't lose them money like it would for a business. You're not the nation's customer. Refusing to vote sends the message that you're fine with whatever result you get, that other people can decide for you.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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*Me passing along uninformative priors to my model* The sampler:

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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The state of our union is NULL because I fucked up the merge key

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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Oh man, this is really rough to watch. The intonation is giving me flashbacks to high school forensics tournaments when the drama kids would take a stab at "Dramatic Interpretation."

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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I didn't watch the State of the Union last night. I haven't for close to a decade. Instead, I read the transcripts the following morning as if it were a letter rather than a speech. As the founders intended.

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Peter Licari's avatar Peter Licari
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It's like we have two cookies: one has raisins and the other has rat poison. Decades of "both-sides"ing has convinced many people that something mildly unpleasant is toxic while others now think the deadly thing is simply a matter of taste.

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