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Environmental writer. Most articles are about the impacts of climate change and other environmental problems, and the future of the planet and civilization. My blog is FIREBIRD JOURNAL: Survival and Renewal in the Anthropocene (

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I was fortunate enough to have a 1-to-1 email correspondence with Dr. Huq. I was shocked to learn of his departure, and knew the world had lost a treasure. Thanks to all who are keeping his memory and his work alive.

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I'm not a lawyer, but my first impression was that the Chevron overturn will lead to no end of litigation. The bad news is that in the southern circuits, the the environmental good guys will lose a lot of those actions — but in California, etc., we will prevail. In any case, this SCOTUS sucks.

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They more they try to hide the truth, the more visible it becomes.

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Saw it. Good work, and thanks. Here's another example of what's going down.

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Saw it. Pretty good coverage, and thanks for you input. In the big picture, global agricultural failure will cause civilization to crash. It's already happening in a variety of ways, and, as a result, mass migration is increasing exponentially. Here's one harbinger of things to come.

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What the world is experiencing now — killer heat waves, flooding, tornadoes and so on — are like the small foreshocks that precede a major earthquake. Minor rumblings compared to what's about to happen.

I've described some aspects of it in my blog at Firebird Journal.

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Thanks. I hadn't seen this. And……sad.

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1,000? I read it was a couple hundred. Any references or links? And you're right, heat will be the most direct and obvious climate change killer. But don't forget agricultural failure and forced migration.

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When I started writing about climate change in my newspaper column in 2012 (the summer of the great Arctic ice melt), I noticed that it was IN the news. I wrote that in a decade or so climate change stories would BE the news.

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Here's an article I wrote on the subject.

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I think I heard something about these nutcakes a few years ago, but chose to forget. Here's part of an email I sent to the author of the article. Wonder if these soverignites think they should help pay for the roads they drive their unlicensed cars on? (Nah.) Skip Wenz American Citizen

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Check this out:

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Well, voting for T. Rump (or sitting out the election) will give us zero chance of saving humanity from climate disaster. Biden has done more than any other national leader to address the issue — though still not enough. Elect Biden, and Dems, then push HARD to get them to do more. That's our job.

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Nonsense. Zero evidence nonsense.

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OK. Let Gen Z stay home and get T. Rump elected. Then they will learn what real climate inaction (as well as real fascism) looks like. But it will be too late to do anything about it.

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I've read recently that big insurers are pulling out of Florida, causing a financial crisis of sorts. The state is trying to step in as the insurers of last resort, but with limited resources, so it is begging the biggies to stay. The next major hurricane will probably settle the issue.

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Hey Hoe? How tacky. Doubt you'll get much of that kind of adolescent crap on Blue Sky.

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Probably the reason that Twitter shut down Block Party is because it might reduce screen time, and, the more screen time, the more ads social media sells. Glad you're here.

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Are you sure they have good intentions?

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I, too, believe that we are well past the point of avoiding 1.5º. But I think there is a false dichotomy, that you are either a doomer or a denier. I consider myself a climate realist, evaluating current trajectories and and trying to create coping strategies.

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I'd help people, mostly through well-designed programs that do that work. Also, I'd contribute to publications and publishers that espouse sustainable solutions, and give scholarships for sustainable studies. I'd solarize my house, travel by train or ship, etc.

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Read "The Ministry of the Future," by Kim Stanley Robinson. He addressed heat waves in India head on.

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Thanks. Snagged it and looking forward to reading it and sharing it with a few friends who are interested in such things. I have read that some of the earliest civilizations, Sumerian, etc., might have been founded by migrants from the Sahara region, which was once verdant before desertification.

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It's both. Overcomsumption is the main driver. But even if everyone lived a "sustainable' lifestyle, just meeting their need for housing, food, etc., some luxuries such as education & travel & science/medical research, goods such as musical instruments, there are still too many people.

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Yes! We are in the early stages of a full-blown environmental crisis, with climate change just one aspect and one driver of same. Fundamentally, overpopulation and excessive consumption, with their associated resource depletion and pollution (including atmospheric pollution) are the problem.

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Do we really want to bother to converse with people who think we live in a computer simulation?

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Yes. And by the time a month passes, the climate picture has changed — for the worse. I write a 600 word newspaper column on climate issues every other week. It's never enough space for more than a bare outline of the current issues.

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Thanks. We don't need coal or nuclear. Think of it this way. If there is an accident at a nuclear plant there is a huge mess to clean up for decades. If a solar field is hit by a tornado, there is some broken glass to clean up. Also, solar thermal takes up far less space than photovoltaic.

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Yes. They have that in a big field at Oregon State University, which is an ag school as well having one of the best climate departments on he planet. The sheep wander happily around the solar panels, using them for shade when it gets too hot.

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Climate realism stands between "defeatism," or "doomerism" as Mann calls it, and denial. We don't have to cry, "All Is Lost!" to acknowledge that a lot will be lost, and we'd best prepare for the damage we've already baked in.

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Great. Just what we need. More radioactive stuff floating around the planet. Well, "follow the money," I guess.

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30,000 acres? Are you sure. Any references or calcs?

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OY! Is there no end to the nonsense perpetrated by these radioactive technocrats?

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Well, the whole planet is unstable, so you fit right in. Thanks for your like on my Michael Mann post.

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Thanks for your response. I don't think humans can get by, socially or individually, without a "spiritual" side. What I would like to see develop is a democratic spiritualism that is earth centered, not other-worldly. Goddess stuff, but shared, not top down. I will try to attend your webinar. -PSW

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Religion preceded democracy and will supersede it. The two are inherently incompatible. Think Evangelists; ISIS; Zionism; Myanmar (Buddhist inspired genocide) — even the NAZIs considered themselves "Christians." Unfortunately, religious teachings inevitably devolve into a rationale for tribalism.

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M.E.M. Love you. My newspaper article about you even appeared on you web site. But there is a space between doom and denial, I call it "climate realism," that acknowledges the deep trouble we are already in. People and the planet are in for a "Great Distruption," already begun. Please read more at:

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Thank you very much. It turns out my post did appear on GreenSky - I just didn't know how to look for it. I will definitely visit the beginner's guide you linked — ASAP. Thanks again.

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Thanks. BTW: I'm really, really new to Bluesky and all social media. Do you happen to know how I can post on a particular feed, for example "GreenSky"? The monitor put me on there, but I can't figure out how to post there. Would love any help. Thanks.

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I see a lot of posts about the supply side of the energy equation. More renewables. But what about the demand side — negawatts. Is is possible for us to adjust our schedules to use less energy at work and school? Nothing is cheaper and more effective than insulating existing building. Etc.

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Trump didn't invent these things. He just discovered that they were popular with a certain set of people so enacted them. Similar problems, such as China undermining our development of green technology have similar solutions: tariffs. Good idea? We need green stuff, but we also need jobs here. ??

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No nonsense, please. This is a different form of social media. Have you tried "X" ?

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Their proponents have always resorted to misinformation campaigns and lobbyists. Recently, as it is becoming obvious even to them that they are going the way of the extinct dinosaurs they extract, they are simply changing their message, not their methods, which they are intensifying.

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Thanks. People need to know this, especially the Republicans who are grandstanding on the "anti-semitism" issue. (Like they care.)

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Hmm. Are you referring to Kennedy's brain worm? He opposed wind farms off Nantucket, you know. (Some environmentalist.)

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From the Wikipedia article on the slogan "From the River to the Sea": According to American historian Robin D. G. Kelley, the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel."[19]

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Thank you. I've been away on vacation, but now that I'm back I'll start to post. I'm a "student" of climate change and related issues, so I think I'll be able to contribute. Thanks again. -PSW

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Hi Ketan. I just wrote the following post with my GreenSky feed open, hoping it would show up there. But it seems only to be on my home page. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks. Post: There is a lot of "doomerism" bashing, with very little nuance. Realism — looking realistically at where we are…

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