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They’re already moving on to the “cover up” stage of this “scandal.” If Democrats had a single functioning testicle between them, every question about Biden’s fitness should be met with “your focus is on a bad debate while the other candidate is promising to jail and kill his political opponents.”

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There’s value to a subscription, but I just couldn’t get past the irredeemable awfulness of the political coverage. I want good media, and the Times does some things well, but they are as complicit in the degradation of our politics as Fox.

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Well, it was New York Times Editorial Board Madness too. Possibly the most unfair, reckless and catastrophic editorial in American history.

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Meaning no disrespect to Joe, but I just want to get him over the finish line. Lost in all this, and another damning indictment of the media, is that they have decided that Biden’s possible cognitive problems are far, far worse than Trump’s already-established ethical unfitness.

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A lot of other people disagree with you. Personally, I would like to think that Biden and his inner circle know he has to step down if he can’t campaign, and that they are making the decision to stay in because they are confident he can.

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How exactly I’d Biden supposed to show the debate was an aberration? Stand up and recite Remembrance of Things Past (in the original French) from memory for fifteen hours straight?

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He’s been the most successful president the domestic policy since LBJ. But do keep going off, my dude.

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I don’t believe he “believes” any of this. It’s the justification for a power grab, pure and simple.

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Huh. Biden’s support has dropped ever since every major media outlet in America decided to run nothing but stories declaring him unfit for the presidency and screaming at him to drop out of the race? Weird.

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Hillary told you Roe was on the ballot in 2016.

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Because the mainstream media isn’t talking about it. At all.

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Owning normie Dems.

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Mass hysteria.

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Weird how nobody thought that until Thursday, and now it’s risen to the level of a mathematical certainty.

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I’m concerned with which path is the most likely to get us to victory in November. And I think Biden avoiding any more missteps is the best way to that. The media will tear Democrats and the new nominee apart for the next four months, and barely mention the threat Trump poses at all.

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I think I’ll just go back to telling you to eat shit.

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Now you tell us.

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Every question about Biden should be turned back to Trump, who is under any rational analysis a hundred times more unfit for the presidency than Biden.

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I’m certain he should unless he and his inner circle know that there will be more Thursday nights during the campaign. But there is no perfect replacement, and the Democrats bowing to the whims of the New York Times makes me absolutely livid.

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I don’t have anything against Harris, but I am I the only that remembers she was a pathetic joke in the primaries? Has she done anything since that makes her a much more compelling candidate?

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No. But lashing out at those smugly confident of the correct path forward does.

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Sorry, but the absolute glee with which this feeding frenzy has been conducted puts the lie to your statement. As does the fact that you somehow find a growing certainty that the American Experiment will end in four months less interesting than the fact that an old man is old.

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Eat shit, clown.

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Shouldn’t be that hard, should it?

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So fucking disappointing. Can you maybe just NOT write the same damn thing that everyone else is writing right now?

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Hillary lost because of, respectively, the media, James Comey, Wikileaks and the BernieBros. Just because you reluctantly pulled the lever for her after shitting on her for nine months doesn’t change what happened.

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Oh, fuck off. You helped bring us Trump in the first place.

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OK, Trumptard.

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I never said half of the America electorate was sane. But we still need to keep making the case to at least try to pluck the persuadables out of the baskets of deplorables.

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Nobody is saying he did NOT have a bad debate performance.

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And that is as up to us and the Democratic Party as it is to Biden.

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Nobody is saying he had a bad debate performance. But if the behavior he displayed was routine, we would have heard about it ling before the debate. But, you’re not really arguing in good faith here. I looked at your timeline.

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The presidency is about more than debating.

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I don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about. And I don’t think you do either

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What I see in front of my face is hysteria. The problems with Biden appear almost entirely aesthetic. No stories of significant missteps in dealing with policy questions or world leaders, only anecdotes about brief memory lapses or verbal fumbles. Still way less demented than his opponent.

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He would have to be far worse than he appears to be for any sane person to consider Trump a better option.

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Dem-hating “progressive” or straight-up Republican? So hard to tell most of the time.

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Or, he could crush his next few public appearances and make you all look like hysterical fools.

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Eric Levitz has always sucked ass. I’m Ridin’ with Biden just to piss these assholes off.

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“under dem leadership” Fuck off. Republicans have agency too.

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As the Grateful Dead said, if you plant ice, you’re gonna harvest wind.

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So, maybe lay off the anti-Biden jihad for a while? I’m sure he’ll mix somebody’s name up in a couple of days and you can go back to pretending that Donald Trump isn’t going to end American democracy.

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Yes, but then he died. Sad.

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“public persona.” Do you think he’s just pretending to be a Nazi for shits and giggles?

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Once the narrative is established, all facts are subsumed within it. Trump’s being unable to stay awake during a trial is actually an expression of his dominance over the proceedings. Or, his base is still with him, so him acting like a wino on a park bench is not worth reporting on.

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I think in like paragraph 20 they list evidence of Trump’s age, including a reference to “people saying” he “might” have dozed off in court.

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They think we’re too stupid to know that this is exactly what would happen. Meanwhile, I would be much more amenable to Joe stepping down if I thought the Establishment Media would treat the the decision and subsequent developments as anything other than “Dems In Disarray” on steroids

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It’s what they do.

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Sounds like Trump has finally found his Roy Cohn. Six of them, to be exact.

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More normalization of the fascist, combined with over-the-top, baseless speculation about the fitness of his opponent. It’s no longer a question of whether you want Donald Trump back in the White House, but a question of why.

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