Ar-Kay 's avatar


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Description of Me? Hmm ... How 'bout this? "Medically Retired - Epilepsy, TBI, MDD & PTSD - Sarcasm & Cynicism Free of Charge" ... TMI? Hold on ... <checking> ... yeah ... IDGAF ... thnx ...

Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Nope ... All is Well ... We're Living the Dream 😐

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Partially Correct ... by my Own Choice, I have a Gun - but No Bullets 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Hi! Admittedly, whatever remains of My Brain did get Bounced Around - resulting in a TBI - nevertheless, my +/- 17 remaining Neurons still (kinda) work. A quick Thought: Immunity and Authority ain't the same thing. One of the 1st orders of Command is "Never give an Order that won't be Obeyed" 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... yeah, I know - another "Re-Post". Pls understand that I don't Believe that I'm Particularly Wise ... or even "Quote-Worthy" - I DO Believe that $h!t's gone Totally Sideways ... and it's gonna get Worse ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... to put it Simply: We can Choose to Be Represented ... or Ruled. It's become a Binary Choice - Voting is an Extremely Important Civic Duty.

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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On the Off Chance that anyone's Interested in what "Project 2025" plans for the United States, look it up online. While it's a (900) page PDF, it's also Searchable - look up Specific Terms (like DEI) and read Exactly what's Stated ... the "Plan" isn't Coming - it's Here, Right Now ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... Happy Monday!! Here's a Snapshot of Policy Approval for both Candidates - They Themselves weren't Named; a Policy was Indentified and the respondendents were Simply Asked "Approve" or "Disapprove" ... it's worth (5) minutes of Your Time ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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The Code of Hammurabi was actually a Primary Influence for our Constitution … People kinda missed that part …

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... as in, Biden's Campaign needs to use Every $hitty Sound Bite, Every piece of Objective Data, Every Photo and Every Single Available Scrap of Negative Info they can Gather against Trump and Every Republican ... and buy Ads in Print, Advertising & Television ... and Go Non-Stop until November ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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I'm listening to Julie Mason's analysis of the Debate on Ch 124 (Sirius) - I HIGHLY recommend listening to Her Show. Here's my (broader) Commentary/Analysis of the Debate: Team Biden needs to IMMEDIATELY take off the Gloves and go Scorched Earth after Trump ... 1/

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... well, let's go with "Prolonged" for Now ... I Truly Appreciate your Support in my Time of Need - however, my Stubborn & Unyielding resistance against the $h!tshow that is our Current Reality may "Do Me In" at Some Point ... Danger + Survival = Fun ... y'know?

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Thank you so much for convincing Me to follow the Audio & avoid the Video - the Pain of the Sound was Soothed by Bourbon ... the Visual would've required Serious Application of Deadly Pharmaceuticals 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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"Appeal to Emotion" is the Logical Fallacy used by Trump ... it's Scary that He's so Talented at It ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... (amateur Observation) ... Biden got off to a Weak Start, However: He's gaining Momentum - and between Taking the Bait & being Himself - Trump is revealing his True & Honest Self, which Ain't a Good Plan ... just my Opinion, I could be Wrong 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Ok, Julie - I honored your Request. I’m awaiting Your Expert Analysis & Commentary on the Debate 😎 (plus, I’m certain that I’ll enjoy Your Coverage INFINITELY More than the Other Options)

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... Nevermind Me ... I'm where I usually am (a Cleveland Clinic Waiting Area) - experimenting with Re-Posting Myself 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Listening to The News today, I was reminded of a quote: "If They can get You asking the Wrong Questions, They don't have have to Worry about Answers" - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... still a Busy Day for Me - but, this is worth a Re-Post: the MAGA Plan is Here, in Plain Sight. It's not a Theory, a Hoax, a Conspiracy or a Psy-Op - it's Very, Very, F$ck!ng Real. I strongly recommend checking out the Free & Searchable .PDF ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Re: Moreno - (I'm a Life-Long Clevelander, BTW) - he's for the "Little Guy"? the "Middle Class"? Cool! I'm sure He's sold MANY Mercedes, Porsches, Lotus's & Acuras to the "Common Man" ... the Money he made from his Blockchain business is Stuff We can all Relate to ...😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... Yes - I'm admittedly in a State of Relaxation from Adult Beverages - nevertheless: the "10 Commandments Shall be Displayed in All Schools" performative Bull$hit in Louisiana would be HILARIOUS if Applied to the "Legislative Adults" for a little While ... y'know? 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... the "Family" I'm referring to are my Cats - all (3) were Rescues, All of them are Black, all of Them have Distinct Personalities ... and They all missed Me, as I've missed Them. Friends assisted with Feeding, etc ... I briefly Appeared on Occasion ... now, I'm actually Here ... 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Well, for the First Time in Weeks, I'm Home ... check previous Posts for an Explanation. After unloading my Travel Supplies, pouring a Stiff Drink, lighting a Cigarette and Collapsing ... my "Family" gathered 'round - with a Strong "WTF have You Been?" Vibe ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... to put it Simply: We can Choose to Be Represented ... or Ruled. It's become a Binary Choice - Voting is an Extremely Important Civic Duty.

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... still a Busy Day for Me - but, this is worth a Re-Post: the MAGA Plan is Here, in Plain Sight. It's not a Theory, a Hoax, a Conspiracy or a Psy-Op - it's Very, Very, F$ck!ng Real. I strongly recommend checking out the Free & Searchable .PDF ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... Tomorrow. Then, after their Transfer to a Rehab Facility, I'll regain some Vestiges of Free Time. My Plan begins with a Stiff Adult Beverage (or 10), a Fire in my Backyard Pit ... and totally letting go for a while. I've been Lurking & Learning out Here for a Long Time ... I'm ready ... 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Well, that didn't age well ... to recap, (19) days ago I committed to start Posting out here - that didn't happen. TBH, my time has been spent 24/7 at the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, supporting a Family Member for a Long Time - my escape to Shower & change Clothes were all I had - untill ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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On the Off Chance that anyone's Interested in what "Project 2025" plans for the United States, look it up online. While it's a (900) page PDF, it's also Searchable - look up Specific Terms (like DEI) and read Exactly what's Stated ... the "Plan" isn't Coming - it's Here, Right Now ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... We have (had?) a Choice: be Represented or Ruled. A $h!t Ton of People followed their (emotions?) and got WILLINGLY Mislead ... my Hope that We could Change/Recover from that began Fading years ago ... there haven't been any Lessons Learned & the Clock is Ticking ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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I'm always Happy to Help 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Re: Birth Order - as the Oldest, I did a Service to my Sisters & Brother - growing up in the '70s, I not only got into all the Shenanigans humanly possible - I Created some New Ones - anything They did after that was "Cute", "Nothing Major" or didn't Surprise our Parents 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Brilliant!! I got the Reference, BTW 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... and it's Raining, too ... not Unusual. I've lived Here my Entire Life and this is a Hard Truth: if You don't like the Weather in Cleveland, give it (5) Minutes - it'll Change 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... not in Cleveland - not yet, Anyway 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Oh, We're quite Bad at Exiting. The Best Current Example is Netanyahu: He was Specifically Warned, but He's doing what We FAILED at in Korea, Vietnam & Afghanistan (and Several Other Places) ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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The Reality? When the U.S. enters a Conflict, (2) things occur almost Simultaneously: Control or Destruction of opposing Air Power ... and gain the Trust & Support of the Civilians that are on the Ground. That's not "Woke" - that's Basic Warfare 101 ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... hmmm ... they skipped the impact that Tuberville's Bull$hit had on Readiness ... interesting ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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The Political ads have Written Themselves, Julie ... Trump is Unable (Unwilling?) to Shut Up ... as are most other MAGATS ... there's literally HOURS of Interviews & Audio to be Used ... if the Democrats don't avail Themselves of That ... They'll Deserve the Results ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... (2) Tablespoons Coffee/6oz Water is the Recipe that I Follow - occasionally Stronger than That ... if your Coffee wouldn't show up in a random Drug Test, it's not Strong Enough 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... which brings us back to the Present. I found out about BlueSky by listening to Julie Mason on Sirius. Call it a "Cheap Plug" or whatever you like: She's Great, Her show is Fantastic ... She brought up BlueSky as an Alternative (and implied F$ck You to Musk) enough times for Me to try it ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... as far as Facebook, I'm on a Sabbatical - maybe I'll explain that later ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... as an aside: "Threads" ain't Bad ... regarding Twitter/X - I've only remained there because "S8tan" still Posts there - and their Memes are Fantastic. I've never Posted on Either of Them ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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What got my Attention? I tried to install Bluesky on my 'lapper (for convenience) ... it was then that I Discovered that it's only Available on Android & IOS ... (yes, it's on my iPad - I want what I want ...) it's also defined as a Platform for "Microblogging" ... down the Rabbit Hole I went ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... Hi again ... ok ... (18) days ago, I said I'd try Posting here - obviously, I haven't fulfilled that Commitment. I'll make Good on It Now ... where do I begin ... hmmm ... Here goes Nuthin' ...

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... hee hee hee ... and here I thought that "Yoga Pants" & "Keystone Light" might've Crossed the Line ... my (normally) Acerbic Wit has Failed Me 😭

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Your description of your Holiday Firmly Cements you as a "Woman of the People", Julie. I pictured some Embellishments: Yoga Pants, Jason Aldean (at High Volume), Keystone Light ... and Your Poor Dog eating an Incinerated Burger that Bounced Off the Grill ... 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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Uncle Tupelo split up - Son Volt and Wilco were the (2) bands that resulted 😎

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Ar-Kay 's avatar Ar-Kay
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... it's strictly Posturing. "The American Service-Members' Protection Act of 2002" essentially applies only to U.S. Officials, Military, etc - We can't actually Control the Hague ... They Certainly can't Control us, either. As far as Israel "acknowledging" the Hague, etc - I wish Netanyahu luck 😎

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