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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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This is why one lives in my purse. At least I think it's still there...

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Any "political journalist" that doesn't know that the deadline for the DNC to officially nominate a candidate is actually August 7th (not the 19th) should sit down, shut their mouth, and probably start looking for a new career.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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This would need to happen at the virtual roll-call that the Democratic party needs to do before August 7th. The convention on the 19th is even more of a formality than usual this year.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I think a lot of people who like to talk about politics forget that Jan 6th happened AFTER the 2020 election. There were people who voted for trump because of the R after his name and then Jan 6th happened and they were like "wait, that's not what I was asking for"

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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That sounds like a dare or lost bet

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Mine stopped cooling the other day. I don't know much about AC, but I found a pipe on it that had bottle brush hanging from it. I poked the pipe with the brush a bit and it to cool again (at least for now). A technician is coming to give it a proper cleaning/ checkup next week.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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If they're going to switch, that needs to happen before August 7th, not the convention (unless they don't want to bother putting a dem candidate on the ballot in Ohio)

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Any "political journalist" that doesn't know that the deadline for the DNC to officially nominate a candidate is actually August 7th (not the 19th) should sit down, shut their mouth, and probably start looking for a new career.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Umm... As a left of dem in a red state, I vote in Republican primaries to attempt harm reduction. Please don't stop my mail. I generally don't like getting mail, but it would probably be bad if it stopped coming 😕

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Every single suggestion In the comments to this seems worse than Biden. A president is more than just the person on the debate stage. You should consider who the candidate would pick for their cabinet/advisors as well

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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🤣 I just retook the quiz. It asked the right question, but none of the 7-8 options were my answer, so I had to pick "other". Instead of knowing exactly which city, the map is like "IDK, could be anywhere but New England

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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My mom owns the book the quiz is based on, so I know my city gets a call-out for a local linguistic quirk in the book that is not included in the quiz.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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This picture needs a cw label. I was trying to forget about the plumbing issues discovered while replacing my water heater a couple days ago

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I appreciate your sacrifice and I'm looking forward to your posts about it 😁

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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... This makes me nervous for another reason

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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And the "divorces"

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Omg scissors! I'm pretty exclusively left-handed and learned to use righty ✂️ with my left hand. My parents bought me a pair of left-handed ✂️ for my birthday in 3rd grade. It was like "🤯Is this really what using ✂️ is supposed to feel like!" I still remember that even though it's been a couple decades

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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She also likes to guard me while I'm in the bathroom. I figured that was just a thing cats often do 🤷

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I'm glad you found a way to help her with her anxiety! My girl has anxiety issues from being abandoned by her previous human(s). I know she should probably eat more wet food, but she's so much more chill about me leaving the house because a machine will put food in her bowl whether I'm there or not.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I don't know about the data on injuries, but it's extremely annoying as a lefty to encounter something that was clearly designed by right-handed people and nobody ever noticed how difficult it was for a left-handed person to use

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Depending on where you got the headphones from, there's a good chance returns go straight in the garbage, so you might actually be doing the planet a favor by reselling them rather than returning them

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Do replies count as posts?

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I thought the whole oxygen countdown thing was gross because it seemed like most people were rooting for the worst possible options. I would much prefer a quick death to sitting around in a confined space with several strangers knowing you are going to die in a few days.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Or even if a fairly minor employee at one of your company's plants puts together a slideshow explaining that political attire is not acceptable in the workplace and listing maga hats as one of many examples. Yes even that is enough to bring Dear Leader's wrath down on your entire company.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Although noise pollution is also bad, so maybe ICEs should stay quieter, but then the chuds that insist on having loud trucks to try to show off how manly they are would just insist on buying worse engines, so... IDK 😮‍💨

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Yep! Those exist too. I'm fine with more efficient IC engines being sonicly enhanced... well electric would be better, and better public transit would be even better, but I won't let perfect be the enemy of good.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Most if not all electric cars play at least some fake engine noise, so pedestrians can hear them, but I'm sure it's a less vroomy vroom.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I assume this is now posted in a place of honor in your house.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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What is a libertarian-socialist? Those seem like contradictory terms

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Class action suits are supposed to make a lot of smaller cases enough to be worth pursuing, but they end up only being worth pursuing for the lawyers. This definitely needs to be fixed

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I know they had to bully at least one company out of their name to rebrand to "Meta". I'm sure that wasn't the majority of 50B, but... I guess add it to the pile of stupid things they spent $ on

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Alan Rickman started his film career in his 40s, so why shouldn't you start writing in your 40s

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Ah. Thanks for the clarification. The link seems to be currently overwhelmed (good job internet!), so I was unsure what kind of report they're looking for.

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Is there any risk of this accidentally bringing trouble for real people who really don't need it? Like, I wouldn't mind if ChatGPT accidentally monkey typewritered a transphobe, but it would suck to accidentally cause trouble for a trans person or other struggling minority

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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From what I've heard from my friend who is a public defender, parole hearings are even worse. Our justice system is so so fucked up

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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It makes sense as backup for the people singing Night, but it does make me think I should start looking for shrubbery

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Clearly whoever was singing this shares your pain. That's... John, dude, not cool

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I've never studied law and even I know that's multiple layers of upside down and backward. WTF! Please tell me there will be consequences for this judge

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Translation: You have an orange cat that came with the house. You lend him out to the farm nextdoor 😁

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Happy Nameday to Hennibal Lector! I hope Kevin's hands heal quickly

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Late update for anyone who might care. Kitty is home and back to normal other than 3 bald ankles

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Probably because these private equity folks make large campaign donations to our politicians

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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My girl also feuds with every other cat she meets, so this would go especially badly. I wish I could help 😞

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Well, it's not coal anymore...🤦

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Too bad my state is... actually I should check the current situation for my state. It's been a few years since I last looked. (I was thinking about getting an electric car for my next car and got a bit discouraged when I realized most of my state's grid was powered by coal)

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME A NEW FEAR!!! I only recently got a handle on my arachnophobia by researching spiders enough to be confident that that spider is not a recluse or black widow so I'm probably fine. Now I have to learn centipedes?!?

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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What? WHAT!?! I know they had to write the whole "House" show so Hugh Laurie never had to say the word cardiac, but seriously, the British need to get a handle on their Rs

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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Text from Mom in response to request for update: Yes! All is looking good so far. Blood tests have been good all day. If this continues tonight then she can go home tomorrow afternoon 💕

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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I'm never buying flowers again

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Picklefish's avatar Picklefish @picklefish.bsky.social
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My mom knows a lot more about flowers than me. I figured, if I missed something, she'd remove it before bringing the flowers into the house. One of the buds that hadn't opened yet was a lily. Mom saw it, but just trusted that her cat would leave it alone. Kitty is at the vet hospital now.

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