Rob Majteles's avatar

Rob Majteles

64 followers 53 following 832 posts

Q: Are you making money or saving the planet? A: Yes. Entrepreneur. Investor. Board Member. Fund Advisor. CEO three times, twice successfully. Cancer survivor.

Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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‘Chemical recycling’: 15-minute reaction turns old clothes into useful molecules

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Impact weight all of your risk models. All of them. Do it now.

“investor losses are underestimated up to 70% when neglecting asset-level information [about climate physical risk], and up to 82% when neglecting tail acute risks”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“Don't get fooled again, no, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss”~The Who

“The first offset credits approved by a major integrity program don’t make the grade” ⁦‪

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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The main lesson, and it’s a good one: in carbon removal, MRV is, was, and will remain the core product. The approach, the tech, all of it, is in service of MRV. It’s easy to get this wrong.

“What Running Tide's demise means for carbon removal's future”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“For several years, Mussolini and his allies worked more or less within the confines of the Italian constitution to accrue power, eroding democratic institutions until the moment came for them to be done away with entirely.”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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A market failure we’ve created by contorting ourselves into accepting private gains/public losses as vital to capitalism. They are not.

“Even a free-market fanatic cannot deny that environmental externalities are a form of market failure”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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dangerous, dangerous times …

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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We’re in the ‘Hillary’s emails’ part of this presidential election cycle in America. Yes, Biden is old and doddering. But, the other guy is old…and a f*cked up dangerous psycopath. Why does ‘doddering’, or ‘Hilary’s emails’, get more breathless news coverage than f*cked up dangerous psycopath?

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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French and English elections make me wonder, hope, there isn’t as much of a market for facist morons as the media likes to tell us there is? Also hoping there is not much of a market for left wing morons…leaving us, together, in the middle eager for simple and moral competence.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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We already ‘price’ carbon in the costs we all pay for climate damage, escalating every day. What’s missing is allocating those costs to carbon producers vs allowing them to be dumped on everyone else. The US/China rivalry a helpful spur to get there?

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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A terrifying, awful time in America: domestic terrorists, empowered by a major political party, enabled by media that plays along and refuses to attack these threats, coddled by all of us who allow friends, family, and neighbors to support these maniacs.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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For several years, Mussolini and his allies worked more or less within the confines of the Italian constitution to accrue power, eroding democratic institutions until the moment came for them to be done away with entirely.”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Reminds me of the great story Jeremy Grantham tells about what it was like for him at the very cusp of the frenzy/fiasco~I recall that story this way: long time client yells at Grantham ‘don’t give me any more of that reversion to the mean nonsense’

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“This is not a tomorrow problem. This is happening right now in every economy, including the world’s biggest~disasters on a scale that used to be the stuff of science fiction are becoming meteorological facts, and the climate crisis is the chief culprit.”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”~Francis of Assisi

California Is Showing How a Big State Can Power Itself Without Fossil Fuels ⁦‪

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Excellent‬⁩ “Carbon Removal’s Existential Question”

The only answer to this question will come from the integrity of the effort and its participants~a severe challenge ae integrity is in short supply in general, valued by very few.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“For several years, Mussolini and his allies worked more or less within the confines of the Italian constitution to accrue power, eroding democratic institutions until the moment came for them to be done away with entirely.“

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“For several years, Benito Mussolini and his allies worked more or less within the confines of the Italian constitution to accrue power, eroding democratic institutions until the moment came for them to be done away with entirely.”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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We all need to get better at understanding, understanding well enough to be driven by, the present value, in all dimensions of value, of all climate and sustainability impact made now vs … not now.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better~Albert Einstein

“I was surprised to see abandoned oil refineries and factories with trees, plants, and mushrooms growing. I mean, they’ve found fungi growing in Chernobyl…”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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My wife and I have just moved back to NYC, where all our kids now live, after ~30 great years in Oakland, CA. The New Yorker sorta nails our fam story right now with this one 😉

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Last night, beyond age, Biden was shocked into a stupor: when a civil society, and its leaders, are faced with the brutal threat of ignorance, insanity, and anti-democratic cults, too much time is spent in a shocked stupor and too little time fighting back, punching back hard.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Doddering old guy or psycopath old guy? Go with doddering, the psycopath, and his cult, will get you killed. Doddering? We can all dig in and work with that, together — if, that is, the future of American democracy matters to you.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Fix headline to ‘Business bridles at paying its own costs of green transition after decades of dumping those costs on everyone else’.

Poor dears: capitalism is going to force them to pay their own costs.

“Business bridles at cost of green transition”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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For the same reasons Henry Ford enthusiastically backed the Nazis in the 1930s, and with the same bullsh*t lying excuses to ‘explain’ it.

“A business leader on why he’s backing Donald Trump”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Impact weight all of your risk and business models. All of them.

“Denmark to charge farmers €100 a cow in first carbon tax on agriculture” ⁦

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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The physical science of climate change has been clear, expert, and ignored for decades, disasterously. The behavioral science needs to accelerate rapidly.

“Realizing the full potential of behavioural science for climate change mitigation”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Excellent:‬⁩ “How Management Can Most Effectively Utilize Boards”

My 4 rules for board members: (1) focus on impact (2) be a force multiplier, or step aside for someone who will (3) nose in/hands off (4) lead by learning.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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After ~30 wonderful years living in Oakland, CA, my wife and I are moving, returning, to NYC (where all our kids now live). It’s exciting to ‘re-pot’ yourself in these ways. If any of you want to talk impact entrepreneurship and investing, coffee anwhere you like in NYC is on me.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Lukasz is one of the very few investors focused on impact who can expertly blend the purpose and meaning of it all with the math and quantification skills required to deliver actual impact. This is an excellent book.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“Now is the time for more [climate] ambition, not less: Poorly implemented half measures are…worsening the same geopolitical tensions and economic fragmentation that make leaders wary of stronger climate action”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Without an impact framing roadmap that demands action, vs talk, you end up, at best, with mindless innovation theater.

“the way in which innovation executives think about innovation as a corporate strategic asset is frightening” ⁦‪

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Excellent, sobering and real, and ultimately optimistic (if you embrace the real) on Running Tide, carbon removal, and climate tech “Born to die”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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The gong has been struck.

“Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective…until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong - these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history”~Winston Churchill

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“At a recent address to investors [with slowing/failing climate commitments], the former BP chief executive Lord John Browne urged them to consider Aesop’s fable of the rider who stops feeding his horse in peacetime, only to find it lame when war comes”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“The point of seeing existential threats is not to face a doomsday future but to avert one.” ⁦‪

Avoiding a 'Ghastly Future': Hard Truths on the State of the Planet

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Well-written. But, this ‘dilemma’ is yet another Wall Street self-created ‘dilemma’: pretend risks aren’t real, blame others when risks hit, cry for bailouts.

‬⁩”Dilemma on Wall Street: Short-Term Gain or Climate Benefit?”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Imagine the even greater impact COVID-19 vaccinations would’ve had, the savings of life and reduced pain, suffering, and costs, if we hadn’t spent so much time coddling anti-vax/anti-science idiots. Fight idiots, don’t nurture them. Ignorance is not an alternative point of view.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Inspiring: “The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Move fast and … lie about things

“Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine” ⁦

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“You have a constitutional right to fight for life-sustaining climate policy”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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We’ll see, and soon, now, if humans have these same adaptive skills.

“Macaques, reeling from a hurricane, learned by necessity to get along, a study found~one of the first to suggest that animals can adapt to environmental upheaval with social changes”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Why do ceo’s support DEI? Because they like winning. The rest is crazed, awful noise.

“[DEI makes]us a more inclusive company and lead to more innovation, smarter decisions and better financial results for us and for the economy overall”~Jamie Dimon

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Why? For the same reasons Henry Ford supported the Nazis

“Why billionaires support Trump”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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The only answer to the question ‘are you making money or are you saving the planet?’ is ‘yes’. Every other answer is denial, lies, ignorance, and an addiction to socializing costs while privatizing gains — and, whatever that is, it isn’t capitalism.

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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“Climate change is affecting every company. Climate risk is investing risk…It is [investor’s] fiduciary duty to act on this.”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Frontier purchase, based on biomass sourcing principles “to enable a carbon removal retrofit on a biomass-based district heating facility…exact volume/price per ton, will be announced pending the outcome of a competitive reverse auction…”

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Good ESG discussion

My view (1) ESG is a basket of risk analytics, unpack E, S, and G (2) risk analytics, any and all, are necessary, not sufficient (3) focus on impact built on, but beyond, risk analytics

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Rob Majteles's avatar Rob Majteles
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Impact weight all of your risk and business models. All of them. Do it now. Now.

“Dozens of Groups Push FEMA to Recognize Extreme Heat as a ‘Major Disaster’”

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